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제주 전통민가의 자연친화적 요소에 관한 연구

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A study on environmentally-friendly aspects of Jeju's traditional houses
Modern society is filled with the pursuit of material wealth and great convenience due to high technology that has been introduced to all facets of society. There is no exception to this in the field of construction. Modern construction, however, has caused environmental destruction and pollution, disturbing the coexistence of humans and nature. Therefore, this thesis aims to explore how humans and nature can maintain a mutually beneficial relationship by looking into the construction of Jeju's traditional dwelling house.
Located in the path of typhoons, Jeju Island has been more affected by winds than any region on the mainland. This thesis examines the geographical features of Jeju and looks into how Jeju people have adapted themselves to nature. It is assumed that geographical features have created Jeju's unique environment and style of architecture and differentiated Jeju's traditional houses from those of other regions. Also, it is considered that geographical features had a large impact on traditional construction such as the floor plan and the layout of buildings. Accordingly, this thesis explores the way traditional houses protected house dwellers from the natural environment and examines the wisdom of our ancestors who took advantage of the natural environment. In addition, this thesis aims to contribute to creating Jeju's unique construction culture and environment by studying materials, structures, and forms that were applied to the traditional houses of Jeju.
Even though Jeju has unique culture and geographical features, there are few buildings that represent Jeju. Only a handful of traditional buildings remain as cultural assets as a result of the rapid industrialization and the excessive development that ignored the conservation of traditional buildings.
Modern society has produced new building materials and cutting-edge technologies thanks to the advancements of science and technology. Modern building materials, however, have had a negative impact on humans, causing environmental side effects. Therefore, this thesis examines the building materials that were used for Jeju's traditional houses in order to study the environmentally-friendly aspects of those materials. This thesis aims to contribute to establishing a construction culture and environment that reflect Jeju's unique features, thus differentiating Jeju from other regions.
Issued Date
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2012. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Chang-hee
산업대학원 건설환경공학과
Table Of Contents
Abstract ⅶ

Ⅰ. 서 론
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적 1
2. 연구의 범위 및 방법 3
3. 연구의 과정 4

Ⅱ. 이론적 고찰
1. 전통주거건축의 특성 고찰 5
1) 전통주거건축에 대한 고찰 5
2) 전통주거마을의 형성배경 5
3) 전통주거의 특성 6
4) 전통가옥의 종류 8
(1) 형태에 의한 분류 8
(2) 지역에 의한 분류 10
(3) 재료에 의한 분류 11
5) 전통한옥의 자연에 대한 순응 13
(1) 지형에 따른 순응 13
(2) 지역에 따른 순응 14
(3) 기후에 따른 순응 15
2. 전통한옥에 나타난 재료의 자연친화성 15
1) 자연에 대한 물질적 순응 15
2) 자연과 한옥재료의 결합 16
3) 전통건축 재료의 순환체계 17
3. 전통건축에 나타난 자연재료의 특성 18
1) 흙 19
2) 목재 23
3) 석재 25
4) 볏짚(새) 28
4. 제주 전통민가의 자연친화적 요소고찰 29
1)제주도의 자연환경 29
2) 제주의 민가 32
(1) 배치 32
(2) 건축적 특징 33
(3) 건축구법과 재료 34
(4) 제주민가의 외부공간 35
(5) 제주민가의 내부공간 37

Ⅲ. 사례선정 기준 및 조사
1. 사례조사 방법 및 범위와 내용 42
1) 사례대상 선정 및 조사 45
2) 자연친화적 요소도출 46
3) 분석항목 및 분석틀 설정 47
2. 사례 조사분석 49
1) 성읍 조일훈가옥 49
2) 성읍 고평오가옥 57
3) 성읍 이영숙가옥 65
4) 성읍 한봉일가옥 73
5) 성읍 고상은가옥 80

Ⅳ. 사례 비교분석
1. 배치 및 평면분석 87
2. 구법 및 형태분석 90
3. 재료분석 96

Ⅴ 결론 100

□ 참고 문헌 104
제주대학교 산업대학원
이창희. (2012). 제주 전통민가의 자연친화적 요소에 관한 연구
Appears in Collections:
Graduate School of Industry > Environmental Engineering
공개 및 라이선스
  • 공개 구분공개
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