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한라봉에 대한 차응애의 기주 적합성 평가

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Evaluation of the suitability for 'Shiranuhi' as a host plant of Tetranychus kanzawai (Acarina: Tetranychidae): Development, Life table and Preference test
This study was conducted to evaluate the fitness of Tetranychus kanzawai Kishida on different host plants: young and old leaves of the mandarin orange 'Shiranuhi' ((Citrus unshiu × C. sinensis) × C. reticulata), Japanese violet (Viola japonica Langsd.) and kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The development and oviposition experiments were conducted at constant temperatures (20, 25 and 30℃) and a life table parameters were estimated. T. kanzawai could complete it's development on 'Shiranuhi' young leaves, japanese violet and kidney bean, while all died during the immature period on 'Shiranuhi' old leaves. The total developmental period of T. kanzawai feeding on 'Shiranuhi' young leaves was 17.4, 13.4 and 10.2 days at each temperature, respectively, which was longer than 16.1, 9.5 and 7.0 days of kidney bean. The female longevity of T. kanzawai on young leaves of 'Shiranuhi' were 19.1, 15.0 and 12.3 days at each temperature, respectively, and there was no significant difference from 22.1, 14.1 and 10.9 days investigated from kidney bean. The fecundity was 18.1, 23.9 and 17.8 eggs per female on young of 'Shiranuhi', which was less than them of japanese violet and kidney bean at each temperature, respectively. As a result of estimating the life table parameters on such host plants based on the experimental data, intrinsic rate of increase (rm) were significantly different from each other, and appeared in the following order: kidney (0.1542, 0.2563 and 0.3251), japanese violet (0.1087, 0.2007 and 0.2673) and 'Shiranuhi' young leaves (0.0868, 0.1002 and 0.1217) at each temperature, respectively. As a result of the select test for each host plant, the average number of settled T. kanzawai followed; young leaves of 'Shiranuhi' : kidney(3.7 : 5.4), japanese violet : kidney(1.3 : 6.8) and young leaves of 'Shiranuhi' : japanese violet(6.5 : 2.2). The management strategy against T. kanzawai in citrus orchards was discussed based on these results.
Issued Date
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2021. 2
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제주대학교 대학원
대학원 농학과
Table Of Contents
I. 서론 1
II. 연구사 3
1. 차응애의 형태적 특성 3
2. 차응애의 생존전략 3
3. 차응애의 방제방법 연구 4
III. 재료 및 방법 5
1. 차응애 사육 및 기주식물 재배 5
1-1 차응애 채집 및 사육 5
1-2 기주식물 5
2. 발육 및 산란실험 6
2-1 발육실험 6
2-2 산란실험 7
2-3 기주 선호성 실험 7
3. 분석방법 8
3-1 발육기간, 산란수 및 성충 수명 8
3-2 생명표 통계량 8
3-3 기주 선호성 실험 9
IV. 결과
1. 발육기간 12
2. 수명 및 산란수 12
3. 생명표 통계량 13
4. 기주 선호성 13
V. 고찰 24
VI. 적요 32
Ⅶ. 인용문헌 33
제주대학교 대학원
현희정. (2021). 한라봉에 대한 차응애의 기주 적합성 평가
Appears in Collections:
General Graduate School > Agricultural Science
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