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골프 코스의 자산성과 감가상각에 대한 연구

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A Study on the Depreciation and the Nature of Asset in the Golf Course
The asset from the course account in a Golf club is a continuous and systematic operating asset and the asset being managed.
And the golf course asset is also continuing asset managed as a valuable asset more likely to lose a value if you do not have to be interested in management it constantly.
The golf course needs to prevent disease, lawn pests and weed management etc. as a banker plants can grow normally and to perform basic activities, if they do not perform as a golf course they can play golf as for normal a business Role does not.
Environment for the grass course grows underlying construction is underway, the cost of the asset injected into the cost of this course appropriate for the fact that, if the land is totally different from the nature of the asset can be categorized as being baseless.
Even though also once construction was over if it is not permanently renovation unnecessary but continuous and systematic asset management state of the best grass for golf play and grants for the full or partial management is required.
In order to achieve this, We need manpower, equipment management, seasonal course management.
The current course account asset is not a asset to depreciation account.
However, as shown above, of course continue to do its own facilities management and maintenance activities, which complement the construction through a continually changing reality, considering the changes could lead to correct the depreciation asset to be considered.
Therefore, courses are classified account to the assets without
depreciation to manage and adjust to the realities and should be improvement.
In addition, the golf course asset from being classified as the course of our accounts and assets acquired though this tax, the acquisition is classified as being won.
However, the purchase of the value-added tax though our spending is limited by the nature of our though the original intent of the value-added tax that can be slipped on.
The course account asset does not asset which land closer to the nature of assets without depreciation , but it needs to raise grass land use and ongoing management is required, and with time, depending on the value of asset and the reduction.
Therefore, the purchase of the value-added tax should be deducted.
Course account depreciation of assets, cash outflow through it involves a different account than the cost of improving the financial structure will be very large effect.
This gives company that pay corporate tax effect is to reduce the cash outflow, thus contributing to the improvement over the company's financial structure will be, at the golf course is relatively large amount of assets, considering that the golf course would improve the financial structure the effect will be a very big contribution.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2008. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Je-Dong
경영대학원 회계학과
Table Of Contents
제 I 장 서론 1
제1절 골프의 개요 1
제2절 문제제기 및 연구목적 5
1. 과세정책의 변화 5
2. 문제제기 및 연구목적 7

제 II 장 이론적 고찰 및 선행연구 검토 9
제1절 골프장의 자산에 대한 고찰 9
1. 자산의 정의 9
2. 골프장의 유형자산 10
제2절 감가상각에 대한 고찰 15
1. 감가상각의 본질 15
2. 감가상각의 기능 16
3. 감가상각의 결정요소 17
4. 감가상각의 방법 18
5. 감가상각의 내용연수 20
6. 감가상각비에 대한 조세법률 22
제3절 코스계정공사 부가가치세액 매입세액 불공제 24
1. 부가가치세의 개념 24
2. 토지관련 매입세액 불공제 25
3. 토지관련 부가가치세액의 문제점 29
4. 골프장의 조세제도의 변천 33

제 III 장 골프 코스의 특성 37
제1절 골프장 코스조성 37
1. 골프장 코스 구성요소 37
2. 골프장 코스공사관련 계정과목 현황 37
제2절 골프 코스의 관리 41
1. 코스의 잔디 41
2. 잔디의 관리 48
3. 코스관리 운영인력 61
4. 코스관리장비 63

제 IV 장 코스계정의 자산성과 감가상각 66
제1절 토지계정과 코스계정의 구분 66
제2절 코스계정의 감가상각의 문제점 67
1. 감가상각의 문제점 67
2. 코스계정자산의 내용연수 추정 71
3. 코스계정자산의 감가상각효과 75

제 V 장 결론 76


제주대학교 경영대학원
김제동. (2008). 골프 코스의 자산성과 감가상각에 대한 연구
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Graduate School of Business Administration > Accounting
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