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과세가격결정방법 사전심사제도(ACVA)에 관한 연구

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A Study on Advance Customs Valuation Arrangement : Focus on Import Transfer Pricing
Customs valuation and Transfer pricing system of Korea are stipulated based on international agreements as WTO Customs valuation and transfer pricing guidelines for multinational enterprises and Customs authority of OECD.

It is reflected to Customs and National tax laws to tax multinational enterprises of special relationship but it has problemed different ways to decided on market price for a single trade of multinaional enterprises.

In other words, Customs authority's idea which the market prcie is too low but National tax authority's idea is too high because of being contrary to each other which caused obligators of tax to confused situation.

In fact, Customs authority try to take more tax making the market price high but National tax authority intend to lower the market price for taking more tax.

Recent days, Decision of the assessed value is evaluated as double standard for a single trade which has increased disobedience cases and dissatisfactions of obligators of tax.

Solving the problems, National tax authority operate the APA system which is institutionalized in 1995 to has good results by the experience and revised stipulation.

On the other hands, Customs authority made the ACVA system in 2007 but the process of the ACVA system is unsatisfied.

If the ACVA system takes actual effectiveness, it will be attended with improvements of law and process.

Now Present the improvements of law and process as below ;

Firstly, The security of the effectiveness through feasibility study on foreign regulations.

Secondly, Clearly defind the range of special relationship on formal and actual requisite.

Thirdly, Make up for the advance consulting stipulation which can boost the ACVA system.

Fourthly, Harmonizes with an inland duty which take meditation or settling under a business year if approved market price is same as business structure, contract, ACVA also allow to apply retrospectively.

Fifthly, Set up and enforce the secrecy stipulation for the security of reliability including advance consulting.

Sixthly, Extend the experts who can help unfamiliar obligators of tax and need to regulate the right of obligators of tax.

Next, Present the improvements of system.

Firstly, Both ACVA and APA try to acknowledge agrement on a price within the "WTO Customs valuation" and "transfer pricing guidelines.

Secondly, Extend the coopreation for both authorities to improve the MOU which can share the knowledge, mutual exchang of opinions.

Thirdly, If try to advance evaluation on a single trade through the ACVA and APA at the same time, it will be win-win situation.

Fourthly, Install exclusive organization for the ACVA which needs the experts who can manage it as soon as possible.

Fifthly, Organize the public-private committee with experts of tax system in expending width of interested parties on transfer price.

Sixthly, Try to use the ACVA system which international trading companies apply by promoting aggressively.

WCO, OECD and developed countries over tax system try to avoid tax problems, secured the taxtation.

They have cognized evaluation discordiance about both sides, tried to solve the consensus respondence.

Customs authority and National tax authority also solve the problmes with regislation and both working-side talks because difference of WTO and OECD regulation systems.

They will perform cooperatation and effort for transfer pricing to united plan over international organizations.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2010. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Song, Jong-Hoon
제주대학교 경영대학원
경영대학원 무역학과
Table Of Contents
목 차

Ⅰ. 서 론 1

1. 연구의 목적 1
2. 연구의 범위와 방법 3

Ⅱ. 이전가격에 대한 과세당국의 평가방법 5

1. 이전가격과세제도의 개괄 5

1) 이전가격 개념 및 결정요인 5
2) 이전가격과세제도의 의의 7
3) 이전가격과세제도의 특징 8

2. 이전가격에 대한 관세당국의 관세평가제도 9

1) 관세평가제도의 목적 및 연혁 9
2) 관세평가제도상의 과세기준 13
3) 관세평가제도상의 과세방법 16

3. 이전가격에 대한 내국세당국의 이전가격 세제 20

1) 이전가격 세제의 목적 및 연혁 20
2) 이전가격 세제의 과세기준 24
3) 이전가격 세제의 과세방법 28

4. 외국 관세평가와 이전가격 세제 조화를 위한 정책적 시사점 35

1) 주요 국가의 관세평가와 이전가격세제의 운영 35
2) 최근 국제기구의 관세평가와 이전가격세제 조화가능성 논의 동향 41
3) 외국사례로 본 정책적 시사점 44

Ⅲ. 현행 APA제도와 ACVA제도 비교 분석 46

1. 정상가격산출방법 사전승인제도(APA) 46

1) 의의 46
2) 현황 47
3) APA 적용 절차 48
4) 국세청의 APA 담당조직 52

2. 과세가격결정방법 사전심사제도(ACVA) 53

1) 도입배경 54
2) 법적 근거 56
3) ACVA 적용 절차 56
4) 관세청의 ACVA 담당조직 61

3. APA제도와 ACVA제도의 비교 분석 62

1) 적용요건 비교 62
2) 평가방법 비교 63
3) 처리절차 비교 65

Ⅳ. 과세가격결정방법 사전심사제도(ACVA) 개선 방안 68

1. 현황 및 문제점 68

2. 법규·절차상 개선 방안 70

1) 외국규정 도입 등 국내법 법제화 70
2) 특수관계자 범위 명확화 71
3) 사전상담 규정 보완 71
4) 사전심사 소급적용 72
5) 비밀유지 의무 강화 73
6) 전문가 조력 확대 73

3. 제도상 개선 방안 74

1) ACVA 및 APA 합의가격 상호인정 74
2) 조세당국간 협력체제 확대 75
3) 공동조사 실시 75
4) 전담부서 설치 및 전문가 양성 76
5) 민관협의회 구성 77
6) ACVA의 적극적인 홍보 78

Ⅴ. 결론 및 한계 79

참고문헌 82
영문초록 85
제주대학교 경영대학원
송종훈. (2010). 과세가격결정방법 사전심사제도(ACVA)에 관한 연구
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Graduate School of Business Administration > International Trade
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