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과학고등학교 과학영재 선발방법 분석

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Selection Methods of Genius Students
본 연구는 전국에 있는 과학고등학교의 전형방법을 비교, 분석하여 현 과학고등학교의 선발제도의 특징과 문제점을 파악하였다. 더 나아가 연구를 통해 창의적이고 사고의 개방성과 융통성이 높다고 정의되는 과학영재를 선발하는데 현재의 과학고등학교 선발제도가 그러한 취지를 담아내고 있는지, 또 선발제도를 통해 선발된 학생들을 제대로 육성할 수 있는지에 대한 문제를 제기하였다.
전형방법은 크게 특별전형과 일반전형으로 나누며 지원 자격으로 올림피아드 및 각종 대회 수상실적과 내신 성적을 중심으로 우수한 학생을 선발한다. 전도대회 이상에서 수상한 실적이 있어야 하고 내신 성적도 평균 10% 이내여야 지원 가능하다. 일반전형의 경우 영재교육원 수료자에게 가산점을 제시하여 대회 수상실적이 없는 경우에도 지원 할 수 있다.
특별전형은 수상실적과 내신 성적으로 학생을 선발하기 때문에 이 두 가지를 환산한 점수의 총합으로 고득점자를 선발한다. 일반전형은 3~4단계의 전형을 거치며 학교마다 조금씩 차이는 있지만 1단계에서 서류전형을 통한 내신 성적과 수상실적 등의 가산점의 합산으로 우선순위를 정한 뒤, 다음 단계에서 창의력과 탐구력, 문제해결력 등을 파악하는 검사나 면접을 실시한다. 이러한 전형방법들이 과학영재를 선발함에 있어 타당한 방법인가에 대한 문제점이 제기되면서 선발제도가 개선되어야 한다는 의견에 따라 현재 대두되고 있는 입학사정관제의 도입에 관한 논의가 활발히 이루어지고 있다. 입학사정관제도를 도입할 때 장점은 내신과 수상실적만을 놓고 선발하던 현재의 점수위주의 선발제도에서 벗어나 사교육에 의한 선행학습을 지양하고 잠재능력이 있고 창의적인 과학영재를 선발할 수 있다는 점이다. 반면, 입학사정관제의 도입여건이 확보되지 않은 현 시점에서 도입하면서 공정성을 확보할 수 있는지, 그리고 입학사정관제가 또 다른 형태의 사교육으로 변질될 수 있다는 우려도 동시에 존재한다. 선발제도는 학생을 선발하는데 기준으로 제시되는 만큼 현 선발제도의 대안으로써 거론되는 입학사정관제의 도입은 신중히 검토되어야 하며 또한 입학사정관의 주관적인 견해가 반영될 수 있으므로 입학사정관은 공정하고 객관성 있는 기준을 마련해야 한다.
This paper studied the features and problems of the picked system in the present Science High school, as compared or analyzed with all of different the picked types of the schools in all parts of Korea. It raised an objection, through this thesis, to whether the present picked system of the Science High school includes the idea that should pick students of ingenuity and elasticity or not. Besides it discusses whether the picked system can bring well up the picked student through this system or not.
It is divided an entrance examination system for Science high school largely into a general and a special selection. The qualifications for admission to a Science high school is, largely, the students who the prize showings of Olympiads or all sorts of competitions within science fields. But they should get the prize of provincial competitions and upward and has the middle school record within 10 percent. In case of a general selection a student can apply for even though he or she does not have prize showings because the school give an additional mark to the student who graduated from a specific education institution for brilliant children.
A special selection singles out high scorers in total of prize showings and middle school records. The other selection, however, has 3 or 4 selection steps although there can be a little bit difference in each science school. In the first step it settles the priority through the documents including the records or prize showings and it has some tests or interviews to know their originality, spirit of inquiry, and resolution capacity in next steps.
It is hotly debated the induction of admissions officers system, according to the opinion that a present selection system should be ameliorated, because it raises several points. A merit of the system is that it can pick potential or inventive student with getting away from the present mark-centered selection. On the other side, there are simultaneously some concerns that the system will become another different type of private education, and whether it can guarantee the justice or not. The induction of admissions officers system should get a thorough going over as a selection system is indicated by a standard of picking the students. To establish the system as a plan for being better a picked system of Science high school, the admission officers should also have an objective standard because there are subjective opinions of them.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2009. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Jeong-Hyo
제주대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 화학교육
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 연구의 필요성 및 목적························································· 1
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
1. 영재의 정의······································································· 4
2. 과학영재의 특성·································································· 8
3. 과학영재의 판별··································································10
4. 과학고등학교의 정의······························································14
Ⅲ. 연구내용
1. 연구방법 및 절차·································································18
2. 과학고등학교 현황································································19
3. 과학고등학교 과학영재 선발 지원 자격········································25
4. 과학고등학교 과학영재 선발방법 분석········································40
5. 과학고등학교 과학영재 선발전형 내용········································44
6. 현 과학영재 선발제도의 문제점·················································50
7. 해결방안 - 입학사정관제를 중심으로··········································52
7-1. 입학사정관제 의미와 도입····················································52
7-2. 입학사정관제의 장점 및 과제···············································57
7-3. 입학사정관제의 과학고등학교 도입··········································59
Ⅳ. 결론················································································61

제주대학교 교육대학원 화학교육학과
김정효. (2009). 과학고등학교 과학영재 선발방법 분석
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