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도시브랜드 개성의 관계품질과 충성도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

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A Study on the Effect of City Brand Personality on Relationship Quality and Loyalty
This research is a study on the effect of city brand personality on relationship quality and loyalty while the purpose of study is as follows.
First, the relationship of city brand factors having an effect on city brand personality has been examined as a preceding factor of city brand personality.
Second, the analysis was performed as to what effect the city brand personality has on city brand satisfaction as a place of residence for city residents and as a tourist attraction for tourists while examining the influence of city brand personality on city brand commitment.
Third, in order to search for ways to improve the loyalty on city brand as a result of city brand personality, the effect of city brand personality on formation of lasting loyalty is verified.
In order to search for influence factors and result factors of city brand personality, a real analysis was performed on residents (323 people) and tourists (305 people) who are city brand consumers. The SPSS for Windows Release 14.0 and AMOS 5.0 have been used for real analysis.
The analyzed results of this study are as follows.
First, the city brand factors that are preceding variables of city brand personality have been classified as natural factor, urban based factor, economic factor, cultural factor, social factor and personal factor while the city brand personality has been classified as innovativeness, peacefulness, sophistication, confidence and dynamics.
Second, the personal factor among city brand factors was shown as giving positive (+) effect on all factors that are forming up the city brand personality such as innovativeness, peacefulness, sophistication, confidence and dynamics in the verification of . The effect of personal factor on confidence in case of tourists and the effect of personal factor on innovativeness in case of residents were shown as being greatest.
Third, the peacefulness, sophistication, dynamics and innovativeness, of city brand personality were shown as giving positive (+) effect on city brand satisfaction in the verification of . Among these, the effect of sophistication in case of tourists and the effect of peacefulness in case of tourists were shown as having greatest effect on city brand satisfaction.
Fourth, the innovativeness, peacefulness, confidence and dynamics among city brand personalities were shown as giving positive (+) effect on city brand commitment in the verification of . Among these, the effect of confidence in case of tourists and the effect of peacefulness in case of tourists were shown as having greatest effect on city brand commitment.
Fifth, the city brand satisfaction was shown as giving positive (+) effect on city brand loyalty in the verification of . Such result was same for both tourists and residents.
Sixth, the city brand commitment was shown as giving positive (+) effect on city brand loyalty in the verification of and such result was same for both tourists and residents.
Seventh, the city brand satisfaction was shown as giving positive (+) effect on city brand commitment in the verification of . This is to verify whether the city brand satisfaction has direct effect on city brand loyalty as well as having indirect effect through city brand commitment and showed as being same for both tourists and residents.
Based on these empirical study results, the following strategic suggestions on city brand could be presented.
First, because the personal factors of city brand such as reputation of organization leaders among city members, service mentality of tour related employees and service quality, etc have effect on forming the city brand personality, an active participation of city residents, cultivation of service mentality and improvement of personal service quality by related industry are necessary.
Second, the personality called peacefulness that has been surveyed as same category as leisure, comfort and orderly fashion, etc showing comfort and leisure was shown as having an effect on city brand satisfaction as a place of residence for city residents and by these factors providing the effect of recreation and revival for tourists. Therefore, a steady management and strategy to use such categorized factors as city brand personality reinforcement policy and also to form up and maintain given circumstances.
Third, because the city brand personality factor having effect on city brand commitment was shown as confidence in case of tourists and peacefulness in case of residents, the customer management system and post management, by tour industry related businesses must be improved so the factors like confidence making tourists form up a friendly mentality toward the city can be perceived as being even higher. Also, the administration of consolidating the factor to feel peacefulness needs to be promoted for residents.
Fourth, if we examine the characteristics of tourists and residents who are city brand consumers, the analyzed result shows that the natural factor and peacefulness of city brand personality were most preferred factors among city brand factors in case of tourists. This means that the natural factor becomes a touring motive for visiting Jeju Island in case of tourists. Therefore, a strategy to cultivate and preserve these resources must be prepared to make the effort of being remembered as a tourist attraction which domestic and foreign tourists want to visit again. Because we could see that the residents prefer a city brand personality called city based factor and peacefulness, the policy to prevent people from moving to other cities while consolidating the atmosphere forming up peacefulness and the factor making up the foundation of city.
Fifth, the Jeju special self governing province was designated as 'Island of World Peace' on a national level in 2005 for the first time in the world to set its ultimate purpose as contributing to the world peace. The comfort and leisure of city gives peacefulness and heightens the island of peace image even more. Especially, Jeju special self governing province needs a sustainable strategy for forming pleasant environment and maintaining a clean environment in order to consolidate the brand personality and build a friendly brand personality. Jeju special self governing province was reborn as a city in which the nature and life can form a harmony by registering as 'World's Natural Asset' in 2007. The registration as 'World's Natural Asset' is national honor that became one stop above in the international status. Jeju Island which possesses the worlds natural asset must have a strong will toward preservation of nature as much as enjoying the fame and economic effect and must devote the actual effort. Tourists visit to see the nature which is well preserved just like the original form of Jeju Island. Therefore, it is necessary to consolidate the factor to make people feel the preservation of natural environment and comfort as well as the consolidation of customer management for making people visit again that can raise the value of Jeju Island even higher for tourists. Also, the consolidation of city based factor that can raise comfort and the quality of life is necessary for residents so that the population outflow to another city can be prevented beforehand.
If the loyalty of consumers is consolidated by highlighting the exclusive unique personality of city brand just like successful brands had owned clear brand personalities, a long term source of income could be secured.
The boundary of this study and future study objectives are as follows.
Although this study has been performed using literary study and real analysis in order to identify the effect of city brand personality on relationship quality and loyalty, the research has been performed based on a limitation that samples have been measured by convenient extraction method and a limited space called Jeju special self governing province. Therefore, it is necessary to extend the range of area for research because the city brand personality needs to be surveyed on various domestic and foreign cities. And an elaborate survey scale research of city brand personality has to be performed continuously. Also, it is necessary to study the differences between brand personalities of various cities in order to build up a differential city brand personalities while various study on the effect of city brand personality such as the effect of self consistency between city image and consumers on the attitude toward the city must be performed in the future.
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2008. 2
Alternative Author(s)
An, Soon-Hwa
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 경영학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
1. 문제제기 = 1
2. 연구목적 = 2
3. 연구방법 = 5
4. 논문의 구성 = 6
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 = 7
1. 도시브랜드의 본질 = 7
1) 도시브랜드의 본질 = 7
2) 도시브랜드 구성요인 = 15
2. 도시브랜드 개성의 이해 = 29
1) 도시브랜드 개성의 정의 = 29
2) 도시브랜드 개성의 형성 = 34
3. 도시브랜드 개성의 측정 = 42
1) 국내연구 = 42
2) 국외연구 = 46
3) 도시브랜드 개성 측정변수 = 49
4. 도시브랜드 개성의 결과요인 = 51
1) 관계품질 = 51
2) 충성도 = 55
Ⅲ. 연구방법 = 60
1. 연구 모형 = 60
2. 가설 설정 = 61
1) 도시브랜드 구성요인과 도시브랜드 개성과의 관계 = 61
2) 도시브랜드 개성과 관계품질과의 관계 = 63
3) 관계품질과 도시브랜드 충성도와의 관계 = 66
4) 도시브랜드 만족도와 도시브랜드 몰입도와의 관계 = 69
3. 변수의 조작적 정의 = 71
1) 도시브랜드 구성요인 = 71
2) 도시브랜드 개성 = 71
3) 관계품질 = 72
4) 도시브랜드 충성도 = 73
4. 조사의 설계 = 73
1) 자료수집 = 73
2) 설문의 구성 = 74
3) 자료의 분석방법 = 75
Ⅳ. 실증연구 = 77
1. 표본의 구성 = 77
2. 신뢰성 및 타당성 분석 = 78
3. 독립변수군과 종속변수군간의 상관관계 = 83
4. 가설검증 = 85
1) 모형의 적합도 = 85
2) 가설 검증 = 87
3) 수요자별 차이분석 = 93
4) 수요자별 가설검증 = 94
5. 분석결과의 요약 = 106
Ⅴ. 결론 = 108
1. 요약 및 시사점 = 108
2. 연구의 한계와 향후 연구 = 111
참고문헌 = 112
설문지 = 120
제주대학교 대학원
안순화. (2008). 도시브랜드 개성의 관계품질과 충성도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
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