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맷돌을 모티브로 한 원의 조형성 연구

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The circular shape of geometric features is inspired and abstracted from Jeju's folklore tool, 'millstones', which poses a perfect symmetry. The circular geometry, by itself, creates spatial sense and completeness along with the characteristics of mildness and simplicity. Yet, it is also a dynamic shape that makes one feel ceaseless movement. The circular shape offers spiritual and psychological functions that appeal to the heart of people's mindsas having the senses of stability and change. The formative characteristics of the circle has symbolized wholeness, completeness, and endlessness, having the dynamic image that expresses the life cycle of unknown points of starting and ending. Therefore, the research aims to explore an artistic sense and express an inspiration by studying the formative characteristics of a circle that has visual excellence and symbolizes transcending harmony with eternity.
Circular shapes were either created from Jeju's traditional millstones by cutting or overlapping them or displaying them in parallel, expressing and recomposing them in a form of artwork embracing bothtraditional and modern senses. The work also aims to add the significance of harmonized and coexistent living, by the use of clay figures to represent the people of Jeju, who have endured together the rigors and hardships of their lives.
Issued Date
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2009. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Oh, Su-Hyang
제주대학교 산업대학원
산업대학원 산업디자인학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구목적 1
2. 연구방법 및 범위 2

Ⅱ. 작품제작 배경 3
1. 기하학적 형태의 일반적 의미 3
2. 원의 도형적 성질에 대한 일반적 고찰 5
1) 원의 형태적 개념 5
2) 원의 조형적 특징 7
3) 원의 상징적 의미 9
4) 원을 주제로 한 조형 예술의 변천과 작품 연구 12
3. 제주의 풍토적 문화 속에 나타난 맷돌의 조형성 25
1) 제주의 풍토와 문화적 특성 25
2) 제주 맷돌의 조형적 특성 27

Ⅲ. 작품제작 및 설명 31
1. 제작 의도 및 방법 31
2. 작품 설명 33

Ⅳ. 결론 51

참고문헌 52
제주대학교 산업대학원
오수향. (2009). 맷돌을 모티브로 한 원의 조형성 연구
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Graduate School of Industry > Industrial Design
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