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문화관광지 방문객의 관광체험과 고유성, 관광만족 간의 관계 연구

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This study aims to grasp the relationship between the quantitative measurement solution and other concepts, reflecting the flow of the times about cultural tourism. It also aims to find a solution for the practical development of cultural destinations through understanding tourists' characteristics, tourism experience, and a structure of tourism satisfaction.
The purposes of this study are as follows:
Firstly, in order to find out and systemize the structure concepts on tourism experience, characteristics, and tourism satisfaction in cultural tourist destinations through examination of the past literature and draw the measure for them.
Secondly, in order to try to establish the relationship between concepts after measuring tourism experience, characteristics, and tourism satisfaction in cultural tourist destinations.
Lastly, in order to present theoretical and practical suggestions on the basis of primary research analysis results. Indeed, it is tried to show practical marketing suggestions for the quality-improvement of cultural tourist destinations after drawing the tourism experiential factors and characteristic factors for the satisfaction-improvement of tourists who visit cultural tourist destinations.
Seongeup Folk Village and Jeju Folk Village where many tourists visit in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province were examined from February 14th 2009 to March 15th 2009. By examining both places at the same time, it was tried to reduce the error that can occur due to the time difference.
As research methods in this study, both literature review and primary research were conducted. First, as the literature review, theoretical consideration was done about tourism experience, characteristics, and tourism satisfaction in cultural tourist destinations. Second, as the primary research, on-site survey in the selected destinations where can measure its own characteristics more accurately was conducted through questionnaires. Third, collected survey was analyzed scientifically by a statistical measurement, SPSS 12.0 and tried to utilize as a fundamental data for alternative suggestions.
Total 537 questionnaires were used for the statistical analysis. Factors of entertainment/aesthetics, education, and tradition were drawn in relation to tourism experience. In relation to characteristics, factors of experiential, objective, and structural characteristics were drawn. In relation to satisfaction, a certain factor was drawn and it was called tourism satisfaction.
This research hypotheses and analysis include:
Hypothesis 1, 'There will be significant differences in tourism experience according to types of cultural tourist destinations' used independent sample t verification resulted in which there were significant differences in all factors of Entertainment/Aesthetics, Education, and Tradition.
With regard to the Hypothesis 2, 'There will be significant differences in tourism characteristics according to types of cultural tourist destinations', significant differences were presented in all the factors of experiential, objective, and structural characteristics and in general, perception on the characteristics of Jeju Folk Village was higher than that of Seongeup Folk Village.
As the analysis result of Hypothesis 3, 'Tourism experience in cultural tourist places will have significant influences on its own characteristics', entertainment/aesthetics and education was affected significantly by experiential characteristics; and all factors of entertainment/aesthetics, education, and tradition were affected by objective characteristics and structural characteristics.
In relation to the Hypothesis 4, 'Tourism experience will have effects on tourist satisfaction', all factors of entertainment/aesthetics, education, and tradition were had positive influences by tourism experience.
Hypothesis 5, 'Its own characteristics in cultural tourist destinations will have significant influences on tourist satisfaction' presented that experiential characteristics and objective characteristics have positive influences on tourist satisfaction.
For suggestions that could draw in the research results of this study, first, in relation to perception on the tourism experience and characteristics in Seongeup Folk Village and Jeju Folk Village, the satisfaction in Jeju Folk Village was higher than that of Seongeup Folk Village though it could be a result due to time limit as the survey was conducted in winter. In addition, although this examination is a virtual cultural model, it is seemed that tourists satisfied more as they can look around the integrated Jeju traditional culture in Jeju Folk Village. Second, in order to improve the satisfaction of cultural tourists, tourism experience, indeed, the satisfaction for entertainment/aesthetics, education, and tradition should be developed.
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2009. 8
제주대학교 경영대학원
경영대학원 관광경영학과
Table Of Contents
제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 배경 1
제2절 연구의 목적 3
제3절 연구범위 및 방법 4

제2장 이론적 고찰 6
제1절 문화관광지 6
1. 문화관광의 개념 6
2. 문화관광지 10
3. 문화관광지 방문객 12
제2절 관광체험 16
1. 관광체험의 개념 16
2. 관광체험의 측정 19
제3절 고유성 22
1. 고유성의 개념 22
2. 고유성의 유형 28
3. 고유성의 측정 32
제4절 관광만족 34
1. 관광만족의 개념 34
2. 관광만족의 측정 38
제5절 주요 개념 간의 선행연구 고찰 40

제3장 연구 설계 43
제1절 연구모형 및 가설설정 43
제2절 변수의 조작적 정의 44
1. 관광체험 44
2. 고유성 44
3. 관광만족 45
제3절 연구의 조사 설계 45
1. 설문지 구성 및 내용 45
2. 자료수집 및 분석방법 46

제4장 분석 결과 48
제1절 자료의 분석 48
1. 표본의 인구통계적 특성 48
2. 신뢰도 및 타당도 검증 49
제2절 가설의 검증 및 해석 53
1. 가설1의 검증 및 해석 53
2. 가설2의 검증 및 해석 54
3. 가설3의 검증 및 해석 55
4. 가설4의 검증 및 해석 58
5. 가설5의 검증 및 해석 59
제3절 분석결과에 대한 요약 60

제5장 결 론 62
제1절 연구의 요약 및 시사점 62
제2절 향후 연구 과제 65
제주대학교 경영대학원
김진석. (2009). 문화관광지 방문객의 관광체험과 고유성, 관광만족 간의 관계 연구
Appears in Collections:
Graduate School of Business Administration > Tourism Management
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