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세분시장에 따른 관광목적지 브랜드 자산과 선호도ㆍ충성도의 관계 연구

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The Effect of Brand Equity on the Preference and Loyalty for Tourism Destination based on Market Segmentation
As the uncertainties in the tourism environment are increasing, there are rising interests in 'destination branding' as a mean to secure competitive advantage and become distinguished as a destination.
The purpose of this paper is to theoretically study the variables of destination such as 'destination brand equity,' 'destination preference,' and 'destination loyalty' that are core concepts of brand management and which are currently gaining much attention in destination marketing field, and to verify the structural relationship between the identified 'concepts' in order to provide implications of destinations.
For that purpose, a survey was conducted on 582 domestic and 367 foreign tourists from the major segmented markets (korean, english, japanese, and chinese speaking tourists) that visited Jeju island during the 15 day period from September 30th to October 14th 2008, and the results were collected for statistical verification.
The following is the summary of the empirical study results.
First, from reviewing the structural relationship model of brand equity, preference, and loyalty of destination through documentary study, it was found that the routes of the study models and suitability of the models were significant.
Second, 'concepts' of brand equity such as 'destination recognition', 'recognized quality,' and 'image' impacted 'destination preference' while 'destination preference' impacted 'destination loyalty,' the deciding variable. To elaborate on this, out of the 'concepts' of brand equity, 'recognized quality' was most influential in raising destination preference, and this preference acts as the medium between brand equity and destination loyalty.
Third, after reviewing the validity of the study model routes and model suitability by segmented markets (Korean tourists and foreigner tourists), it was found that in case of domestic tourists, all routes are significant, but for foreign tourists, the image of the destination does not affect preference of destination.
Fourth, in terms of segmented markets by language, 'recognized quality' was evaluated to be important and analyzed as an influencing factor on destination preference for both Japanese and Chinese speaking tourists, but recognition of Jeju island as a destination was found not to have meaningful influence on destination preference for Japanese speaking tourists, whereas recognition of Jeju island as a destination had influence on destination preference for Chinese speaking tourists. As for English speaking tourists, there is no meaningful influence by all three 'concepts' of brand equity elements.
Fifth, in terms of the number of revisits, other than the fact that the 'destination image,' which is one of the important brand equity factors for revisit market, does not have meaningful influence on destination preference, all routes of first-visit market and revisit market were found to be significant.
Sixth, in terms of types of tour program, recognized quality of a destination had more influence on destination preference compared to other factors in both package and FIT markets.
Lastly, from studying the routes of models and suitability of models for each segmented age groups of tourists, the image and recognized quality of a destination was found to have significant influence on destination preference with people in their 20s or under, and all three concepts of brand management had statistically significant influence on destination preference for people in their 30s-40s, whereas only the recognized quality of a destination had significant influence on destination preference for people over 50.
In conclusion, in order to enhance the value of brand equity as a destination, there is a need to adopt a strategic approach that reflects the characteristics of each tourist market segment. That is, as the brand equity of Jeju island is insufficient, the core element required for branding strategy will be to enhance the quality recognized by the tourists. Also, as Jeju island lacks effective brand equity for foreign tourist market, it is vital to promote the island's image by internally enhancing overall service quality as well as externally put in efforts to improve the recognition level of the island.
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2009. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Yong Yi
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 관광경영학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 문제 제기 1
2. 연구 목적 5
3. 연구방법 및 범위 5

Ⅱ. 이론적 고찰 8
1. 브랜드와 브랜드 자산의 개념 8
1) 브랜드의 개념 8
2) 브랜드 자산의 개념 14
2. 관광목적지의 브랜딩 24
1) 관광목적지의 개념과 유형 및 구성요소 24
2) 관광목적지 브랜딩 28
3) 관광목적지 브랜드와 관광목적지 이미지 32
4) 관광목적지 브랜딩 모형 36
5) 관광목적지 선호도와 충성도 45
3. 시장세분화 51
1) 시장세분화의 개념 51
2) 관광시장세분화의 변수 53
3) 시장세분화를 위한 통계적 방법 56
4) 제주관광시장 세분화 관련 선행연구 58
4. 국내․외 선행연구 고찰 59
Ⅲ. 연구의 설계 65
1. 연구모형과 가설의 설정 65
2. 조작적 정의와 설문의 구성 68
1) 조작적 정의 68
2) 설문의 구성 71
3. 조사 및 분석방법 73

Ⅳ. 실증분석 75
1. 표본의 특성 75
2. 변수의 타당성 및 신뢰성 분석 83
3. 연구모델의 적합성 및 가설검증 결과 90
1) 연구모델 검증 결과 90
2) 연구가설 검증 결과 92
4. 분석결과의 요약 및 시사점 106

Ⅴ. 결 론 115
1. 연구결과의 요약 115
2. 연구의 한계와 향후 방향 117

참고문헌 119
설문지 130
한국어 설문지 130
일어 설문지 134
영어 설문지 138
중국어 설문지 142
제주대학교 대학원
金容二. (2009). 세분시장에 따른 관광목적지 브랜드 자산과 선호도ㆍ충성도의 관계 연구
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General Graduate School > Tourism Management
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