自覺的 運動 强度別 Hatha Yoga와 Detraining이 健康關聯體力과 免疫機能에 미치는 影響
- Alternative Title
- Effects of Hatha Yoga and detraining on the immunologic function and physical fitness related with health by intensity of Rating of Perceived Exercise(RPE)
- Abstract
- The aim of the study was to compare & analyze the factors' change of physical fitness related with health(%fat, modified sit-ups, sit-&-reach test, 1,200m run/walk) and immunologic function(Neutrophil, Lymphocyte, Monocyte, Eosinophil, Basophil, IgG, IgA, IgM) by experimental periods and groups according to Hatha Yoga and detraining by intensity of RPE exercise(high;15-17, middle;11-13, low;7-9). For these, the subjects participated were consisted of girl's middle school students(n=34) and performed physical fitness related with health and Hatha Yoga of 45-50min./day during total 8wks. The results obtained from the above were as follows;
1. Physical fitness related with health
1) By periods in within groups, modified sit-ups and sit-&-reach test were more increased after 8wks & 12wks than that of pre-test, but no difference in others.
2) By periods in between groups, All factors were no difference after 4wks, but AㆍC groups were more increased in modified sit-ups, AㆍB groups were in sit-&-reach test and also A?BㆍC groups were in 1,200m run/walk than that of control group.
3) After 12wks detrained during 4wks, AㆍBㆍC groups were more increased in modified sit-ups, AㆍB & B>C groups were in sit-&-reach test and also AㆍB ㆍC groups were in 1,200m run/walk than control group.
2. Immunologic function
1) White blood cell(WBC)
(1) In comparison by periods in within groups, Neutrophil was more increased in 4wks than that of pre & 12wks, Also Basophil was in 4wks & 8wks than that of pre & 12wks in A group, and also increased after 12ks than that of pre & 4wks in C group.
(2) In comparison by periods in between groups, Neutrophil was more increased in AㆍBㆍC group than that of control group in 4wks, Lymphocyte increased in A group than controlㆍBㆍC groups, Monocyte also increased in A group, and Basophil also increased in A group than that of controlㆍC group. After 12wks detrained during 4wks, Lymphocyte increased in rather AㆍC group than that of B group, also in rather C group than control group.
(3) In comparison of %diff. by periods in between groups, Neutrophil was increased in the order of B>control group, A>B group, C>control group in pre-4wks, and Monocyte increased in A group than that of control ㆍB group, and also Eosinophil in A group than controlㆍBㆍC group. Factors of Lymphocyte, Monocyte, Eosinophil and Basophil were more increased after pre-8wks, but no difference after pre-12wks.
2) Immunoglobulins(Ig)
(1) There was no difference by periods in within group.
(2) In comparison by periods in between groups, only IgG was more increased in A group than that of controlㆍBㆍC group after 4wks. IgG & IgA were increased in the order of A>controlㆍBㆍC group, and IgM increased in the order of AㆍC>control and B>A group after 8wks. After 12wks detrained during 4wks, only IgG was increased in A group.
(3) In comparison of %diff. by periods in between groups, factors of IgG, IgA, IgM were more increased in A group than that of the other group. Also factors of IgG, IgA, IgM were increased in only A group after pre-8wks but only IgG after pre-12wks.
When considering the above results, we could conclude that the higher intensity of Hatha Yoga could be result in the better improvement of the immunologic function and physical fitness related with health and proper intensity of RPE exercise for girl's middle school students for improvement was assumed to be intensity of RPE 15-17 level. Also we could investigate that the effect of Hatha Yoga was maintained in spite of detraining of about 4wks.
- Author(s)
- 홍인숙
- Issued Date
- 2008
- Awarded Date
- 2008. 2
- Type
- Dissertation
- http://dcoll.jejunu.ac.kr/jsp/common/DcLoOrgPer.jsp?sItemId=000000004307
- Alternative Author(s)
- Hong In-Sook
- Affiliation
- 제주대학교 대학원
- Department
- 대학원 체육학과
- Advisor
- 李昌俊
- Table Of Contents
- Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
1. 연구의 필요성 = 1
2. 연구 목적 = 4
3. 연구의 가설 = 5
4. 연구의 제한점 = 5
5. 용어의 정의 = 5
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 = 7
1. Hatha Yoga와 운동 = 7
2. 운동과 디트레이닝 = 8
3. 면역기능과 운동 = 11
Ⅲ. 연구 방법 = 21
1. 연구 대상 = 21
2. 연구 절차 = 22
3. 측정항목 및 방법 = 23
4. 운동처방 = 25
5. 자료처리 = 28
Ⅳ. 연구 결과 = 29
1. 건강관련체력 = 29
1) 신체조성(%fat) = 29
2) 근지구력(modified sit-ups) = 30
3) 유연성(sit-&-reach test) = 31
4) 심폐지구력(1,200m run/walk) = 32
2. 면역기능 = 34
1) 호중구(Neutrophil) = 34
2) 림프구(Lymphocyte) = 35
3) 단구(Monocyte) = 36
4) 호산구(Eosinophil) = 38
5) 호염기구(Basophil) = 39
6) IgG(immunoglobulin G) = 40
7) IgA(immunoglobulin A) = 42
8) IgM(immunoglobulin M) = 43
Ⅴ. 논의 = 45
1. 건강관련체력 = 45
2. 면역기능 = 49
Ⅵ. 결론 = 60
참고문헌 = 62
부록 = 73
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 제주대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 홍인숙. (2008). 自覺的 運動 强度別 Hatha Yoga와 Detraining이 健康關聯體力과 免疫機能에 미치는 影響
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