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정서노동자의 직무스트레스 결정요인, 결과요인 그리고 조절요인에 관한 연구

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A Study on the Predictive, Consequent, and Moderating Factors to Analyze the Job Stress of Emotional Workers
We get to experience various emotions while interacting with other people in our daily lives and there are many instances of having to manage such emotions depending on situations. The same goes for group life. We must control our emotions in some kind of way because employees must perform the duties effectively by often interacting with other people such as colleagues, bosses and client. The reason why the expression or suppression of emotions is necessary is because the organization requires such action to individual. Controlling our emotions this way is not only the basic character of human beings, but also an essential factor in the organization. Despite this fact, it was considered as unreasonable or irrational concept until recently and neglected as the subject beyond the interest of most researchers.
But recently, the emotional labor is rising as an important issue related to emotions in an organization. Emotional labor stands for the level of emotional inconsistency between expressed emotions and the actually experienced emotions. Since the word called emotional labor was introduced by Hochschild (1983) until recently, many researchers has developed various theories by having interest on the emotional labor.
According to the publication of Korea Stress Society (Economy 21, 2005), the job stress of emotional workers, especially the employees engaged in service industry have high job stress compared to other types of occupation. Until now, there has been many researches on the relationship between emotional labor and job stress targeting emotional workers, If we take a look at former researches, Erickson and Wharton(1997), Schaubroeck and Johnes(2000) have insisted that continuous performance of emotional labor brings negative results from emotional discord among substantial researches on the result of emotional labor. On the other hand, Rutter and Fielding(1988), Mann(1988), Min Ju Kim(1988), Aajonc(1989), Adelman(1989), Mann(2004) and Min Ju Kim(2006) have discovered that job related attitudes including job stress and job satisfaction become positive as the emotional labor gets greater. The former researches have been performed in order to identify what effects the emotional labor has on job stress.
Generally, emotional workers are exposed to numerous stresses created internally or externally in themselves as the job environment and job details become complicated. Accordingly, the job stress experienced by emotional workers is rising as a crucial problem threatening individual and organization. The job stress experienced by emotional workers in the process of performing duties is caused by many unreasonable job environment factors such as the nature of duty itself, atmosphere of organization including relationship of roles, relationship between superiors and inferiors, conflict felt from the relationship with colleagues, reshuffling and promotion, etc.
The stress created from such factors generally causes various diseases as well as creating negative results such as decreased productivity and increased expenses of the company from this stress. But if the stress is maintained as a reasonable standard in an organization, there are positive aspects of providing the vitamin in company life by forming a moderate sense of tension and raising job performance by raising the spirit. Accordingly, the managers have to become more interested in the stress of emotional workers because securing, maintaining and managing competent human resources have influence on success or failure of management in case of emotional workers who depend on human services.
The purpose of this research is at finding structural relationship between job stress determining factors (emotional labor, nature of duties), job stress and performance of duties. The specific purposes of this research are as follows.
First, the job stress determining factors causing job stress of emotional workers are clarified by integration. This has been attempted to be clarified because the researches that have verified directly as to what influence the emotional labor has on job stress in terms of service industry according to substantial data are very insufficient.
Second, the relationship between job stress and job performance(task performance, adaptive performance, contextual performance) have been attempted to be clarified. The systematic research on the influence of emotional worker's job stress on job performance is insignificant in reality. Especially, because the multi-dimensional approach on job performance has not been performed, the cause and effect relationship between job stress and job performance is not able to be clarified. This research attempts to clarify the cause and effect relationship between job stress and the variables of job performance after making the job performance multidimensional to ask performance, adaptive performance and contextual performance, etc.
Third, the control effect of social support and empowerment have been attempted to be clarified. Especially, the attention is focused on empowerment recently with close psychological reaction with job performance. But the empowerment is still not being researched as a key variable of job stress. But considering the fact that job stress and empowerment are psychological factors and the fact that empowerment is a dynamic psychological factor for job performance, it could become an essential variable to increase job stress.
In order to achieve the purpose of this research, the literary research method and demonstrative research method were performed simultaneously. First, the theoretic evidence has been presented by going over the theoretic researches, literary materials, related theories and former research results of domestic and foreign scholars. The demonstrative analysis has gone through the process of setting up the research model and research hypothesis based on former researches to verify these things while the questionnaire method was used for the method of demonstrative research.
The convenient sampling was performed out of convenience of research and questionnaires have been responded through personal interview by direct visit of the interviewer. A total of 920 copies of questionnaire have been distributed from October 18, 2007 to November 23, 2007 and a total of 670 copies have been inserted in the demonstrative analysis by excluding questionnaires that are unfaithful or the ones that have low reliability by collecting 722 copies among these.
For the demonstrative analysis, the following analysis method has been applied in order to accomplish the purpose of research effectively. First, the frequency analysis and descriptive statistics have been performed in order to examine general characteristics of respondents. Second, the factor analysis was performed in order to secure validity of research concepts to be inserted to research hypotheses while the Coronbach's Alpha value showing internal consistency has been measured in order to verify the reliability of each factor derived from the result of factor analysis. Third, in order to determine suitability of research model and verify the relationship between variables presented in the hypothesis, the covariance structural analysis has been performed. Fourth, the moderated multiple regression was used in order to verify the control effect presented in the hypothesis of social support factors and empowerment.
The results of demonstrative analysis are as follows.
First, because the emotional labor was shown as having positive (+) effect on job stress, the has been selected Especially, the level of caution in expressing emotion was shown as having the greatest effect on job stress and the emotional labor was confirmed as a variable increasing job stress.
Second, because the characteristics of roles (role conflict, unclear roles) was shown as having positive (+) effect on job stress, the has been selected. The role conflict and unclear roles have been confirmed as variables increasing job stress. Especially, the influence of unclear roles on job stress was great.
Third, because job stress was shown as giving negative (-) influence on job performance (task performance, adaptive performance, contextual performance), the has been selected. It was shown that job performance becomes lower as one gets more job stress.
Fourth, because it was shown that empowerment partially controls the relationship between job stress determining factors and job stress, the has been partially selected. Although empowerment does not control the relationship between emotional labor, unclear roles and job stress, it was shown as controlling the relationship between role conflict and job stress.
Fifth, because empowerment was shown as controlling the relationship between job stress and job performance, the has been selected. This means that empowerment is acting as a variable which decreases the negative effect influencing job stress and job performance.
Sixth, the support of bosses among social support in therms of the relationship between job stress determining factors and job stress was shown as controlling the relationship between role conflict and job stress. But the control effect of support from bosses was shown as having no control effect at the remaining variables (emotional labor, unclear roles), while the support of colleagues was shown as a variable having not control effect.
Seventh, the support of bosses has been conformed as a variable controlling relationship between job stress and task performance, contextual performance. But the support of colleagues was shown as not controlling the relationship between job stress and sub variables of job performance. has been partially selected.
The strategic suggestions that are presented based on the results above are as follows.
First, the structural relationship between job stress determining factor, job stress and job performance has been presented targeting emotional workers who are in contact with service industry. Especially, as a result of investigating former researches, emotional labor is still not being researched in depth as former variable of job stress. This research provides a useful information in studying job stress of emotional workers in the future by classifying emotional labor as three dimensions and analyzing the influence of these variables on job stress.
Second, the research that had been limited to behavior of people in organization as result variable of job stress has been extended to task performance and adaptive performance. This research has made job performance multidimensional as task performance, adaptive performance, and contextual performance and clarified the relationship between job stress and these variables to express that job stress is a variable having negative influence on all dimensions of job performance.
Third, the control effect of empowerment which is psychological factor having strong influence on nature of work and variables is clarified. The research on decreasing variable of job stress is mostly leaned toward the sense of self benefit. This research has significance in the fact that it presents various psychological variables to reduce job stress by extending empowerment which is a strong dynamic factor.
Fourth, the effect of support by bosses has been verified as a variable to reduce job stress. Although the social support effect on job stress factor is not shown as being consistent in former researches, the support of bosses among social support was shown as easing the job stress factor in the research. This is estimated to be caused by the fact that bosses have more official controlling power than employees in objective job environment or expectations required from work. If the leadership of bosses is demonstrated toward the way of lessening the intensity of job stress to employees who feel job stress, it would have positive effect on job performance as well as the decrease of job stress.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2008. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Kang, Moon-Sil
대학원 경영학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 문제제기 1
2. 연구목적 및 방법 2
3. 논문구성 3

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 4
1. 직무스트레스의 기초개념 4
1) 직무스트레스의 개념 5
2) 직무스트레스의 중요성 7
2. 직무스트레스에 관한 이론적 고찰 12
1) 직무스트레스의 접근방법 12
2) 직무스트레스의 선행연구모형 16
3) 정서노동자의 직무스트레스에 관한 선행연구 26
3. 직무스트레스의 결정요인 29
1) 정서노동 29
2) 직무역할특성 39
4. 조절요인 42
1) 임파워먼트 42
2) 사회적 지원 46
5. 결과요인 50
1) 과업수행 50
2) 적응수행 52
3) 맥락수행 55

Ⅲ. 연구설계 62
1. 연구모형 및 연구가설 62
1) 연구모형 62
2) 연구가설의 설정 63
2. 변수의 조작적 정의 및 조사설계 68
1) 변수의 정의 및 측정 68
2) 자료수집 70
3) 설문의 구성 71
4) 분석방법 72

Ⅳ. 실증분석 73
1. 표본의 구성 73
2. 신뢰성 및 타당성 분석 74
3. 변수간 상관관계 81
4. 가설검증 82
1) 모형의 적합도 82
2) 직무스트레스 결정요인과 직무스트레스와의 관계 검증 83
3) 직무스트레스와 직무수행간의 관계 85
4) 조절효과 86
5. 분석결과의 요약 105

Ⅴ. 결 론 108
1. 요약 및 시사점 108
2. 연구의 한계와 향후 연구 110

참고문헌 111
설 문 지 124
제주대학교 대학원
康文實. (2008). 정서노동자의 직무스트레스 결정요인, 결과요인 그리고 조절요인에 관한 연구
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