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정주석 이미지를 응용한 도제조명등 연구

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Research on ceramic lighting based on the image of Jeongjooseok, a pair of stone posts as a guardian deity indigenous to Jeju
Modern lighting fixtures occupy an important part as an aesthetic element in the interior design and are considered essential in the aspect of human emotions as well as their intrinsic functions.
The study explored the production of ceramic illuminating equipment, which lays more stress on the form than the function, in order to figure out the problems of ceramic lighting currently mass-produced and find a solution to them. The ceramic lighting was inspired by Jeongjooseok and has been manufactured as an artistic sculpture by means of dismantlement and mixture of figurative factors characteristic of Jeongjooseok. It was designed in a way that it can have a practical and decorative function even when lights are put out. The research, by looking at the process of manufacturing the goods, came to the following conclusion.
First, atmospheric lighting, such as a wall-mounted illuminator, a chair lamp for the floor and a standing lighting unit for the table, has been turned out by grasping the constituent and molding of Jeongjooseok and transforming them into diverse images. An apparently changed figure of the product light led to made the indoor space look original and well-balanced.
Second, up-to-date ambience was created through the use of enamel of a soft hue such as green series and ivory series instead of a grave and dark tint of basalt. It made a foundation for a development of new colors which could reflect Jeju image.
Third, the ceramic lighting, a sculpture with illumination, was a vehicle for the expression of warm-hearted and genial sensibility and mentality of human beings thanks to the light, and it was possible to seek diversity in terms of interior design.
Fourth, the research sounded the possibility of the ceramic lighting being optimal in the aspects of practicality and decorativeness to differentiate itself from uniformly-designed products and make a unique space presentation. Standardized parts of the lighting didn't fit the size and color of individual products, leaving various developments of the lighting accessories a pressing need. In addition, technical problems in the installation of the lighting were noticed.
The above research findings show that above all, an active exchange between the manufacturer and the designer is desired to collect all the factors of function, design and luminous source of the lighting. It is desirable to develop ceramic lighting, the most beautiful space sculpture of the times the soil and light presents. Finally, I hope that the research, if insignificant, can help enrich everyday life, and a further study of ceramic illuminators and their production continue to be made to express the local color and mentality of Jeju by making up for the problems, based on the investigation.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2008. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Nam-sook
산업대학원 산업디자인학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구목적 1
2. 연구 방법 및 범위 2

Ⅱ. 조명등의 개념과 특성 3
1. 조명등의 개념 및 역사적 변천 3
2. 실내 공간에서의 조명등 7
3. 도제 조명등의 조형적 특성 9

Ⅲ. 작품제작의 이론적 배경 12
1. 제주의 지역적 특성과 정주석의 역사 12
2. 정주석의 형태와 조형성 16
3. 정주석을 주제로 한 작품 18

Ⅳ. 제작과정 및 시작품 설명 20
1. 제작 의도 20
2. 제작 과정 21
3. 시작품 설명 24

Ⅴ. 결론 38

참고문헌 40
제주대학교 산업대학원
金男淑. (2008). 정주석 이미지를 응용한 도제조명등 연구
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Graduate School of Industry > Industrial Design
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