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濟州道內 居住 外國人의 餘暇活動과 滿足에 關한 硏究

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A Study on Leisure Activity and Satisfaction of Foreigners Residing in Jeju
The number of foreign immigrants in Korea has recently been increasing rapidly taking over 2% of the total population of the country. It is essential for the country to help the foreigners settle down without any difficulties since it will eventually facilitate the economic growth and globalization of the country. They are without doubt members of Korean society and, therefore, reserve rights to pursue leisureful lives. By doing leisure activities, they are more likely to form stronger work ethic that helps them achieve self-development, social involvement, and labor productivity. However, the reality is that the Korean government imposes various social and economic restrictions on them, causing them to remain as outsiders and minorities of the society and preventing them from enjoying leisure activities.
At this point, a study on the factors of leisure-related restrictions that the foreign immigrants are facing needs to be conducted, which in the long run can be lead to sustainable solutions to the problem. The important thing is that the study should be supported by pragmatic researches on the state of leisure restrictions in relation to the quality of the immigrants' lifestyles. To date, there have been only a limited number of pragmatic researches in this regard. Especially, there are almost no research records on the factors of leisure restrictions. On that note, this study accompanied by pragmatic researches about the state and factors of leisure restrictions against the foreign immigrants will bring a new approach and insights to the leisure-related study areas.
It is not difficult to find study results displaying foreign immigrants' lifestyles and types of their leisure activities or explaining the impact of leisure restrictions on the types of their leisure activities; while it is hard to find studies regarding the simultaneous impact of the lifestyles and restrictions on the types of their leisure activities. This study is committed to discuss problems regarding the present state of the foreign immigrants' leisure activities and possible solutions to the problems by analyzing the influence of their leisure-related lifestyles and restrictions on the patterns of their leisure activities.
First and foremost, this study analyzes the lifestyles of foreigners residing in Korea. Second of all, it understands the factors of leisure restrictions that they undergo, through a series of surveys, and provides suggestions on the understanding. Third, it gives a clear grasp of their leisure activity patterns by their lifestyles and of the patterns by different factors of restrictions. Forth, it examines the cause-and-effect structure between their lifestyles and the patterns of their leisure activities through covariance structural analysis and reveals the causal relation of the leisure-restricting factors to the leisure activity patterns. And finally, it reaches the conclusion about the relations of the foreign immigrants' lifestyles to their preferences for the types of leisure activities. At the same time, it also summarizes the discussed issues about their leisure lifestyles, provides solutions to the issues, and ultimately serves as a useful data for them to improve the quality of their leisure life, the final object of this study.
The hypothesis and research model are designed in the base of previous studies about leisure. To accomplish these research design, a total of 490 questionnaire was distributed to the foreign people in Jeju from October 28, 2007 to February 29, 2008. Out of 420 questionnaires, 420 samples was used for the analysis.
The pragmatic research data were derived from surveys carried out for the foreign residents in Jeju province and the data were analyzed by statistics systems called SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 4.0. And frequency analysis, reliability analysis using Cronbach's alpha, factor analysis for the validity of designed valuables. The structural equation model was used for verifying the hypotheses, and t-test/ANOVA were done for the characteristics of samples in various items such as leisure activities and constraints, lifestyle and leisure satisfaction.
The analysis results show that all the hypothesis, but one that assumes that lifestyles would have positive influences on leisure activities, made in the course of the study turned out verifiable. Even though it was true that lifestyles do influence leisure activities, it was never substantiated whether or not the influences were positive. Regarding the structural model, formulated on the basis of demographic factors such as country, gender, period of residency, age, monthly income, and more, used in the study, it was more likely to provide anticipated data when the test groups were consist of Chinese, people younger than thirty, or people making below one million Korean won per month.
In sum, this study outlines the relations among social and demographic factors, lifestyles, leisure restrictions, leisure activity patterns, and leisure satisfaction of Jeju residents including both domestic and foreign residents, in an effort to define the impacts of their lifestyles and the factors of leisure restrictions on their leisure activities and the level of satisfaction they get from the activities. As such, the study draws theoretic and pragmatic analysis of the leisure-related status of the foreign immigrants in Korea. It urges that the Korean society face the current undesirable state of leisure activities by the foreign residents and pay more attention to the issue to upgrade the quality of their lives. It finally concludes by stressing the importance of strategic approach to the issue in order to soft-land the healthy leisure culture for the foreigners and to cultivate the greater economic, social, cultural developments.
This thesis have the some limitation like follows:
Firstly, the sample of this study consists of university students and immigrant workers mainly. So the analysis results should be understand more carefully.
Secondly, it is nearly impossible to collect the population in the common empirical study, so this study focused on sample live in Jeju, Korea.
Thirdly, even convenience method of sampling could be inaccurate, this study accomplish the questionnaire method using convenience sampling because of problems like time or cost. So the sample of this study can't reflect the accurate percentage of foreigners in Korea.
Lastly, it is very ideal to interpret and distribute the all foreigners' languages questionnaires, but this study limit four languages such as Chinese, Japanese, English, and Korean.
The overall results of this dissertation could inform with the future study. And many diverse efforts like official foreigner policy or private foreigner community program should be attempted as soon as possible, because not only our society but also any other countries in the world would receive and send their society members. And the future study would make an effort the more accurate sampling and questionnaire language style for the precision of research because the respondents are foreigners who are more difficult to attempt the survey comparing with domestic people.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2008. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Hyun, Sung-Gon
대학원 관광경영학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 문제의 제기 1
2. 연구의 목적 3
3. 연구의 범위와 방법 4

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 6
1. 라이프스타일에 관한 이론연구 6
1) 라이프스타일의 정의 6
2) 라이프스타일의 분석방법 10
3) 라이프스타일에 의한 소비자 유형 15
4) 라이프스타일과 소비과정 17
2. 여가제약요인에 관한 이론연구 19
1) 여가제약의 개념 19
2) 여가제약에 대한 제 접근 20
3) 여가제약 모델의 확장 25
4) 여가제약에 대한 최근의 연구동향 29
3. 여가활동과 여가만족에 관한 이론연구 33
1) 여가활동 33
2) 여가만족 42
4. 선행연구의 요약 46
1) 라이프스타일과 여가활동과의 관계 46
2) 여가제약과 여가활동과의 관계 50
3) 여가활동과 여가만족과의 관계 55
4) 외국인 여가에 관한 연구 58

Ⅲ. 연구의 설계 64
1. 연구모형의 설계 64
2. 연구가설의 설정 65
3. 변수의 조작적 정의 67
1) 라이프스타일 67
2) 여가제약 67
3) 여가활동유형 68
4) 여가만족 69
4. 연구조사의 설계 69
1) 설문의 구성 69
2) 표본추출과 자료수집 70
3) 자료분석방법 71

Ⅳ. 실증분석 72
1. 표본의 특성 72
2. 측정항목의 신뢰성 및 타당성 분석 75
1) 라이프스타일 측정항목의 신뢰성 및 타당성 분석 75
2) 여가제약 측정항목의 신뢰성 및 타당성 분석 77
3) 여가활동 측정항목의 신뢰성 및 타당성 분석 78
4) 여가만족 측정항목의 신뢰성 및 타당성 분석 80
3. 확인적 요인분석 81
4. 가설검증 83
1) 가설1-가설5의 검증 83
2) 가설6의 검증 87
5. 기타검증 98
1) 1년미만 거주자 중 소득이 100만원미만인 집단에 대한 구조모형 검증 98
2) 월소득 100만원 미만이며 학생인 집단에 대한 구조모형 검증 99
3) 거주기간 1년 미만이며 학생인 집단에 대한 구조모형 검증 100
4) 라이프스타일에 따른 여가활동 및 여가만족 차이분석 101
5) 여가제약에 따른 여가활동 및 여가만족 차이분석 104
6. 결과의 요약 107

Ⅴ. 결 론 109
1. 연구의 요약과 시사점 109
2. 연구의 한계와 향후 방향 114

참고문헌 116
설문지 124
제주대학교 대학원
玄成坤. (2008). 濟州道內 居住 外國人의 餘暇活動과 滿足에 關한 硏究
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