제주도내 양식장 배출수 연안 퇴적층의 미생물학적 특성 분석 및 응용
- Alternative Title
- Analysis of Characteristics and Application of Bacteria in Coastal Sediment at aquaculture Wastewater Effluence area on Je-ju Island
- Abstract
- Aquaculture activities are undergoing a rapid expansion in many parts of the world, inducing an increasing interest and concern for their potential impact on coastal marine environments with important management implications. As a result of this rapidly increasing production, aquaculture activities might affect the coastal environment in a variety of ways. Generally, aquaculture impact has been determined in terms of water column and sediment alterations, as well as changes in the physico-chemical characteristics and structural properties of the biological components, and comparing the impacted area with a control site (Carss, 1990). It has been previously demonstrated that organic inputs associated to fish feeding has a substantial impact on the nutrient load in coastal areas (Beveridge, 1984; Gowan and Bradbury, 1987). Also fish cultivation produces large biodeposits of pseuisland-faeces and faeces ( Grenz, 1989), affecting the quality and quantity of POM available for benthic organisms, and influencing the nutrient recycling (Baudinet and Kaspar 1993) and inducing changes on sedimentary organic matter and on associated infaunal community. In addition ,biodeposits stimulate microbial biomass and productivity. In marine sediments benthic bacterial biomass is channelled through protozoan and meiofaunal grazing to higher trophic levels. Bacteriological monitoring is of great importance especially in aquaculture, in fact areas suitable for productive purposes must possess optimal quality levels (Caruso and Del Negro et al., 1993). Consequentially, is important monitoring and controls of microbiological parameters.
Coastal sediments of aquaculture wastewater enffluence area were collected at Seoungsan, Wimi, Pyoseon and Daejeoung on Jeju from July to December 2006. Bacterial distribution plate count samples were investigated by viable cell count and species analysis. The cell number of YM agar was 1.3~3.7×10^(7)CFU/mL in Seoungsan, 1.9~6.3×10^(7)CFU/mL in Pyoseon, 1.9~2.7×10^(7)CFU/mL in Wimi, 1.2~5.1×10^(7)CFU/mL in Daejoung. R2A agar was 3.5×10^(7)~1.54×10^(8) in Seoungsan, 1.4×10^(7)~2.3×10^(8)CFU/mL in Pyoseon, 1.3×10^(7)~5.6×10^(8)CFU/mL in Wimi, 1.4×10^(7)~4.5×10^(7)CFU/mL in Daejoung. MA agar was 4.5×10^(7)~1.5×10^(8)CFU/mL in Seoungsan, 1.72×10^(7)~1.62×10^(8)CFU/mL in Pyoseon, 1.5×10^(7)~8.0×10^(8) CFU/mL in Wimi, 3.4×10^(7)~9.8×10^(8)CFU/mL in Daejoung. NA agar was 9.3×10^(6)~8.4×10^(7)CFU/mL in Seoungsan, 2.2×10^(7)~6.4×10^(8)CFU/mL in Pyoseon, 2.4×10^(7)~5.1×10^(8)CFU/mL in Wimi, 2.2×10^(7)~9.5×10^(8)CFU/mL in Daejoung. Bacterial distribution showed that 12 strains, bacillus spp.(2strains), Staphylococcus spp.(2strains), Streptomyces sp.(1strain), Micrococcus sp.(1strain), Roseovarius sp.(1strain), Acinetobacteria sp.(1strain), Enterobacter sp.(1strain), Psuislandalteromonas spp.(2strains), Tenabaculum sp.(1strain) in seoungsan. Pyoseon area distributed that 19 strains, Shwanella spp.(2strain), Vibrio spp.(1strain), Krokinobacter sp.(1strain), Brevundimonas sp.(1strain), Erythrobacter sp.(1strain), Jannaschia sp.(1strain), Micrococcus sp.(1strain), Streptomyces spp.(3strains), Paenibacillus sp.(1strain), Bacillus spp.(7strains). Wimi area distributed that 12 strains, Staphylococcus sp.(1strain), Salinicoccus sp.(1strain), Bacillus sp.(1strain), Streptomyces sp.(1strain), Dietzia sp.(1strain), Micrococcus sp.(1strain), Vibrio sp.(1strain), Alterromonas sp.(1strain), Shewanella sp.(1strain), Roseovarius sp.(1strain), Tenacibaculum sp.(1strain), Muricauda sp.(1strain). Daejoung area distributed that 12 strains, Bacillus spp.(4strains), Salinicoccus sp.(1strain), Streptomyces sp.(1strain), Vibrio sp.(1strain), Pseuislandalteromonas spp.(4strains), Tenacibaculum sp.(1strain).
- Author(s)
- 장태원
- Issued Date
- 2008
- Awarded Date
- 2008. 2
- Type
- Dissertation
- http://dcoll.jejunu.ac.kr/jsp/common/DcLoOrgPer.jsp?sItemId=000000004212
- Alternative Author(s)
- Jang, Tae-Won
- Affiliation
- 제주대학교 대학원
- Department
- 대학원 수산생명의학과
- Advisor
- 허문수
- Table Of Contents
- Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
Ⅱ. 양식장 배출수의 이화학적 특성분석 = 5
1. 재료 및 방법 = 5
1) 수온, 염분, 용존산소(DO), pH측정 = 5
2) 화학적 산소 요구량(COD) = 5
3) 부유물질 (SS) = 5
4) 암모니아성 질소 = 6
5) 아질산성 질소 = 6
6) 질산성 질소 = 6
7) 인산인염 = 7
2. 결과 및 고찰 = 8
Ⅲ. 배출수 연안 퇴적층의 미생물학적 군집 분석 = 22
1. 재료 및 방법 = 22
1) 배출수 연안 퇴적층의 월 별 종속영양세균 개체수 측정 = 22
2) 배출수 연안 퇴적층의 깊이별 종속영양세균 개체수 측정 = 22
3) 16S rRNA를 염기서열분석을 이용한 미생물 군집 분석 = 23
2. 결과 및 고찰 = 24
Ⅳ. 배출수 연안 퇴적층 유래의 미생물학적 응용 = 45
1. 재료 및 방법 = 45
1) 단백질분해 미생물 분리 및 분해능 측정 = 45
2) 단백질분해 미생물의 온도별 성장 측정 = 45
3) Prptease activity 측정 = 45
4) 다당분해 미생물 분리 및 분해능 측정 = 46
5) 다당분해 미생물의 온도별 성장 측정 = 46
6) Amylase activity 측정 = 46
7) 지질분해 미생물 분리 및 분해능 측정 = 47
8) 지질분해 미생물의 온도별 성장 측정 = 47
9) Lipase activity 측정 = 47
10) 분리균주의 생화학적 특성 분석 = 48
2. 결과 및 고찰 = 50
Ⅴ. 고찰 = 70
참고문헌 = 77
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 제주대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 장태원. (2008). 제주도내 양식장 배출수 연안 퇴적층의 미생물학적 특성 분석 및 응용
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