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제주도 빗물의 수자원 활용화 방안에 관한 연구

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The Study on Application of Rainwater to Water resources in the Jejudo
The Jeju Island is the most rain falling area in Korea with its annual amount of rainfall reaching 1,975mm, and 58% or more annual amount of rainfall is concentrated on the 4 months from June to September. Its geological feature is composed of volcanic rock types which has good water permeability, and annually, approximately 20.5% of the total rainfall, which is 740 million ton, flows out to the river. In addition, the whole Jeju Island contains only 3.868 million , 0.5% of total outflow, in undercurrent facilities or underground water recharge facilities, and so on to utilize rainwater. Therefore, structural․nonstructural measures are required to make efficient plans for converting such outflow into water resource and that can enable constant utilization of rainwater corresponding to Jeju Island's current status.
As structural measure, undercurrent facilities, artificial recharge well, water gathering well, and so on should be imposed in golf courses, large tourism complex, and etc. Especially, a plan for facilitating artificial undercurrent facility which can perform both artificial recharge well and reservoir regarding underground water should be actively proceeded for hilly sections with 500?`600m or more altitude. In addition, flexibility of government policy and facility standards are required for government offices and large buildings that are larger than certain size so that they are not limited from installation and are not restricted regarding the area of water gathering. As for water resource policy, establishment of government policy for a much efficient water resource saving facility that can link rainwater utilization facility with wastewater reclamation and reusing system is required.
As an improvement plan for rainwater utilization system, endowment of incentives and imposition/coordination of rainwater utilization facility should be extended through establishment of regulations encouraging rainwater utilization. When facilitating to extend rainwater utilization, expanding economical support through exception of tax and so on are required. In addition, nonstructural measures such as advertisement and education for revitalization of rainwater utilization and for the citizens to save water resource, scheduling and research/investigation and etc. for expanding supporting businesses are required.
Issued Date
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2007. 8
Alternative Author(s)
산업대학원 건설환경공학과
Table Of Contents
I. 서 론 1
1. 연구배경 및 목적 1
2. 연구범위 및 방법 2
II. 제주도의 강우특성 4
1. 강우량의 분포 4
2. 강우량의 분석 5
III. 수자원의 개발 및 이용 6
1. 우리나라의 수자원 6
2. 제주도의 수자원 7
3. 제주도 지하수의 개발 및 이용 9
4. 제주도 용천수의 분포 및 이용 11
IV. 시대별 물이용의 현황 13
1. 초기의 물이용 13
2. 상수도의 보급 16
3. 광역상수도 시대 20
4. 인공함양정 시설 21
5. 해수담수화 시설 23
V. 물제도 26
1. 수도법 17
2. 빗물이용시설의 설치에 관한 기준법 29
VI. 빗물이용의 현황과 분석 38
1. 빗물의 이용 38
2. 빗물이용효과의 분석 40
3. 국내․외의 빗물이용사례 45
4. 제주도의 빗물이용과 현황 57
VII. 빗물의 수자원 활용화 개선방안 63
1. 고지대의 인공함양정 설치 64
2. 빗물이용시설의 설치대상 및 규모 조정방안 64
3. 중수도와 관련한 수자원정책 수립 65
4. 빗물시설의 경제적 지원방안 67
5. 빗물 이용제도의 개선방안 70
6. 빗물이용에 관한 대민홍보 72
VIII. 결 론 73
참고문헌 74
부 록 76
오영진. (2007). 제주도 빗물의 수자원 활용화 방안에 관한 연구
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Graduate School of Industry > Environmental Engineering
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