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제주지역 공립 및 사립유치원의 급식관리 실태 분석

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An analysis of foodservice management Practices of Public and Private Kindergarten in Jeju
The purpose of this study was to investigate and analyze the foodservice management practices of public and private kindergartens in order to offer basic data necessary for desirable ways to operate foodservices. So, this study investigated the actuality, targeting at 110 kindergartens, public and private, located at Jeju province, performed statistical disposal with SPSS Win 12.0, analyzed descriptive analysis about all of the items, and verified significance between respective factors with Crosstabulation Analysis and t-test.
The summary of the result was as followings.
First, public kindergartens were distributed evenly at regions. But, private kindergartens were mostly located at urban-type regions(70.8%). Public kindergartens were operated by 1~2 classes(76.2%) and less than 50 children (69.3%), but private kindergartens by more than 5 classes(50.0%) and more than 100 children(62.5%), high ratio.
Second, 29.2% of private kindergartens offered foodservices on Saturday and its unit price was higher than that of public kindergartens. Public kindergartens were assisted in foodservice expenses a lot by education office(42.9%), but private kindergartens mostly by parents(87.5%).
Third, dietitian made a menu in all of the public kindergartens, but head or vice-head(45.7%) in private kindergartens, highest ratio. As for the most important items in making a menu, all of the public kindergartens and private kindergartens placed more emphasis on nutrition intake(88.3%, 95.0% respectively) than any other items. As for observing nutrition standard at the time of making a menu, 49.4% of public kindergartens and 12.5% of private kindergartens observed it surely.
Fourth, dietitian took charge of food purchase in all of the public kindergartens, but cook(50%), or head and vice-head(41.7%) in private kindergartens. Public kindergartens purchased food by 100% contract, but private kindergartens by direct purchase(41%). As for use frequency of eco-friendly food materials, public kindergartens used it less than one time a month(28.6%), every day(27.3%), and two times a week(13.0%) in order, and never(14.3%). Private kindergartens two times a week(33.3%), one time two weeks(33.3%), and one time a week(25.0%) in order, but there was no private kindergarten which didn't use it.
Fifth, most of public kindergartens observed standard cooking methods(87.0%) and time spent in from cooking to meal distribution(94.9%). 29.2% of private kindergartens didn't apply to standard cooking methods and 20.8% didn't observe the time spent in from cooking to meal distribution. 100% of public kindergartens used elementary school classrooms for lunch, but 50.0% of private kindergartens used food service rooms.
Sixth, as for the frequency of hygiene education, targeting at cooks, public kindergartens performed the education frequently(81.8%), and private kindergartens about one time a month(45.8%), high ratio. As for the recognition of HACCP, 100% of public kindergartens recognized HACCP, but only 45.8% of private kindergarten objects recognized it.
Seventh, this study rated the detail standard 21 items related with foodservice room facilities, suitable 1, unsuitable 0, total 21 points. Public kindergartens acquired 17.26 and private kindergartens acquired 13.65. As for preparation of foodservice implements, this study investigated total 37 kinds. Public kindergartens prepared average 53.1EA, and private kindergartens prepared 7.4 EA.
Eighth, as for the most difficult task in operating kindergarten food services, public kindergartens responded it to be special foodservice instruction and nutrition education(50.6%), and public kindergartens to be various menu considering on children nutrition(58.3%), highest. As for the way to improve kindergarten foodservice quality, public kindergartens responded it to be securing specialist personnel(50.6%), and private kindergartens to be modernization of facilities(54.2%), higher.
The summarized results suggest as followings. Public kindergartens offer foodservices together with elementary schools side by side. It brings about load on dietitians(teachers). and it also brings about non-systematic meal service system, considering on children's specific characteristics. Private kindergartens are very lack of meal service facilities and personnel, too. So, all of the public kindergartens and private kindergartens must find a way to improve systematic and reasonable kindergarten foodservice operation.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2009. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Ko, Eun-Jeong
제주대학교 교육대학원
교육대학원 영양교육
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 1

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 3
1. 유치원 급식의 의의 3
2. 유치원 급식 운영현황 4
3. 유치원 급식관리의 구성요소 6
1) 식단관리 6
2) 구매 및 보관관리 6
3) 위생관리 7
4) 급식시설․설비기준 8
4. 유치원 급식 프로그램에 관한 연구 동향 9

Ⅲ. 연구방법 11
1. 조사대상 및 방법 11
2. 조사내용 11
3. 조사자료의 통계분석방법 12

Ⅳ. 연구 결과 및 고찰 13
1. 조사대상 일반사항 13
1) 조사대상 유치원의 일반사항 13
2) 조사대상자 일반사항 15
2. 급식 운영 현황 17
1) 급식대상 및 횟수 17
2) 급식관련 정보 제공 실태 17
3) 급식종사자 현황 및 만족도 20
4) 급식비와 간식비 단가 및 부담 주체 23
3. 식단관리 25
1) 식단 작성자 25
2) 식단 작성 시 참고자료 및 중요사항 26
3) 식단의 형태 및 영양섭취기준 준수 29
4. 구매관리 30
1) 식품구매 및 식재료별 구매 형태 30
2) 가공식품 및 친환경식재료의 이용 현황 33
(1) 운영형태에 따른 가공식품 및 친환경식재료의 이용 현황 33
(2) 지역에 따른 가공식품 및 친환경식재료의 이용 현황 34
(3) 가공식품을 이용하는 이유 35
5. 음식 생산 및 배식관리 36
6. 위생관리 39
1) 급식 위생관리 39
2) 급식식기류의 소독관리 41
3) HACCP인지도 및 급식운영시 급식시설 적합성 45
7. 시설설비관리 46
1) 급식시설의 준수사항 46
2) 급식설비 기구의 보유 현황 50
8. 급식운영 애로사항 및 개선 방향 54
1) 유치원 급식운영의 어려운 점 54
2) 유치원 급식으로 인한 업무부담 정도 55
3) 조리종사자 관리 시 어려움 및 급식개선 우선순위 57

Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언 58

참고문헌 62
부록 65
Abstract 76
제주대학교 교육대학원
고은정. (2009). 제주지역 공립 및 사립유치원의 급식관리 실태 분석
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