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조립토 지반에 설치된 침투트렌치의 비침투량(比浸透量) 산정식 제안

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Suggestion of the specific infiltration formula for an infiltration trench installed in a granular ground
Recently, runoff is increasing suddenly due to heavy rainfall and development, for this, the damages are increasing. And although the runoff reduction facilities are installed for preventing this damage, the proper infiltration formula in soil condition of Jeju area isn't made exactly. Also if a pre-existed formula is applied in estimating an infiltration, the infiltration is different from a true infiltration because soils distributed in Jeju area have high permeability. So to suggest the specific infiltration formula for granular which has high permeability, the model test was conducted. Through this model test, the specific infiltration formula was suggested as following.
Kt(㎡/m) = 7.565h+(2.428W-0.025)
And it is expected that the infiltration obtained from suggestion formula is higher than it obtained from a pre-existed formula about twice.
Also In-situ permeameter test and infiltration test were conducted for 8 pointe in 4 areas. For In-situ permeameter test, coefficient of permeability was estimated from Borehole Test with constant water level. Also critical infiltration was obtained from infiltration test. The results of permeameter test was from 1.03×10^(-2)to 1.63×10^(-1)(cm/sec), permeability was very high. Also critical infiltration was from 22.24 to 212.7(㎥/hr), high infiltration effect was obtained. But critical infiltration obtained from a pre-existed formula was very low from 15.73 to 148.21(㎥/hr).
So critical infiltration obtained from in-situ infiltration test, a pre-existed formula, suggestion formula was compared respectively. In result, critical infiltration obtained from suggestion formula was closed to critical infiltration obtained from in-situ infiltration test
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2008. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Do-Hyeong
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 토목해양공학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
1. 연구배경 및 목적 = 1
2. 연구내용 및 범위 = 2
Ⅱ. 기본이론 = 3
1. 침투트렌치의 개요 및 구조 = 3
2. 현장침투시험 = 5
2.1 현장침투시험 절차 = 5
2.2 조사 지점의 선정 = 6
2.3 현장침투시험 = 7
2.4 시험 결과의 정리 = 13
3. 설계침투량의 산정 = 14
3.1 단위설계침투량 = 14
3.2 기준침투량 = 14
4. 투수시험의 종류 및 방법 = 24
4.1 실내투수시험 = 24
4.2 현장투수시험 = 27
Ⅲ. 침투트렌치의 모형시험 = 38
1. 모형시험장치 = 38
2. 사용 재료 = 40
2.1 표준사 = 41
2.2 송이 = 41
3. 시험 방법 = 41
3.1 표준사에 대한 투수시험 = 42
3.2 침투시험 = 42
3.3 시험 결과 = 45
Ⅳ. 침투트렌치의 현장시험 = 48
1. 현장투수시험 = 48
1.1 시험 방법 = 48
1.2 시험 결과 = 50
2. 인위적 저류를 통한 현장침투시험 = 51
2.1 시험 방법 = 52
2.2 시험 결과 = 56
Ⅴ. 침투량 분석 = 57
1. 비침투량에 대한 기존식과 제안식의 비교 = 57
2. 기존식에 의한 설치시설의 침투량 분석 = 59
3. 제안식에 의한 설치시설의 침투량 분석 = 61
4. 침투량 산정의 비교 분석 = 63
Ⅵ. 결론 = 69
Ⅶ. 참고문헌 = 71
제주대학교 대학원
김도형. (2008). 조립토 지반에 설치된 침투트렌치의 비침투량(比浸透量) 산정식 제안
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General Graduate School > Civil and Ocean Engineering
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