한국 교회의 성가대 지휘자와 대원의 실태에 대한 조사 연구
- Alternative Title
- A study on the state of the conductors and the choirs of church in Korea
- Abstract
- The purpose of this research is to find problems and to grope for a way to the development of choir by investigating consciousness of conductors and choirs in Jeju Island. The research was composed of 5 sectors; there were 37 questions for conductors and 31 for choirs. Although statistical methods of data analysis differ according to the purpose of the verification, frequency analysis and correlation analysis were mainly used. Following is the summary of the results.
Based on the research, 63% of conductors were unsatisfactory with the collection of sacred music, which resulted from the lack of budget.
The conductors were preparing for less than two hours a week. They also believed that practicing hymns should be done once a week and 2~3 hours of practice per a week should be appropriate. In terms of positions, 45.7% of choirs were allocated according to individual capability and compass, whereas 54.2% were placed to wherever they wished.
The results showed that seminars or educational programs for conductors as well as choirs were required for the sake of qualitative improvement. The members should maintain the voice in any circumstances by making health sound. For this, the church should increase the level of participation through diversifying the regular seminars and programs and provide many educational opportunities to grow capable conductors and choirs.
71.1% of the respondents answered that less than 1% of the choir members had been majoring in music and 91.3% agreed that they were in need of professional solo singers. 83.6% answered that these members should be paid.
While 41.3% of conductors were serving without payment, 49.1% answered that more than 400,000 KRW should be paid to them. Hence, it seems that there should be improvement in terms of payment. For the development of church music, physical and human resources are required. Especially for the development of church ensemble, there should not be a lack of musical professionalism of the conductor and the spiritual and inner truthfulness should be accompanied. Additionally, it can partly be managed by the faith but appropriate payment according to it should not be ignored.
Based on the survey about conductor and choir, I can make following conclusions for the development of choirs of church. First of all, members of choir's active participation is required. Secondly, competent conductor is essential. Third, for the constant improvement, Seminars and education programs for choir and conductor himself is required. Last but not least, Church should support choir actively. Choir's praise highly influence the growth of church. Beautiful and merciful praise of choir enrich worship, therefore it would be stepping-stone for the development of church.
I finish this thesis with the wish that it would be helpful for the growth of choir and then, choirs could grow and praise beautifully and mercifully.
- Author(s)
- 김수정
- Issued Date
- 2008
- Awarded Date
- 2008. 2
- Type
- Dissertation
- Alternative Author(s)
- Kim Soo-Jeong
- Affiliation
- 제주대학교 대학원
- Department
- 대학원 음악학과
- Advisor
- 김정희
- Table Of Contents
- I. 서론 = 1
1. 연구의 필요성 = 1
2. 연구의 목적 = 2
3. 용어의 정의 = 2
II. 이론적 배경 = 3
1. 교회음악 = 3
1) 교회음악의 정의 = 3
2) 교회음악의 분류 = 3
2. 성가대 = 4
1) 성가대의 정의 = 4
2) 성가대 지휘자의 역할 = 5
3) 성가대원의 역할 = 5
3. 현대 교회의 성가대 = 6
1) 한국교회의 성가대의 역사와 실태 = 6
2) 한국교회 지휘자의 실태 = 8
3) 음악의 다양화 = 8
III. 연구 방법 = 11
1. 연구방법 = 11
2. 피험자의 현황 = 11
3. 연구절차 = 12
IV. 연구 결과 = 13
1. 설문조사 결과 = 13
1) 피험자의 일반적인 사항 = 13
2) 선곡과 성가곡집에 대한 인식 = 18
3) 성가연습에 대한 사항 = 20
4) 성가대 지휘자의 질적 향상에 대한 사항 = 22
5) 성가대원의 질적 향상에 대한 사항 = 29
2. 설문조사 분석 결과 = 38
V. 결론 = 42
참고문헌 = 45
부록 = 48
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 제주대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 김수정. (2008). 한국 교회의 성가대 지휘자와 대원의 실태에 대한 조사 연구
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