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항적자료를 이용한 공항주변 항공소음 평가에 관한 연구

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A Study on Evaluation of Aircraft Noise around Airport using Flight Path Data
The aircraft noise is one of troublesome problems to the residents and the authorities around the airport. Although there is mentioned in the Korean standard method for measurement of aircraft noise, it is not easy to determine the level of the aircraft noise because the difficulty of the separation of between background noise and the determination of duration time of noise. In this study, the unreasonable factors for evaluation of aircraft noise are studied. Three descriptors of noise such as Lmax, Leq, and SEL are analyzed. The results of this study show that to determine the level of aircraft noise the descriptor of SEL is more objective than other two descriptors. It can be seen that many mistakes to evaluate the level of aircraft noise without the information of aircraft operation are revealed. So it is desirable to concern simultaneously with the information of the flight path data to evaluate the level of aircraft noise.
In order to estimate the noise level during approach and departure of aircraft it can be recommend the empirical equations by multiple regression with the slant data, aircraft identifying noise level and the measured noise data. the noise levels predicted by these empirical equations are highly correlated to the measured noise data. It is able to choose these empirical equations to other airports with single runway.
Working out a countermeasure against the aircraft noise are a long and tiresome journey. Therefore, this study recommends the relatively simple and prompt measures for reduction of aircraft noise level such as adaption of noise footprint of aircraft and the recommended criteria available for choice of kinds of aircraft based on the noise level and the demand of passengers.
In order to reduce the level of aircraft noise and respond promptly against petitions or a complain, it is time to put in force these measures recommended from the results in this study.
Issued Date
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2010. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Jun Ho
제주대학교 일반대학원
대학원 환경공학과
Table Of Contents
목 차

Summary ⅶ

Ⅰ. 서론 1

Ⅱ. 이론적 고찰 5

1. 항공소음 측정방법 및 평가 5
1) 항공기 소음 측정 및 평가 척도 5
2) 항공기 소음도 결정에 영향을 미치는 요인 10

2. 항공기 항적분석 15
1) 항공기 이착륙 패턴 15
2) 항공기 프로파일 분석 18
3) 항공기 위치 측정방법 21
4) 항공기 운항과 소음관리 25

3. 항공소음 저감 대책 27
1) 저소음 운항절차 수립 28
2) Gate 및 Corridor 설정을 통한 소음 저감 32

Ⅲ. 연구 방법 39

1. 연구 대상 지역 39

2. 항공기 소음 측정 자료 39
1) 측정기기 39
2) 측정 지점 및 시기 40
3) 소음측정자료 분석 42

3. 항적자료 분석 43

Ⅳ 결과 및 고찰 44

1. 항공기 소음측정값에 대한 영향인자 44
1) 배경음의 변동에 의한 영향 44
2) 특이소음 혼입에 의한 영향 50
3) 이중파형 소음의 영향 54
4) Threshold 설정에서 고려해야 할 인자 57

2. 항공기 이착륙 소음예상 경험식 59
1) 항공기와 수음점 사이의 거리 산출 59
2) 항공기 이착륙에 따른 측정 소음도 분석 61
3) 항공기 이착륙 소음도를 예상하기 위한 경험식 71

3. 공항주변 항공기 소음감소를 위한 정책 제안 81
1) 소음 footprints 활용 82
2) 항공기 추가운항 승인기준 적용 84
3) 기종별 운항제한 적용 88

Ⅴ 결론 93

Ⅵ 참고문헌 95
제주대학교 일반대학원
李晙鎬. (2010). 항적자료를 이용한 공항주변 항공소음 평가에 관한 연구
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General Graduate School > Environmental Engineering
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