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제주지역 청정에너지 부존량 및 활용에 관한 연구

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Research for Reserves and the Utilization of Clean Energy in Jeju
Jeju-do highly relies on outside sources of energy because of its geographical situation. Recently, it has been necessary to enhance its stable energy sources there by protecting it from rising oil prices and preventing further global warming and the resulting serious environmental disruptions caused by the use of fossil fuels. Therefore, in this study is to investigate of the reserves and the available capacity of new and renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, biomass, wastes and small hydro energy. The results show that the available capacity of solar energy is 123,525 TOE/year, wind energy is 1, 871,748 TOE/year, and biomass energy is 30, 127 TOE/year. Waste energy has an available capacity of 6,629 TOE/year and small hydro energy is estimated at 2,617 TOE/year. The results of the available capacity of clean energy sources show that it is likely double the annual energy consumption of Jeju. Solar energy and wind energy are the greatest potential energy sources, compared to other energy sources. Furthermore, wind energy is available in the highest quantity.
This study is estimated target of introduction by starting from energy basic policy of nation and policy of province by 20011 year. We select sort of clean energy such as solar light energy, Solar heat energy, wind energy, waste energy and biomass energy. The ultimate target, which is measured from composites of Proportional of distribution, Multiple proportion and The exiting target of Jeju by 2011 year and so on. As a result of the amount of clean energy introduction by 2011 year are estimated solar heat energy 3.1 TOE/year, solar light energy 98 TOE/year, wind energy 109,694,34 TOE/year, waste energy 11,263 TOE/year and biomass energy 4,517 TOE/year. The total amount target of clean energy introduction (126,459 TOE/year) by 2011 year that are investigated the decrease as compared with the 10% target of introduction of Jeju are showed about 7.3% of totally annual consumption. Taregt of introduction of wind energy is investigated 87% of whole energy.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2007. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Park, Jung-Gun
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 기계공학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 = 1
1.1 연구배경 = 1
1.2 연구목적 및 내용 = 2
Ⅱ. 청정에너지 부존량 및 이용가능량 = 3
2.1 청정에너지 정의 및 종류 = 3
2.1.1 자연에너지 = 4
2.1.2 재생에너지 = 4
2.1.3 종래형 에너지의 새로운 이용형태 = 4
2.2 부존량 및 이용가능량의 산출방법 = 5
2.2.1 태양열에너지 = 5
2.2.2 태양광에너지 = 6
2.2.3 풍력에너지 = 7
2.2.4 바이오매스에너지 = 9
2.2.5 폐기물에너지 = 13
2.2.6 소수력에너지 = 14
2.2.7 미이용에너지 = 14
2.3 청정에너지별 부존량 및 이용가능량 = 15
2.3.1 태양에너지(태양열, 태양광) = 15
2.3.2 풍력에너지 = 18
2.3.3 바이오매스에너지 = 20
2.3.4 폐기물에너지 = 22
2.3.5 소수력에너지 = 24
Ⅲ. 청정에너지 도입 현황 및 목표 = 27
3.1 도입현황 = 27
3.2 청정에너지 도입목표 = 30
3.2.1 청정에너지 도입의 주안점 = 30
3.2.2 청정에너지 종류별 도입 검토 = 30
3.2.3 제주도 청정에너지 도입목표치 산정방법 = 32
3.2.4 제주지역 청정에너지 최종 도입목표치 산정 = 41
Ⅳ. 결론 = 44
참고문헌 = 46
부록 = 47
제주대학교 대학원
박정근. (2007). 제주지역 청정에너지 부존량 및 활용에 관한 연구
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Faculty of Applied Energy System > Mechanical Enginering
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