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제품관여도에 의한 유명인광고모델 속성이 광고효과에 미치는 영향

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Advertisement effect of celebrity endorsement is shown differently by the attribute of the model. Advertisement acceptor, how they recognize the model is important because that it can influence advertisement effect. Many factors (celebrity contributes, sex distinction, involvement etc.) are invloved in consumer recognizing of the model. In spite of that, preceding studies had interested in only one or two aspect.
This paper studies totally the effect of celebrity attributes and sex distinction on advertisement effect with product involvement level. Celebrity attributes is defined expertisement and attractiveness. Advertisement effect is defined attitude toward Advertisement(Aad), attitude toward brand(Ab), purchase intention(PI). And then disscuss the effect of attitude toward advertisement(Aad) to attitude toward brand(Ab), the effect of attitude toward brand(Ab) to purchase intention(PI), and the effect of attitude toward advertisement(Aad) to purchase intention(PI), according to celebrity attributes, sex distinction and product involvement level.
By the first survey male and female celebrity with attractiveness, male and female celebrity with expertisement were selected. By the second survey they were comfirmed that cellular phone is high product involvement and beverage is low product involvement. And then, advertisements were made. First, four types of Beverage advertisement (low involvement) was made. Male and female celebrity with attractiveness, male and female celebrity with expertisement were inserted in each advertisement. And then, four types of cellular phone advertisement (high involvement) was made. Male and female celebrity with attractiveness, male and female celebrity with expertisement were inserted in each advertisement.
Main Survey was done 140 undergraduate students at Department of Dental Hygiene, Jeju Tourism College in Jeju Island. They were divided into two groups by low involvement and high involvement, 70 person each other. And then, they were estimated about four types of printed advertisement each other.
The results show that the first, In high involvement condition celebrity with attractiveness is more positve effect on attitude toward advertisement(Aad) and attitude toward brand(Ab). The second, even if experimetal objects were confined within twenties female students, all items were shown more positive effect in male celebrity than female celebrity. The third, low involvement condition is more effective than high involvement. The fourth, attractiveness is more effective to the effect of attitude toward brand(Ab) to purchase intention(PI), and the effect of attitude toward Advertisement(Aad) to purchase intention(PI). The fifth, in low involvement condition is more effective to the effect of attitude toward brand(Ab) to purchase intention(PI), and the effect of attitude toward advertisement(Aad) to purchase intention(PI).
The conclusion is that the first, In high involvement condition celebrity with attractiveness is more positve effect. The second, when advertise toward twenties female, it is more effective using male celebrity. The third, when celebrity endoresement is used, low involvement condition is more effective than high involvement. The fourth, even if attitude toward advertisement(Aad) do not affect purchase intention(PI) directly but affect purchase intention(PI) by positive effect on attitude toward brand(Ab) indirectly.
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2007. 2
제주대학교 경영대학원
경영대학원 경영정보학과
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 = 1
제1절 연구의 목적 = 1
제2절 연구의 방법 = 2
제3절 연구의 구성 = 4
제2장 이론적 배경 = 5
제1절 유명인광고모델 = 5
1. 광고모델의 의의과 기능 = 5
2. 광고모델의 속성 = 5
3. 유명인광고모델의 특성 = 8
4. 유명인광고모델 효과에 관한 이론 = 10
제2절 관여도 = 16
1. 관여도의 개념과 특성 = 16
2. 관여도의 구분 = 17
3. 관여도의 측정 = 18
제3절 광고효과 = 20
1. 광고효과의 개념과 측정 = 20
2. 광고효과의 범위 = 22
제3장 연구방법 = 27
제1절 연구모형과 연구가설 = 27
1. 연구모형 = 27
2. 연구가설 = 28
제2절 조사설계 = 32
1. 사전조사-1 = 32
2. 사전조사-2 = 32
3. 본실험 = 33
제3절 설문의 구성과 변수의 조작적 정의 = 34
1. 설문의 구성 = 35
2. 변수의 조작적 정의 = 35
3. 자료의 분석방법 = 37
제4장 연구결과 = 38
제1절 표본의 구성 = 38
제2절 분석도구의 신뢰성 및 타당성 = 39
1. 관여도의 제품별 확인 = 39
2. 광고태도 및 상표태도 요인의 신뢰성 및 타당성 = 42
제3절 가설검증 = 43
1. 가설 1, 2, 3의 검증 = 43
2. 가설 4, 5, 6의 검증 = 46
3. 가설검증 결과 요약 = 52
제5장 결론 = 55
제1절 연구의 요약 = 55
제2절 연구의 시사점 = 56
제3절 연구의 한계와 미래연구을 위한 제언 = 57
참고문헌 = 58
설문지 = 62
광고물 = 73
제주대학교 경영대학원
장은식. (2007). 제품관여도에 의한 유명인광고모델 속성이 광고효과에 미치는 영향
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Graduate School of Business Administration > Management Information Systems
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