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중국 제3자 물류의 개선방안에 관한 연구

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A study on the Improvement Plans for The third party logistics in china
The economy of China is growing at a high speed of 10% every year since reform and opening up in 1979. In 2008, China?fs exports and imports total amount increased 25559 billion dollars, 18% highed up compared with last year, and the trade surplus was 2974 billion dollars. China?fs trade scale holds the third position in the world, in which processing industry and manufacturing industry occupy big specific gravity. As a result, China holds the position of the world trade center market, and India, Russia, Brazil emerge as the emerging markets.
The world economy in a global era entered an infinite competition era that economic development is the center. The environment of logistics is changing seriously because of information and communication development, border barrier mitigation, and emerging giant market.
Take a look at the conclusion at the end of chapter 5. The government and enterprises should strive together for the development of the third party logistics. On the side of the government, fires of all, it should extend the logistics and infrastructure. The government should speed the revision of laws related to logistics, and promote the logistics industry?fs standardization process , for avoiding unfair competition and monopoly.
The third party logistics enterprises, which have good competence and development forecast, should develop the enterprises?f combination and increase the sector giant. At the same time, the support on 3PL should be strengthened and the investment in education should be expanded in order to logistics?]related manpower training.
The overall open is a serious challenge for mostly China domestic logistics companies, and on the other hand, it is also recognized as an opportunity. Every company?fs understanding has certainly difference on scale, networks, skills, and so on.
Generally, being close to crisis, we can see the tendency of lively response that foreign global logistics companies?f invest in the Chinese market by domestic logistics companies?f combination. And on the other hand, advanced logistics management technologies and know?]how are known well, and global network is expanded through strategic cooperation of foreign logistics companies, it extends a new area of business. The competitive between logistics companies in the Chinese market is very violent, China logistics companies uplift own information level, and apply the scientific management system. They choose some methods for winning in the market competition in addition, such as coalition, merger, and to enter the foreign market.
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2010. 8
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제주대학교 일반대학원
대학원 무역학과
Table Of Contents
목 차

제1장 서론

제1절 연구배경과 목적..............................................................1
1. 연구배경............................................................................................................1
2. 연구목적............................................................................................................3
제2절 연구방법 및 구성............................................................4
1. 연구방법............................................................................................................4
2. 연구구성............................................................................................................5

제2장 제3자 물류이론과 중국 물류산업의 고찰

제1절 제3자 물류에 관한 이론적 접근.....................................6
1. 제3자 물류의 개념............................................................................................6
2. 제3자 물류의 등장배경.....................................................................................8
3. 제3자 물류의 편익과 활용..............................................................................11
제2절 중국 물류산업의 실태와 정책.......................................12
1. 중국 물류산업의 실태.....................................................................................12
2. 중국 물류산업의 발전 배경............................................................................16
3. 중국 물류산업의 발전과 정책.........................................................................17
제3절 중국 물류산업의 특성...................................................19
1. 선진국과의 현저한 격차 존재.........................................................................19
2. 지역간의 심한격차..........................................................................................20
3. 반전수준의 수송수단별 문제...........................................................................20
4. 제도상의 문제.................................................................................................21

제3장 중국 제3자 물류산업의 현황과 문제점

제1절 중국 제3자 물류산업의 현황........................................22
1. 중국 제3자 물류서비스 규모..........................................................................23
2. 중국 제3자 물류서비스의 주요 고객..............................................................25
3. 중국 제3자 물류서비스지역 및 특징..............................................................25
4. 중국과 선진국 물류 업체의 비교 분석...........................................................27
제2절 중국 제3자 물류산업의 문제점.....................................30
1. 현대 물류 인식의 부족...................................................................................30
2. 물류 관련 법규의 미비...................................................................................31
3. 물류 인프라 및 인재의 부족..........................................................................32
4. 물류서비스 효율성 제고 어려움.....................................................................34

제4장 중국 제3자 물류의 개선방안

제1절 정부 측면에서의 개선방안............................................36
1. 정부 역할의 충분한 이행................................................................................36
2. 제3자 물류산업의 발전에 적극적인 유도.......................................................39
제2절 기업 측면에서의 개선방안............................................40
1. 물류시장 개방에 따른 경쟁............................................................................40
2. 중국 대형물류기업의 연합..............................................................................40
3. 중국 물류기업의 글로벌화..............................................................................42

제3절 중국 제3자 물류기업의 성공사례와 발전 전망.............42
1. 중국 물류기업의 발전.....................................................................................42
2. 중국 제3자 물류기업의 성공사례...................................................................45
3. 제3자 물류기업의 발전전망............................................................................48

제5장 결 론


제주대학교 일반대학원
유설봉. (2010). 중국 제3자 물류의 개선방안에 관한 연구
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