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MICE산업 경쟁력 평가에 관한 연구 -제주, 서울, 부산의 비교평가를 중심으로-

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Although the importance of the MICE industry is fully recognized, the research of MICE is mainly focused on the convention industry and the rest of the industries are confronted by the lack of research. Therefore, it is important for the Jeju to research for the strength and weakness of the MICE industry that the Jeju has with the broad understanding of MICE for maintain the competitive advantage in the MICE industry.
Based on the given facts, this study will stand to begin the research with the following objectives .
First, to establish the definition structure of MICE industry through the reference research related to the topic.
Second, this study attempts to undertake the comparing evaluation of the MICE industry competitiveness in Jeju, Seoul and Busan by extracting the competitive evaluation factors related to the corporate conference, reward travel, convention and exhibition through the present condition analysis relevant to the primary research and MICE industry.
Third, based on the analysis outcomes, this research seeks the developmental direction of the MICE industry Jeju, and propose the necessity of the theoretical research of the MICE industry.
The survey for the substantial proof of the research has been undertaken between October 18th, 2010 to November 8th through the direct email and fax survey to the 75 companies where the permissions have been granted by the PEO or PCO directors. 다 Among the 75 companies, final sample of 50 companies besides the 25 companies with untrustworthy answers have been used for the substantial analysis.
This study examines the definition contemplation of the MICE industry, and conducted the competitiveness evaluation of the MICE industry in Jeju, Seoul and Busan based on the primary research. The outcome is given as following.
First, Seoul has the highest competitiveness in terms of the company conference, reward travel, convention and exhibition infrastructures, and Jeju has the least competitiveness in the MICE industry as all infrastructure has lower grade than Busan except the reward travel category.
Second, different from the primary expectation, Jeju has lower competitiveness of Pre & Post tour of company conference, convention and exhibition events related to the travelling than Seoul.
Although this is because Jeju has small behind market, it is still necessary to give efforts to develop new food and beverage service combined with the clean image of Jeju.
Fourth, related to the exhibition industry, most of competitiveness evaluation variable of Jeju has the lowest scores. This has an implication related to the feature of Jeju as an island as the exhibition industry should have a large behind market. Regarding that the exhibition industry is becoming more important in the MICE industry, it is necessary to undertake the promotion for such exhibition that may not require the massive distribution movement to overcome this weakness.
Fifth, Jeju has low competitiveness evaluation with less than score 3 in the all section of facility evaluation related to the exhibition industry except the communication facility. It is a reality that Jeju is confronted by lacking the exhibition facility compare to other regions, it is necessary to find the ways to increase the practical usage value of the convention center to overcome this issue.
However, this research has backfire limitation as following. First, lack of primary research for the MICE industry leads this study mainly focus on the convention to establish the definition structure, second, among the competitiveness evaluation section, convention research has mainly used to extract the other evaluation factors. Third, participating for the other various section of MICE industry has not been conducted as the survey of competitiveness evaluation has been done mainly through the PCO and PEO. The further research will be examining to increase the validity of the research outcomes by including the practical experts and academic experts related to the MICE industry.
Issued Date
Alternative Author(s)
Kwun, Yung-Jin
경영대학원 관광개발학과
Table Of Contents
제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 배경 1
제2절 연구의 목적 3
제3절 연구범위 및 방법 4

제2장 이론적 고찰 6
제1절 MICE 산업에 대한 이론적 고찰 6
1. MICE 산업의 개념 6
2. MICE의 유형 7
3. MICE산업의 구성요소 26
제2절 MICE산업 현황 31
1. 해외의 MICE산업 현황 31
2. 국내의 MICE산업 현황 40
3. 제주의 MICE산업 현황 43
제3절 MICE 경쟁력 평가 요인 49
1. MICE산업의 선택속성 49
2. MICE산업 경쟁환경 요인 60

제3장 MICE산업 경쟁력 평가 모델 및 지표 개발 63
제1절 연구과제 64
제2절 MICE 개최지 경쟁력 평가 지표의 선정 기준 설정 65
제3절 MICE 개최지 경쟁력 지표 개발의 가정 67
1. 평가 결과에 대한 상대적 해석 67
2. 최종 사용자 관점 부여 68
3. 다중공선성 문제 68
제4절 MICE 개최지 경쟁력 지표 개발 및 조사설계 69
1. Meeting & Convention 개최지 경쟁력 지표 개발 70
2. Incentive Travel 개최지 경쟁력 지표 개발 72
3. Exhibition 개최지 경쟁력 지표 개발 73
4. 연구의 조사설계 74

제4장 MICE산업 경쟁력 실증분석 77
제1절 표본의 인구통계적 특성 77
제2절 설문 항목별 경쟁력 평가 결과 78
1. 경쟁력 평가 변수 중요성 78
2. 지역별 경쟁력 평가 분석 81
3. 중요도를 고려한 지역별 경쟁력 평가 86

제5장 결론 90

제주대학교 경영대학원
권영진. (2011). MICE산업 경쟁력 평가에 관한 연구 -제주, 서울, 부산의 비교평가를 중심으로-
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Graduate School of Business Administration > Tourism Development
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