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관광지 수명주기 연구 ; 1962 ~ 2009년간 제주지역을 대상으로

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The attempts on the modeling developmental processes of tour destinations have been constantly studied by the field of tourism and various models and classifications have been suggested in order to explain these developmental processes of tour destinations. However, although the destination life cycle of Butler has lasted for over 20 years, many essential flaws were detected regarding its usefulness as an analysis tool. Since 2000, there have been attempts to overcome weaknesses of the existing destination life cycle especially through applying various destination life cycle theories and mathematical verifications of Butler's destination life cycle.
The purpose of this study is in order to understand the tour destination life cycle of Jeju ; for this purpose, the study model will be planed through theoretical study and the process will be presumed through classification. As well, based on the analysis of classification results, revision model will be researched in order to predict demand and destination life cycle of Jeju. Overall, the evolving process of tourism development policy can be generally contemplated according the destination life cycle of the study sample case, which will enable the derivation of policy implications.
The analysis result of the study is suggested as follows.
As a result from the analysis of destination life cycle of Jeju based on Butler's model, it is figured out to be exploration phase from 1962 to 1976; involvement phase from 1977 to 1983; consolidation phase from 2001 to 2006; and stagnation phase since 2007.
However, some problems are found out if the estimated values and actual values are compared during the period of consolidation and stagnation phase from the study model. According the Butler's life cycle (1980), consolidation phase describes the stage of slowdown in its growth and the stagnation phase describes the stage of delay due to intensified slowdown as the number of tourists is increased. From the actual value of Jeju area, the number of tourists was increased by 1.2 million in 5~6 years during the period of 2001 to 2006, which reflects the consolidation phase. However, more than 1.1 million tourists were recorded only in 3 years during the period of 2007 to 2009 even though this period was considered as stagnation phase. This actual case shows that the theoretical model is not always applicable to the reality. Also according to the previous data of Jeju tourism, it even took maximum of 20 years while the number of tourists to be increased by 1 million. Therefore, except for the time of 1998 when the number of tourists was drastically reduced as the IMF control was introduced due to crucial financial crisis, the increasing rate of the number of tourist cannot be explained as consolidation or stagnation phase from the study model. Rather, newly revised model should be researched to explain the current condition.
Similar to the revised model, in order to presume the constant destination life cycle that is divided into two periods, setting the starting point of second period is vital. This study has settled the starting point of second period at the year of 1999 based on the life cycle theory of Prideaux (2000), which asserts that the period and stages should be presumed differently according to the changes in the market supply and demand and the Butler's distinct features by each stage of life cycle (1980).
Hence, during the period 1991-1998 is considered to be consolidation and stagnation phases of first period of cycle as it began to drop its increasing tourist rate to one-digit, while the time after the year of 1998 is considered to be a real stagnation period as IMF financial crisis was occurred in the year of 1997.
Consequently, it is possible to observe that destination life cycle of Jeju for 48 years from 1962 to 2009 can be divided into first period and second period. First period is considered to be from the year of 1962 to 1998 and the second period is considered to be from the year of 1999 to the present. As well, through the general consideration of evolving process of Jeju tourism developmental policy in accordance with each developmental phase of destination life cycle for 48 years from 1962 to 2009, major tourism developmental policies and Jeju tourism developmental status were corresponded and compared to each other. From this, important political implications were derived, which suggests that appropriate tourism developmental policy that is suitable for each phase is essential and the attraction marketing strategies for each destination life cycle is required.
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Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Young-Pyo
대학원 관광개발학과
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 문제의 제기 1
제2절 연구의 목적 3
제3절 연구의 방법 및 범위 3

제2장 이론적 고찰 5
제1절 관광지 수명주기(DLC)의 개념연구 5
1. 관광지 수명주기(DLC)의 정의 5
1) 관광지 개념과 체계 5
(1) 관광지의 개념 5
(2) 관광지의 구성체계 8
2) 관광지 수명주기(DLC)의 개념 10
제2절 관광지 수명주기(DLC) 이론의 분석모델과 단계별 특성 14
1. 관광지 수명주기(DLC) 이론의 분석모델 14
2. 관광지 수명주기(DLC) 이론의 단계별 특성 18
1) 탐색단계(Exploration) 18
2) 개입단계(Involvement) 19
3) 발전단계(Development) 19
4) 강화단계(Consolidation) 20
5) 정체단계(Stagnation) 20
6) 쇠퇴단계(Decline) 또는 회생단계(Rejuvenation) 21
3. 관광지 수명주기(DLC) 이론의 진화 23
4. 관광지 수명주기(DLC)와 관광정책 28
제3절 선행연구 32
제4절 제주지역 관광의 전개과정 36
1. 관광 동향 36
1) 제주지역의 일반현황과 산업구조 36
2) 제주지역의 방문 관광객 추세 38
3) 제주지역의 관광수입 추세 40
2. 제주지역의 사회ㆍ경제 동향과 관광개발정책 전개과정 41
1) 제주지역의 사회ㆍ경제 동향 41
2) 제주지역의 관광개발정책 전개과정 49
3. 제주지역 관광개발 현황 62
1) 관광단지 및 지구 62
2) 골프장 65
3) 숙박업 67
4) 박물관 및 미술관 69
5) 투자진흥지구 71

제3장 연구의 설계 73
제1절 연구 모델의 설계 73
1. 연구모델 73
2. 연구모델 검증의 틀 74
제2절 연구모델의 추정방법 76
1. 연구모델의 추정절차와 방법 76
1) 로지스틱 곡선의 모수추정 77
2) 연구모델식 추정 77
3) 도함수를 통한 관광지 발달의 각 단계 추정 78
4) 각 발달단계별 변곡점의 기울기 추정 79
2. 추정자료 81

제4장 분석의 결과 82
제1절 연구모델의 검증과 관광지 발전 단계의 추정 82
1. 연구모델의 검증 83
2. 연구모델에 따른 단계추정 86
제2절 수정모델의 탐색 88
1. 탐색의 논리적 근거 88
2. 수정모델의 추적 88
1) 제1주기 89
2) 제2주기 90
제3절 수정모델에 따른 관광지 수명주기(DLC)의 단계추정과 수요예측 94
1. 수정모델에 의한 발달단계의 구분 94
2. 제주지역의 관광지 수명주기(DLC)에 따른 수요예측 96
제4절 제주지역의 관광지 수명주기(DLC)에 따른 제주관광개발의 대응성 100
1. 각 단계별 제주관광개발의 대응성 100
2. 정책적 함의 102

제5장 결 론 104
제1절 연구의 요약과 시사점 104
제2절 연구의 한계와 향후 연구방향 106

참고문헌 107
제주대학교 대학원
김영표. (2011). 관광지 수명주기 연구 ; 1962 ~ 2009년간 제주지역을 대상으로
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Faculty of Data Science for Sustainable Growth > Tourism Development
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