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성년후견제도에 관한 연구 -A Research on the Adult Guardianship System

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The Adult Guardianship System is a system that supports the normal activities of an adult who does not have enough judgement ability so that their own decision making process is respected and the rest of the capabilities can be used to its fullest potential. In Korea, the Adult Guardianship System is at its implementation stage and research is necessary to seek out which direction it should take. Therefore, this paper aims to examine the current status by looking at preceding researches in relation to the implementation of the Adult Guardianship System and to search out alternative options for areas that are insufficient to supplement them in any way possible.
Many advanced nations have already implemented the Adult Guardianship System and it is becoming a much developed system after having gone through several reforms. In Germany's case, it is carrying out a monistic Adult Guardianship System which is based on a Statutory Guardianship System. France which is the first country to have legislated the Adult Guardianship System is running the guardianship systems as a jurisdictional protective system as well. Japan, closest neighbor to Korea has also enacted and carrying out a special law regarding the arbitrary adult guardianship system befitting the concept of the adult guardianship system.
Currently, Korea has the System for Incompetent People but there are a lot of issues pertaining to this system so the usage of it has been low. Following this turn of events, the academics and the legal authorities have come up with a series of law proposals in the field of adult guardianship to replace the System for Incompetent People. The Department of Justice announced and preluded a partial civil legislation proposal which had the gist of implementing the Adult Guardianship System on September 18th 2009. (Henceforth called the revision plan)
In this paper, attempts have been made to investigate and look closely into the contents of the revision plan before it passed the National Assembly and suggested the following issues that would need to resolved for insufficient parts existing within the proposal.
First, the revised bill limits its scope to cases where there are insufficient judgement ability, but the physically challenged should also be included in the adult guardianship system. Only by including physically challenged people who can only take care of partial administrative paperwork or the whole administrative process can the Adult Guardianship System realize the practical concept of social welfare.
Secondly, the claimant for the opening trial of the adult guardianship should be expanded to the local autonomous government districts. With only the relatives and the lawyer's claims, there is a limit to what can be done so with the participation of the local community, we can expect a more active running of the system.
Thirdly, if the Adult Guardianship Systems takes effect, the workload of the Family Court is expected to increase dramatically. As such, there should be a expansion of personnel and materialistic system of the Family Court. A new establishment of the guardian court as a professional division is necessary along with professional investigative teams and consultants should be installed as well.
Fourthly, the quality of the guardian is the most important in the Adult Guardianship System. Therefore, in order to cultivate professional guardians, there is a need to establish an institution which will raise such individuals. Fifthly, in order for anyone to take advantage of the Adult Guardianship System, a public support system from the government is necessary. In the revision plan, the financially limited guardian especially had a hard time using the system so there should be an alternative plan to support this from the government or the local autonomous governing bodies.
Finally, the revision plan still follows the current incumbent methods of public announcements so the problem of respect for privacy still remains. In order to resolve that matter, a new Adult Guardianship System should be set up where only the barest minimum of information that need to be registered is necessary.
As it can seen above, by considering foreign countries' cases where they are already executing the Adult Guardianship System, a more active discussions should be carried out so that a new system more appropriate to Korea can be formulated. The implementation of the Adult Guardianship System is an issue that cannot be postponed any further but what's more important is the firm establishment and practical securement followed by active usage. In order to make this into a reality, continued interest and discussions are an absolute must in the future.
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Alternative Author(s)
Kang, Young Eun
대학원 법학과
Table Of Contents
제1장 서 론 1

제1절 연구의 목적 1
제2절 연구의 범위와 방법 2

제2장 성년후견제도의 개념과 도입 필요성 4

제1절 성년후견제도의 개념 4
1. 성년후견제도의 의의 4
2. 성년후견제도의 기본원칙 5
(1) 보충성의 원칙 5
(2) 필요성의 원칙 6
(3) 개인적 후견의 원칙 6
제2절 현행 민법의 문제점 7
1. 행위무능력자제도의 문제점 7
(1) 선고요건의 문제점 8
(2) 선고의 청구권자 제한의 문제점 9
(3) 비용부담의 문제점 10
(4) 공시방법의 문제점 11
2. 후견제도의 문제점 12
(1) 후견인 순위의 문제점 12
(2) 후견인 수의 문제점 13
(3) 후견인의 직무에 관한 문제점 14
(4) 후견감독기관에 관한 문제점 16
제3절 성년후견제도의 도입의 필요성 16
1. 성년후견에 관한 패러다임 전환의 요구 17
2. 장애인의 존엄과 인권 보호 18
제4절 검토 19

제3장 성년후견제도에 관한 주요국가의 입법례 21

제1절 독일 21
1. 입법배경 21
2. 성년후견제도의 특징 23
(1) 후견제도의 일원화 23
(2) 필요성의 원칙과 보충성의 원칙 24
3. 성년후견제도의 주요내용 25
(1) 성년후견인의 선임 26
(2) 성년후견인의 직무 26
(3) 성년후견의 감독 28
제2절 프랑스 28
1. 입법배경 28
2. 성년후견제도의 특징 29
3. 성년후견제도의 주요내용 30
(1) 사법적 보호 30
(2) 후견 32
(3) 보좌 33
(4) 장래보호위임계약 33
제3절 일본 34
1. 입법배경 34
2. 성년후견제도의 특징 36
3. 성년후견제도의 주요내용 37
(1) 법정후견제도 37
(2) 임의후견제도 43
(3) 성년후견등기제도 46

제4장 성년후견제도의 개정안 검토 및 과제 48

제1절 개정안의 기본원칙 48
1. 자기 결정의 존중 49
2. 잔존 능력의 활용 49
3. 보편성(Normalization)의 실현 50
제2절 개정안의 주요내용 51
1. 다원론의 채택 51
2. 신상보호 규정의 도입 52
3. 후견인의 확대 53
4. 후견감독인제도의 신설 55
5. 후견계약의 신설 55
제3절 개정안의 검토와 향후과제 58
1. 민법개정안의 검토 58
(1) 성년후견의 유형 58
(2) 성년후견의 적용대상 59
(3) 후견개시심판을 위한 청구권자 59
(4) 후견인의 수와 자격 60
(5) 후견인의 직무 61
(6) 후견감독인제도 63
(7) 후견인 및 후견감독인에 대한 보수 65
(8) 성년후견의 공시 65
2. 향후의 과제 66
(1) 성년후견 대상자 확대 67
(2) 지방자치단체장에 의한 성년후견의 개시청구 68
(3) 전문후견인의 양성 69
(4) 가정법원의 감독시스템 확립 70
(5) 국가 및 지방자치단체의 지원 70
(6) 공시제도의 개선 71

제5장 결 론 74

참고문헌 77

제주대학교 대학원
강영은. (2011). 성년후견제도에 관한 연구 -A Research on the Adult Guardianship System
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