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多枝交叉路의 回轉交叉路變換에 따른 效果分析

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Effectiveness Analysis for Transforming Many-Legs Type Intersection into Roundabout in Jeju
oundabout is an intersection that allows vehicles to pass through the intersection by circulating the circular traffic island at the center of the intersection, and it is operated based on the main principle of the entering vehicle yielding to the vehicle already within the roundabout.

A modern style roundabout was introduced in the '90s in our country, and there are about 100 roundabouts in operation as of August 2009. In addition, roundabout design guideline (Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, 2010) suitable for the domestic condition is being established and supplied at the increasing need for introducing roundabout from the level of reducing accidents, enhancing traffic and revitalizing low-carbon green traffic. Furthermore, it is receiving much attention in recent as an eco-friendly road facility.

In this study, a comparative analysis was conducted on roundabout at five locations in order to deduce the operational result and financial effect of roundabout and signal intersection. As for the operational result, it was found that roundabout showed improvement effect in the average delay per vehicle compared to that of signal intersection by minimum of 65% and maximum of 91%. As for the average driving speed, roundabout showed operational improvement effect by minimum of 40% and maximum of 99%. Additionally, it was found that roundabout showed financial cost-saving effect in the traffic congestion cost compared to that of signal operation by minimum of 58.59% and maximum of 81% per year. It can be known from these analysis results that roundabout has significant operational effects under certain amount of traffic volume by allowing vehicles to pass through the intersection in a continuous way without much waiting time and stoppage from signal control.

Accordingly, it is necessary to actively review and supply the operational plan for roundabout that is effective in reducing energy consumption and air pollution emission from unnecessary signal waiting as well as reducing the traffic congestion cost, rather than indiscriminately operating signal intersection, in order to enhance smooth intersection traffic and improve safety by preventing and reducing traffic accidents.
Issued Date
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2011. 8
Alternative Author(s)
KO, Sang Ick
산업대학원 건설환경공학과
Table Of Contents
목 차 ⅰ

표 목 차 ⅳ

그림 목차 ⅵ

Summary ⅷ

I. 서 론 1
1.1 연구 배경 및 목적 1
1.2 연구의 범위와 방법 2

II. 기존연구 고찰 4

III. 회전교차로의 이론적 고찰 6
3.1 회전교차로의 정의 및 운영원리 6
3.1.1 회전교차로의 정의 6
3.1.2 회전교차로의 운영원리 6
3.1.3 회전교차로의 구조 및 용어정의 8
3.2 회전교차로의 유형 및 장․단점 10
3.2.1 회전교차로의 유형 10
1) 기본유형 10
2) 특수유형 13
3.2.2 회전교차로의 장점 및 단점 16
1) 회전교차로의 장점 16
2) 회전교차로의 단점 20
3.3 회전교차로의 설치운영 사례 22
3.3.1 국내의 회전교차로 운영사례 22
3.3.2 회전교차로의 국외사례 25
3.4 녹색 교통을 위한 국가정책 31
3.4.1 교통운영체계 선진화 정책 31
3.4.2 제주특별자치도 회전교차로 정책 32

IV. 분석의 틀 및 대상지점 선정 36
4.1 분석의 틀 설정 36
4.1.1 분석프로그램 36
4.2 교통혼잡비용의 구성요소 37
4.2.1 차량운행비용의 분석 38
1)고정비 38
2)변동비 41
4.2.2 시간가치비용의 분석 42
4.3 분석대상 교차로 43
1)명월사거리 43
2)교래사거리 46
3)토평사거리 48
4)신효입구 삼거리 50
5)하효입구 삼거리 52
4.4 분석시나리오 54

Ⅴ. 회전교차로의 효과분석 55
5.1 대상지점 운영분석 55
1) 명월사거리 교차로 운영분석 결과 55
2) 교래사거리 교차로 운영분석 결과 56
3) 토평사거리 교차로 운영분석 결과 57
4) 신효입구 삼거리 교차로 운영분석 결과 58
5) 하효입구 삼거리 교차로 운영분석 결과 60
5.2 운영분석에 따른 교통혼잡비용 분석 61
5.2.1 차량운행비용 61
1)고정비 61
2)변동비 63
5.2.2 시간가치비용 66
5.3 소결 70

Ⅵ. 결 론 73
6.1 연구의 종합 및 정책제언 73
6.2 향후 연구과제 75


감사의 글 77
제주대학교 산업대학원
고상익. (2011). 多枝交叉路의 回轉交叉路變換에 따른 效果分析
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Graduate School of Industry > Environmental Engineering
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