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운영체제에 따른 스마트폰의 지속적 사용 결정요인 비교 연구

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A Comparative Study on Determinant Factors for Continuous Use of Smart Phone by the OS
This study is to investigate determinant factors for continuous use of smart phones which are taking the lead in the spread of mobile convergence IT. For the intention to find out the extended models fit for the adoptability of existing TAM and decision of smart phone use, focusing on perceived usefulness and ease of use, key concepts of IT acceptance, this study verified structural relationships within personal characteristics(innovativeness and social influence) and quality factors(outcome and interaction) as antecedents, and attitude and continuance intention as result factors, the results of which were compared according to the OS(iOS and Android).
The findings of this study suggested as follows.
First, the study model was analyzed by SEM using the Covariance Structural Model and verified as being acceptable and the hypothesis which revealed the relationships among each construct comprising the study model was generally supported.
Perceived usefulness was identified to influence more on attitude than perceived ease of use and was affected more directly by social influence and outcome quality. This implies that as smart phone use has been rapidly increasing and become popularized, smart phones are now used by those who are influenced by others around or intend to utilize a range of functions smart phones offer rather than personal innovativeness.
Second, this study suggests that, in terms of service quality, outcome quality is more important than interaction quality and therefore, smart phone quality should be more emphasized on outcome quality than interaction quality by human resources. In fact, more users have chosen costly smart phones than feature phones because they offer various application programs utilizing the internet along with making a call and their hardware performance are considered important, leading to different levels in perceiving and experiencing perceived ease of use and usefulness. Especially, as smart phones have been equipped with more high-end functions and provided financing service like e-payment, providing reliable information and services and building sophisticated system that is protected from hacking will contribute to raising the attitude toward smart phone use.
Third, the perceived ease of use and usefulness of smart phone users creates positive attitude and plays a key role for users' postpurchase behaviors - having the intention to recommend and to continuously use. Therefore, in that smart phones get users to do various works as well as making a call, the operation system for smart phones should be easy to use and only by satisfying that demand, the attitude and continuance intention of users can be raised.
Fourth, from the results of the characteristics and regulating effects by the OS, in the paths of personal innovativeness on perceived usefulness and perceived usefulness on attitude, the path-coefficient of Android-based phone users showed relatively higher, which means personal innovativeness has a greater effect on Android phone users in these paths. It can be because many domestic smart phone users have used a series of iPhone-3GS, 4G, iPod, and iPad and they have been already verified. This result can be also identified from the analysis on the differences of construct by the OS that there was no difference in personal innovativeness of domestic smart phone users while iPhone users gave higher assessment in all the other respects. In conclusion, the iPhone should try to make the most of the current image in its operating system, function, and design in order to sustain the first mover advantage and the Android phone should be much more innovative enough to surpass the iPhone's image to stand shoulder to shoulder with iPhone in the smart phone market.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2011. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Kang, Jae-Eun
대학원 경영정보학과
Table Of Contents
제 1 장 서 론 1
제1절 문제의 제기 및 연구목적 1
1. 문제의 제기 1
2. 연구의 목적 2
제2절 연구의 범위와 방법 2
제3절 논문의 구성 3

제 2 장 이론적 배경 및 선행연구의 검토 4
제1절 모바일 컨버전스 기기로서의 스마트폰에 대한 논의 4
1. 스마트폰 개념 4
2. 모바일 컨버전스 기기로서의 스마트폰 특성 5
3. 스마트폰 운영체제 비교 7
4. 스마트폰 관련 시장현황 10
제2절 정보 기술수용과 지속사용에 관한 연구 15
1. 기술수용모델(TAM, Technology Acceptance Model) 15
2. 정보기술의 지속사용에 관한 연구 18
3. 스마트폰 관련 TAM 연구 21

제 3 장 가설의 설정 및 연구모형 25
제1절 연구가설의 설정 25
1. 외부변수 관련 연구가설 25
2. 기술수용모델 관련 연구가설 29
3. 태도와 지속사용의도 관련 연구가설 30
4. 운영체제의 조절효과 연구가설 32
제2절 연구 모형 32
제3절 변수의 조작적 정의 34
1. 개인혁신성 34
2. 사회적영향 34
3. 결과품질 34
4. 상호작용품질 35
5. 지각된 용이성 35
6. 지각된 유용성 35
7. 태도 36
8. 지속적 사용의도 36
제4절 자료의 수집 및 연구방법 36
1. 설문의 구성 36
2. 조사 및 분석방법 37

제 4 장 실증분석 39
제1절 표본의 특성 39
제2절 스마트폰 이용특성 40
제3절 분석도구의 신뢰성 및 타당성 42
1. 신뢰성 분석 42
2. 타당성 분석 42
제4절 가설검증 50
1. 연구모형의 적합도 50
2. 연구가설의 검증 51
3. 추가분석 61
4. 가설검증 결과의 요약 66
제 5 장 결 론 69
제1절 연구결과의 요약 및 시사점 69
제2절 연구의 한계 73

제주대학교 대학원
강재은. (2011). 운영체제에 따른 스마트폰의 지속적 사용 결정요인 비교 연구
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Faculty of Data Science for Sustainable Growth > Management Information Systems
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