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國家이미지와 醫療서비스이미지가 醫療觀光 購買意圖에 미치는 影響

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A study on the effect of the Influence of country image and Medical service images on the purchase intention of Medical Tourism
The 21th century's peoples take much attention to health because of the development of the economic and the pursuit of the high standard life. Medical tourism is a contemporary phenomenon which has its root in both tourism and health service. Especially, Korea's medical tourism market has grown dramatically after activation of foreign patient attraction law.
The nation image is a very important factor when consumers decide to purchase the product or service, it is also applicate in the case of medical tourism purchase, also the nation image can influence the medical service image. The medical service image is also an important factor when the tourists decide the purchase the medical tourism or not.
The purpose of this study is to find out which is the most influential factors among political, economic, relative , national image and cultural image in case of Chinese tourists when they purchase Korean medical tourism, and which is the most important factors among service, installation, speciality, appropriateness in medical service image when the Chinese tourists purchase Korean medical tourism.
This study estimates the Chinese tourists' Trust in the Korean health service quality . It means perception of medical tourism.
The survey was conducted August 1 to August 25, 2011 to 370 samples were analysed by the Chinese tourists who was traveling in Jeju island.
The results are as follows;
The economic image not have any significant influences on medical service image and medical tourism purchase intention. But the political, relative, cultural and national image has a positive influence on medical service image and medical tourism purchase intention. The speciality image not have important influences on medical tourism purchase intention, but the service, installation and appropriateness image has a positive influence on medical tourism purchase intention.
The implications of this study are:
First, the national image factors such as thoughtfulness, high education and polite attitude should be utilized as a Korea medical tourism marketing strategy to differentiate itself from the other foreign country in China.
Second, There are needs to raising trust in health service quality is the most important for Korean hospital and tourism companies to attract medical tourists.
Third, In addition, the importance to advertise dentistry treatment target the 20-30 youth, and introduce the recuperation service.
Fourth, when advertise the Korean medical tourism, it is necessary to introduce about the Korean medical skill and the high standard facilities to the Chinese customers.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2012. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Xu, Qian lin
대학원 경영학과
Table Of Contents
I. 서 론 1
1. 문제의 제기 및 연구의 목적 1
2. 연구의 범위와 방법 2
3. 논문의 구성 3
II. 이론적 배경 5
1. 국가이미지 5
1) 국가이미지의 개념 5
2) 국가 이미지의 특성 8
3) 국가이미지 구성요인 9
2. 의료서비스 이미지 14
1) 의료서비스의 개념과 특성 14
2) 의료서비스 선택요인 17
3) 의료서비스 구성요소 19
4) 의료서비스 이미지의 측정 21
3. 의료관광 구매의도 24
1) 의료관광의 특성과 유형 및 현황 24
2) 구매의도 41
III. 연구방법 46
1. 연구모형 46
2. 가설설정 46
1) 국가이미지와 의료서비스이미지 46
2) 의료서비스 이미지와 구매의도 47
3) 한국의 의료서비스 이미지와 의료관광 구매의도 48
3. 변수의 조작적 정의와 측정 49
1) 국가이미지 49
2) 의료서비스 이미지 50
3) 구매의도 51
4) 변수의 조작적 정의와 측정 52
4. 조사 설계 53
1) 조사대상 및 자료수집 53
2) 설문구성 53
3) 분석방법 54
IV. 실증분석 55
1. 표본의 구성 및 특성 55
2. 타당성 및 신뢰성 검증 56
1) 타당성 검증 56
2) 신뢰성 분석 66
3. 연구가설의 검증 69
1) 한국의 국가이미지와 의료서비스 이미지 69
2) 한국의 국가이미지와 의료관광 구매의도 71
3) 한국의 의료서비스 이미지와 의료관광 구매의도 72
4. 의료관광서비스 구매의도에 관한 분석 74
1) 의료서비스 별 구매의도 분석 74
2) 개인차에 의한 의료서비스 구매의도 분석 75
5. 분석결과의 요약 81
V. 결론 84
1. 연구의 요약 및 시사점 84
2. 연구의 한계점 및 향후 연구방향 86
참고 문헌 87
설문지 93
제주대학교 대학원
허천림. (2011). 國家이미지와 醫療서비스이미지가 醫療觀光 購買意圖에 미치는 影響
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General Graduate School > Business Administration
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