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先秦文獻에 나타난 同源字 硏究

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The study of cognate Chinese characters
본 논문은 同源字에 관한 연구이다. 동원자란 음이 비슷하면서 뜻이 같거나, 음이 같으면서 뜻이 비슷한 글자를 말한다.
본 논문이 동원자를 토론하려는 주요목적은 동원자의 음운관계로부터 시작하여, 두 개의 글자, 혹은 그 이상의 글자가 의미방면으로 동원자임을 밝히고자 함이다.
동원자를 系聯함에 있어서 王力이《同源字典》에서 동원자로 제시한 일부 글자와 殷寄明의《漢語同源字詞叢考》를 근거로 하여, 추정 가능한 의미파생 상황을 살펴보고 동원자로 추정되는 글자들을 찾아보았다. 내용의 양이 방대하여 上古音에서 中古音으로 넘어갈 때 가장 두드러진 특징을 보이는 舌音과 脣音을 중심으로 이들 글자가 동원자임을 밝히고자 하였다. 아울러 그것의 예문을《詩經》에서 찾아 증명하였으며,《詩經》에 없는 예문은 비슷한 시기의 선진문헌에서 찾아 증명하였다. 본 논문이 채용한 上古 추정음은 李珍華ㆍ周長楫의《漢字古今音表》를 기준으로 삼았다.
본 논문의 글자들은 語音上으로 聲母에 있어서는 雙聲, 旁紐, 隣紐의 관계이었고, 韻部에 있어서는 疊韻, 對轉, 旁轉, 旁對轉, 通轉의 관계이었다. 그리고 意義上으로는 同義, 引申義, 假借義 등의 관계로, 모두 "音近義同" 혹은 "音同義近"으로 모두 同源字였다.
본 논문에서 살펴본 聲符는 語音 뿐만 아니라 뜻을 나타내는 기능도 있음을 알 수 있었고, 동일한 성부는 本義, 引伸義와 관계없이 여러 가지 다른 뜻을 나타낸다는 사실을 알 수 있었다.
또한 聲符義가 本義, 引伸義와는 다르지만, 聲符義는 聲符字가 지칭하는 사물의 성질, 특징을 반영한다는 것을 발견하였다.
종합해보면, 同源字는 語音이 같거나 유사한 문자 사이에는 상당 부분 의미상의 유사성을 갖고 있음을 알 수 있었고, 성부가 동원자의 파생과 밀접한 관계가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 形聲字의 聲符가 의미와 관계없이 "소리"만 나타내기도 하므로, 성부가 같다고 반드시 동원자인 것은 아니며, 서로 자형은 완전히 다르지만 동원이기도 하였다. 그래서 동원자의 판단은 어음이 같거나 유사하면서, 공통된 의미자질을 공유하는가가 관건이며 성부가 이의 판단에 도움을 준다고 할 수 있다.
The study conducted a research on cognate characters (同源字) that represent the same sound as another with the same or similar meaning. The main purpose of the study is to identify cognate characters in the semantic aspect by examining the phonemic relationship of words composed of two or more Chinese characters.
The study examined semantic derivations of the suggested cognate characters in "Dictionary of Paronyms (同源字典)" authored by Wang Li (王力) and "Chinese Cognate Characters Textual Words (漢語同源字詞叢考)" authored by Yin Jiming (殷寄明) to identify cognate characters. Due to the enormous volume of contents, the study specified and focused on the lingual and labial sounds as they are the most distinctive characteristics found between the ancient and medieval phonology. The cited characters from the two sources were verified for their function as a cognate word by citing them in the phrases used for the same intent in "Shījīng(詩經), or the Book of Poetry (often translated as The Book of Odes or The Classics of Poetry), a collection of 305 poems written between 1000 and 600 B.C. (Baxter, 1992: 355). The study adopted the reconstructed pronunciation of the ancient Chinese characters based on the publication, "A Pronouncing Dictionary of Chinese Characters (漢字古今音表)," co-authored by Li Zhenhua (李珍華) and Zhou Changji (周長楫).
Phonetically, the cited characters satisfied as forming one of the three correlativity criteria for the initials to include, double sounds (雙聲), subsequent-tie (旁紐), and parallel-tie (隣紐), while one of five correlativity criteria for the finals to include, alignment of vowel rhyme or assonance (疊韻), having the same nucleus and similar ending of rhyme (對轉), having a similar nucleus and the same ending (旁轉), or mixing the previous two ways of nucleus and ending of rhyme (旁對轉), and having the same vowel but in the different sound categories (通轉). In the aspect of semantic categorization, the characters revealed adopting a semantic expression of the three categories to include, synonym (同義), extended meanings of an expression (引申義), and borrowed meanings (假借義). Hence, all of the Chinese characters tested in the study revealed to be genuine cognate characters, as homophonic synonym, either having a similar sound but the same meaning (音近義同) or the same sound but a similar meaning (音同義近).
The study also revealed that the vocal part of the characteristics contains not only the phonetic but also semantic functions, as well. Therefore, although the vocal part is identical, the characters represent a number of different meanings regardless of the type of correlativity criteria whether the characters are representing their original meanings (本義) or derived meanings (引伸義). In addition, in the case of the cognate characters that have a vocal part with a different meaning from their original or extended meaning, the study also found that the meaning of the vocal part still reflects on the nature and characteristics of the object indicated by the character consisted of the vocal part.
In conclusion, the study revealed that the cognate Chinese characters show a significant semantic similarity when the characters share an identical pronunciation or similarity as a written character. The study also found that the vocal part has a close relationship in the derivations of cognate characters. The vocal part of certain morpheme-phonetic characters (形聲字) is semantically indifferent and irrelevant but represent a "sound," which reveals that having the same vocal part does not necessarily verify that the corresponding character is a cognate one. Some of the characters were found as cognate character despite having a completely different written feature. Hence, the key criteria to verify the cognate property of Chinese characters should be whether they have the same or a similar pronunciation, and at the same time, whether they share the property of common meaning. The evaluation of the vocal part can be a supplementary tool for the verification of cognate qualification.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2012. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Seon Mi
대학원 중어중문학과
Table Of Contents
국문요약 ⅲ
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 연구목적 1
Ⅱ. 同源字의 개술 2
1. 定義 3
2. 先人들의 認識 4
3. 近人들의 同源字 硏究 6
4. 발생원인 7
5. 유사한 문자현상과의 구별 8
6. 판정 근거 10
Ⅲ. 先秦文獻에 나타난 同源字 釋例 13
1. 舌音 13
1) 端母 13
2) 透母 43
3) 定母 55
4) 泥母 74
5) 來母 78
2. 脣音 102
1) 幇母 102
2) 滂母 127
3) 母 140
4) 明母 147
Ⅳ. 결론 153
참고문헌 156
제주대학교 대학원
김선미. (2011). 先秦文獻에 나타난 同源字 硏究
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General Graduate School > Chinese Language and Literature
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