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후류에 의한 풍력터빈의 피로하중 특성

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Characteristics of Fatigue Load in a Wind Turbine by the Wake
The wake generated by a wind turbine has an effect on performance of a downstream wind turbine as well as mechanical loads, and therefore lifetime of the wind turbine. The wake effects also increases in offshore wind farms where the turbulence intensity is lower and wake is longer since there is less turbulence to mix the flow behind an upstream wind turbine.
This paper examines the importance of the wake effects with respect to fatigue damage. In the same context, this paper also investigated characteristics of fatigue load at the blade root due to the wake effects and quantitatively analyzed its effects at operating condition of a 5MW tripod offshore wind turbine using Bladed 4.1 software.
The aim of this study is to analyze the wake effects on calculated fatigue load on the wind turbine installed at a wind farm.
The wake effects was studied the way the wake's center position move from the rotor center to the blade tip to the far-away position where the wake doesn't affect the wind turbine. When wake's center was located on the blade tip or the rotor center, damage equivalent fatigue load was higher than other positions. It was up to 10∼14% compared to those of non-wake case.
Results of this study would be helpful to design wind turbines and wind farms to have lifetimes more than 20 years of the wind turbine.
Issued Date
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2012. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Chung Ok
대학원 풍력특성화협동과정
Table Of Contents
List of Tables ⅵ
List of Figures ⅶ
Nomenclature ⅸ
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
Ⅱ. 해석도구 및 이론 3
2-1 Bladed 4.1 소프트웨어 3
2-2 PARK 후류모델 9
2-3 Eddy viscosity 후류모델 12
2-4 등가하중 15
2-5 피로의 지수법칙 16
Ⅲ. 연구 방법 17
3-1 풍력터빈 모델 18
3-2 풍속조건 20
3-3 후류조건 22
3-4 후류 중심선 오프셋 24
3-5 후류크기 26
Ⅳ. 결과 및 고찰 27
4-1 블레이드 좌표계 27
4-2 후류에 의한 하중 계산 29
4-3 후류에 의한 피로하중 예측 33
4-4 후류에 의한 피로하중 분석 37
Ⅴ. 결 론 47
참고 문헌 49
제주대학교 대학원
김충옥. (2011). 후류에 의한 풍력터빈의 피로하중 특성
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Interdisciplinary Programs > Multidisciplinary Graduate School Program for Wind Energy
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