濟州道 風況資料를 利用한 波力과 風力의 數値解析
- Alternative Title
- The wave and wind force used by observed wind condition around Jeju Island
- Abstract
- The selection of a site where strong wind blows is important to increase effectively the electricity of wind power in proportion to the cube of the wind speed. It is advisable to establish the wind turbine in the coastal area with strong wind speed rather than in the inland. And the development of offshore wind energy is expected to solve the noise problem that is one of the important weaknesses in the wind turbine.
In this paper, the potential of wind power around JeJu coastal area is examined by using the wind data that Korea Meteorological Administration has surveyed for 10 years in 14 observation points. Wind speed data is revised to wind speed in 80 meters assuming installation height of the wind turbine, and wind power density and annual wind energy are also calculated. And annual electricity generation and percent of energy efficiency in all the observation points are estimated by using the information about 3,000KW wind turbine.
A numerical analysis on the external force, that affects a offshore wind turbine tower, is performed. The maximum wind speed is assumed to be 55m/s to calculate the extreme external force. During the procedure of the calculation, the wind force is computed according to the Korea Building Code 2009(Architectural Institute of Korea, 2009). And the significant wave height and period are estimated by using the SMB method. The data results of the SMB method are applied to the Morison's equation to compute the wave force. The trust force of the blade of the wind turbine is made available from the blade design process, which is based on BEMT(Blade Element Momentum Theory). For the analysis the diameters of the wind turbine tower are assumed to be 3m, 4.5m and 6m. The results of this numerical analysis show that the wave force, which acts on the wind turbine tower, is increased by the diameter of the tower as well as by the wind speed.
- Author(s)
- 진정운
- Issued Date
- 2011
- Awarded Date
- 2012. 2
- Type
- Dissertation
- http://dcoll.jejunu.ac.kr/jsp/common/DcLoOrgPer.jsp?sItemId=000000005870
- Alternative Author(s)
- Jin, Jung Woon
- Affiliation
- 제주대학교
- Department
- 대학원 풍력특성화협동과정
- Advisor
- 김남경
- Table Of Contents
- 목 차 i
List of Figures iii
List of Table iv
Summary v
I. 서론 1
1. 연구배경 1
2. 연구목적 3
3. 논문의 구성 4
II. 제주도 해상 풍황자원 5
1. 관측데이터 5
2. 풍력에너지 밀도 7
2.1 관측 데이터의 보정 7
2.2 바람장미도 10
2.3 풍속확률밀도 10
2.4 풍력에너지 밀도 12
3. 발전량의 산정 방법 7
3.1 WinDS3000 발전기 13
3.2 연간, 계절별 전기발전량 13
3.3 에너지 밀도 및 발전량의 산정 결과 15
3.4 WindPRO Program 적용 17
III. 수치해석을 위한 기본 방정식 22
1. SMB법 22
2. 파처오름 높이계산 22
3. 타워에 작용하는 하중 23
4. 로터 블레이드 설계 및 BEMT(Blade Element Momentum Theory) 23
IV. 수치해석 및 고찰 25
1. 풍력과 파력에 의한 타워 구조물의 해석 25
2. 타워구조물의 민감도 해석 및 고찰 26
V. 결론 32
참고문헌 33
발표논문 리스트 35
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 제주대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 진정운. (2011). 濟州道 風況資料를 利用한 波力과 風力의 數値解析
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- Interdisciplinary Programs > Multidisciplinary Graduate School Program for Wind Energy
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