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亂流가 風力發電시스템의 極限荷重에 미치는 影響 硏究

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The Importance of alternative energy development is becoming greater to proactively respond to diminishing fossil fuel reserves and increasing environmental regulations such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Against this backdrop, the industry for wind power technology has grown rapidly over the past five years at an average annual rate of 27.3%. Recently, the average capacity of a wind turbine unit has also been increasing with the rapid development and penetration of wind power technology. The increasing capacity of wind turbines has caused operational load to grow rapidly, creating the technical issue of securing the safety of a large structure. Korea's domestic wind turbines, however, have been dependent on advanced countries in core technical as pects of design, load analysis, and performance systems due to lack of experience and technical know-how. This thesis was prepared with there cognition of the urgent need to develop technology and accumulate technical in formation on design and load analysis of wind power systems in Korea, where the main focus has been on the development of production technology.
It examined the load analysis process of wind power systems and looked into the factors that affected ultimate load as a critical element of wind power system design and development. Since most parts of Korea are mountainous are as frequently influenced by typhoons, turbulence intensity is different at different locations. For this reason, data collected from actual sites across Korea were analyzed to investigate the change in ultimate load on wind power systems with a change in turbulence intensity.
This thesis used GH-Bladed, a software package for the design and certification of wind turbines, certified by Germanischer Lloyd, a German classification society. Ultimate load was analyzed in the condition of Class 1A of the international standard IEC 61400-1 3rd edition and characteristics of ultimate load were compared and analyzed in accordance with turbulence intensity. Ultimate load analysis was done for each turbulence intensity of 270 design load cases that were independently designed for ultimate load analysis.
The ultimate load analysis results showed almost all ultimate loads at blades, hub, and tower occurred at both DLC (Design Load Case) 6.1 parked extreme wind model and DLC 7.1 parked and fault extreme wind model. This suggested that the wind turbine was affected by a considerable load when it was in the condition of parked and fault extreme wind model. Turbulence intensity analysis suggested the greater the intensity, the greater the ultimate load at the root of blades and the bottom of the tower. At the hub, however, ultimate moment of some components increased while that of others went down somewhat, indicating that extreme power increased together with turbulence intensity.
In conclusion, this thesis identified the relationship between the change in turbulence intensity and ultimate load on wind turbines, contributing to the development of wind turbine design technology in Korea.
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2012. 2
대학원 풍력특성화협동과정
Table Of Contents
Abstract ⅰ
List of Figures ⅴ
List of Tables ⅶ
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1.1 연구배경 1
1.2 연구목적 3
1.3 연구방법 6
Ⅱ. 하중해석 운동방정식 7
2.1 Aerodynamics 7
2.2 구조 동역학 13
Ⅲ. 풍력발전시스템의 하중 해석 조건 15
3.1 적용 풍력발전시스템의 사양 15
3.2 외부 조건 23
3.3 설계 하중 조건(design load cass) 32
Ⅳ. 풍력발전시스템 극한하중 해석 54
4.1 블레이드의 극한 하중 해석 54
4.2 타워의 극한 하중 해석 60
Ⅴ. 난류강도에 대한 극한하중 해석 64
5.1 난류 강도의 변화 64
5.2 난류강도에 대한 블레이드의 극한 하중 해석 65
5.3 난류강도에 대한 타워의 극한 하중 해석 71
5.4 등가 극한 하중의 분석 75
Ⅵ. 결론 77
참고문헌 78
제주대학교 대학원
현승건. (2011). 亂流가 風力發電시스템의 極限荷重에 미치는 影響 硏究
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Interdisciplinary Programs > Multidisciplinary Graduate School Program for Wind Energy
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