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Printing of Fine Resolution Patterns through Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) Patterning Technology

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In electronic industry the manufacturing of conductive patterning is necessary and ineluctable. Traditionally, lithography is widely used for fabrication of conductive patterns. However, lithographic process requires complicated equipment, is time consuming and the area throughput is limited. In order to reduce the material usage, decrease process time and enable large area fabrication, different fabrication technique is needed. Nonlithographic-direct fabrication methodsuch as inkjetand roll-to-roll printing (also known as printed electronics) are predominant examples with reasonable resolution and high throughput compared to lithography techniques.

Conventional inkjet printing techniques including (thermal and piezoelectric print-heads) are being applied in various applications in the field of printed electronics with modest functional resolution with the feature size of 15~30?m (approximate spherical minimum diameter of 15?m). However, in order to reach this resolution the surface to be printed on needs modifications and also these technologies have limitation to produce droplets smaller than the nozzle size. Moreover, these conventional patterning techniques also have limitation on the type of materials to be deposited in terms of the viscosity of the ink. However, the droplet diameter after printing on the substrate is typically two times larger than the ejected droplet diameter on flat surfaces. Electrohydrodynamic patterning is realized by applying strong electric energy at the tip of the nozzle on the meniscusto generate necessary liquid flow jetting and patterning on the substrate.
In this work, electrohydrodynamic patterning methods both continuous and drop-on-demand mode areexperimentally investigated in order to generate patterns with fine resolution on various substrates. Moreover, experimental guidelines are discussed in order to achieve the fine resolution using electrohydrodynamic patterning. Patterns are made by using different inks containing Silver and Copper nanoparticles with different concentrations on different kinds of substrates. In order to check the functionality, the patterns are characterized physically as well as electrically. This study will help in paving road for electrohydrodynamic patterning technology for the formation of submicron patterns for printed electronics applications.
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2012. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Khalid Rahman
대학원 메카트로닉스공학과
Table Of Contents
List of Figures v
List of Tables x
Summary xi
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Competing Patterning Technologies 2
1.3 Electrohydrodynamic Jet Patterning 10
1.4 Research Goal 11
2. Continuous EHD Patterning 14
2.1 Dripping Mode 16
2.2 Cone-jet Mode 16
2.3. Multi-jet Mode 17
2.4 Parameters Affecting the Cone-jet 17
2.5 Operating Envelop 20
2.6. EHD Patterning of Functional Materials 21
3. DOD EHD Patterning 33
3.1 Study of Multi-step DOD phenomena 35
3.2 DOD Patterning of Conductive tracks 40
4. Fine Resolution Electrohydrodynamic Patterning 52
4.1 Fine-resolution pattern through continuous EHD 53
4.2 DOD EHD Fine Resolution Patterning of Ag 68
5. Executive Summary 83
5.1 Continuous EHD Pattering 83
5.2 Multi-nozzle EHD Patterning 94
5.3 DOD EHD patterning 115
6. Conclusions and Future Work 123
6.1 Future Work 125
References: 127
List of Related Publications 134
제주대학교 대학원
카리드래만. (2012). Printing of Fine Resolution Patterns through Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) Patterning Technology
Appears in Collections:
Faculty of Applied Energy System > Mechatronics Engineering
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