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한국과 중국간 무역구조의 비교 분석에 관한 연구

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Since the Korea-China diplomatic tie has been established in 1992, two
countries have maintained a good relationship not only just in the field of
economic relations but in other areas. Two economies have a strong
compatibility with huge cooperative potential in trade and investment. In 2011,
China became the largest trading partner as well as investment for Korea while
Korea became the third-largest trade partner for China.
This thesis analysis the problems of the Korea-China trade structure and
suggest several ways to promote trade between two countries. The results
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could be summarized as follow.
First, for China the most serious problem is its continued trade deficit vis-?vis
Korea. Since 1992, while the trade volumes between two countries have
been skyrocketing, Korea's exports to China have grown significantly. However,
China has not been able to escape from trade deficits.
Second, from the perspective of Korea, the problem lies in deepening trade
dependency on China. After establishment of diplomatic relation between the
Korea and China in 1992, the importance of China as an export market has been
growing and consequently, Korea's export dependency on China has
significantly increased. This Dependency on China has risen from 3.5% in 1992
to 20% in 2011, which means that Korean economy became very sensitive to
the changes of Chinese economy.
Third, in terms of Korea-China trade structure by industry, Korea export
technology-intensive goods while those of China are composed of laborintensive
goods. Korea has comparative advantage in technology-intensive
ones such as machinery and components while most of China's comparative
advantage items were labor-intensive products such as foods and textiles.
Lastly, the problems of two countries to promote trade could be summarized
as follows: first of all, Korean government should pursue a reciprocal
relationship with Chinese government and lower a range of non-tariff barriers
to China. Furthermore it is necessary to foster trade specialists in China so as
to strengthen its trade negotiation power with China. Aside from the
government, businesses should reinforce their efforts to penetrate and explore
the Chinese market and develop competitive products. On the other hand, the
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Chinese government should make an effort to solve the problem of the adverse
balance of trade. Also, Chinese businesses should try to exchange mutual
information among exporting companies, to organize a cooperative union, and to
protect mutual benefits while cultivating specialists in anti-dumping in relation
to trade disputes and increase the technical competitiveness of their export
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2012. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Bin Du
대학원 무역학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적 1
2. 연구방법 및 범위 2
Ⅱ. 한중 무역구조 변화 3
1. 한국의 산업 발전과 수출입구조 3
1) 한국의 경제발전과 산업구조 변화 3
2) 한국의 수출입구조 변화 9
2. 중국의 산업 발전과 수출입구조 13
1) 중국의 경제발전과 산업구조 변화 13
2) 중국의 수출입구조 변화 15
3. 한중간 무역구조 변화 19
1) 한중간 수출입구조 변화 19
2) 한중간 품목별 변화 21
3) 가공단계별 교역구조 변화 23
Ⅲ. 중국과 한국의 비교우위 분석 28
1. 국제경쟁력의 개념 및 이론 28
1) 국제경쟁력의 개념 28
2) 비교우위의 측정방법 30
2. 한중 무역 비교우위 분석 34
1) MCA 분석결과 34
2) TSI 분석결과 38
3) 산업내무역지수 분석결과 39
4) 한중 상호의존도 분석결과 41
5) 한중 비교우위 품목 42
IV. 한중 무역구조의 문제점과 개선방안 46
1. 한중 무역구조 문제점 46
2. 한중 무역구조 개선방안 50
3. 한중 무역의 전망 60
V. 결론 63
참고문헌 66
영문초록 69
제주대학교 대학원
두빈. (2012). 한국과 중국간 무역구조의 비교 분석에 관한 연구
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General Graduate School > International Trade
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