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일제강점기 추자공립보통학교 학적부로 본 식민지 교육

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Colonial education shown through school registers of Chuja elementary school in the Japanese colonial era
The purpose of this study is to identify the truth of response pattern of residents in Chuja area through educational materials of Chuja public elementary school and Chuja Simsang elementary school against colonial education in Japanese migrant fishing village formed in Chuja area in the Japanese colonial era. Education in Korea was focused on Japanese language in the Japanese colonial era and it was conducted on the basis of ethnic segregation education including and . This education discrimination clearly appeared in the period of establishment of school and financial issues. 'Korea education ordinance' promoted by the Japanese Government-General of Korea was the terminal education to limit the education of Koreans to elementary school. Ultimately, it aimed at cultivate 'loyal subjects of Japanese empire' being pursed throughout the Japanese colonial era. Therefore, education of Koreans was made with the inferior terminal education and ambivalent structures such as discrimination and assimilation of cultivation of 'loyal subjects of Japanese empire' were made.
Chuja area in Joseon Dynasty was stamped as a place of exile but the education was made by intellectuals who were banished. As new learning was gradually introduced, new education began newly. In contrast to these social backgrounds, as the Japanese colonial era began, Japanese migrant fishing village was formed in Chuja area. The installation of modern educational institutions requested by Japanese immigrants brought the establishment of Japanese public Simsang elementary school and various social problems such as ethnic segregation education were made. The establishment of Korean public elementary school responding to changes in Chuja society was made as the effort to overcome the actual situation.
Looking at situation of ethnic segregation education of Japanese Simsang and Korean public elementary schools in Chuja area, the discriminative aspects in establishment of Japanese school with priority, school system and school expense were exhibited. Among some members of school union established by the Japanese, a group of those who had a last name of 'Nishizaki' exerted the strong influence in Chuja society through Chuja island fishermen's association and school association. They influenced the education of Chuja society enormously as much as it was confirmed that they served as the actual subject of the discrimination education.
On the other hand, the actual situation of education in Chuja society in the Japanese colonial era through analysis of school registers of Korean Chuja elementary school was identified. Graduates' name, grade, address, personal information on parents, living level of family and characteristics of students were identified in school registers. It was confirmed that school education at the time affected individual students and family. Especially, it was confirmed that Japanese authorities won local influential people in Chuja area and affected the school education. Local prominent figures tended to sympathize with policy of Japanese authorities or voluntarily take part in it in terms of issues of entering school.
Another feature of school registers was the various evaluations about students. They utilized assessments on students' characteristics and behaviors and award system, which was the example to demonstrate that they acquired the human resource as the main purpose of governing Korea. School observed and monitored whether students were appropriate for soldiers to conduct the war or workers through assessments on students. They stressed importance to inspire the view of history of Japanese empire by evaluating whether they were qualified for citizens of Japanese empire and actively utilizing awards to students who were suitable to the target.
As above results, it was confirmed that Japanese school was established and Korean school was established as the countermeasure in Chuja area in the Japanese colonial era. It was confirmed that colonial education discrimination in various forms were made by the influential people. It was also confirmed that education policy of Japanese empire was extensively and carefully developed, and it was implemented deliberately and systematically as much as it was spread into islands.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2012. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Young-Min
대학원 사학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구목적 및 배경 1
2. 연구동향 및 연구방법 2

Ⅱ. 추자지역 초등교육시설의 설립 배경 6
1. 일제강점기 추자지역의 일본인 이주 배경 6
2. 근대교육의 성립 및 추자지역 사립교육기관의 존재 양상 9
3. 식민지 추자지역 민족 분리교육 실태 및 학교조합과 공립심상소학교 18

Ⅲ. 학적부로 확인한 추자지역 조선인 초등교육의 실상 35
1. 추자공립보통학교의 설립 35
2. 추자공립보통학교의 학적부 변동 상황 39
3. 추자공립보통학교의 교육 실태와 동화정책의 시행 43

Ⅳ. 결론 76

참고문헌 79

부록 83

Abstract 91
제주대학교 대학원
김영민. (2012). 일제강점기 추자공립보통학교 학적부로 본 식민지 교육
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