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어 설 픈 천 사

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Alternative Title
The Unfinished Angel
This thesis is a translation of the book, The Unfinished Angel by Sharon Creech.

There is an angel who lived in the inside of mountain of Switzerland for over the hundreds of years. The angel always thinks it is not perfect to become an angel so that it always looks for some missions to complete its job. It believes to become the finished angel when complete all its job. Recently Mr. Pomodoro and his daughter Zola moved into this village from America. Mr. Pomodoro wanted to find a new life and open an international school. Only Zola saw the angel's existence and she wanted to join the angel's missions. They became to live in a Casa Rosa tower. One day, they found hungry children in a chicken shed. The children were orphans from all over the country and they have no places to live. Zola and angel try to help them to live safely in this village. As angel finishes mission one by one, it find its identity then realized nothing is perfect in this world but everyone tries to be perfect just like the unfinished angel.

Like wise, the story of this book covers all ages from child to adult. In this book, readers will be hook into the characteristic style of writer and creative angel words which are combined with two languages of Italian and English. This book draw a source of inspiration for people who are bored of their daily routines. The story gives you wisdom of life.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2012. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Ko, Si-yeon
통역대학원 한영과
Table Of Contents
사람들 1
내가 하는 일 1
침입자들 2
포모도로씨의 딸 3
나의 탑 4
졸라 6
천사란 무엇일까? 8
졸라의 패션 9
디비노가(家) 사람들 10
머리카락과 발바닥 11
긴급한 문제 12
곤란한 상황 14
비니의 폭발 15
일 비스토(짐승) 17
포모도로씨 18
내 영역 22
한밤중에 휙휙 25
포케타 25
걱정의 도가니 26
성난 사람들 27
부모들은 어디에? 29
산들의 내부 30
허락 31
무슨 뜻이지? 32
시간이란? 36
지상낙원 37
아빠들의 성격 39
디비노 부인의 본성 40
더 큰 문제 42
비니의 드럼 43
라비올리 45
미트볼 47
졸라의 성격 50
저승 52
졸라가 알고 있는 것들 53
염소 54
더 많은 사람들 55
유지니아 57
비둘기들 60
도마뱀들 63
시장님 65
루이 67
이런 날 69
천사가 아는 것 70
제주대학교 통역대학원
고시연. (2012). 어 설 픈 천 사
Appears in Collections:
Graduate School of Interpretation & Translation > Korean-English
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