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호텔 직원의 자기효능감, 창의성, 서비스혁신인식, 혁신행동 간의 관계

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The innovation of hotel service occurs on site where the service is provided. Therefore, research into the innovative behavior of hotel employees is important in researching hotel innovation. There has been much research into the factors which affect innovative behavior. This study focuses on innovative behavior while considering antecedent studies to investigate and systemize innovative behavior and antecedent factors from a hotel industrial perspective.
The first aim of this study is to theoretically systemize the concepts of self-efficacy of the hotel employees, creativity, perception of service innovation and innovative behavior from a hotel industrial perspective. Secondly, this study aims to investigate the causal relationship between these concepts. The third aim is to identify the differences between hotel types (business hotels and resort hotels) and individual characteristics (gender, age, work department, period of continuous service and position) to deduce the practical and theoretical implications.
To achieve the aims set out above, we developed a structured questionnaire to collect data. Convenience sampling and judgment sampling methods were used to collect sample data. To collect the data, we distributed a total of 800 copies of the questionnaire - 400 in Seoul and 500 in Jeju. Of these, we were able to retrieve 565 valid samples (227 from Seoul and 287 from Jeju) to be used in the final analysis. The collected data was statistically analyzed using the SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 18 software.
The results of this study offer the following theoretical implications.
Firstly, from a hotel industrial perspective, the antecedent for individual innovative behavior must consider both creativity and self-efficacy.
Secondly, this study is focused on the innovative behavior led by the hotel employee, not a top-down method of innovation that is led by the top manager. The innovative behavior of the members is important in hotel service innovation.
Thirdly, it has been confirmed that the organization level innovation awareness affects the individual level innovative behavior. The innovation at both the organization level and the individual level will have bilateral effect to maintain the innovation. Thus, the fact that the positive causal relationship between organization level innovation and individual innovative behavior has been established from a more dynamic perspective of hotel innovation research, can prove this study to be different to other previous studies.
Fourthly, innovation has been researched widely before, but there was a relative lack of research into the service. This study targeted hotels, which is an individual type of industry, and has its value in that it investigated concepts such as self-efficacy, creativity, perception of service innovation and innovative behavior from hotel industrial perspective, and systemized the causal relationship between these concepts.
Along with theoretical implications, the following operational implications are provided.
Firstly, the importance of self-efficacy and creativity as the individual factors of innovation has been confirmed. In order to achieve hotel service innovation, measures should be taken so that the employees can improve their self-efficacy and creativity. Along with programs to improve these individual factors (self-efficacy and creativity) within the organization, the selection of potential talented employees with self-efficacy and creativity should start from the selection and recruitment stage.
Secondly, the analyses showed that the perception of hotel employees' service innovation affects individual innovative behavior. In order to maintain consistent innovation, efforts need to be made from the organization level to educate and promote innovation in order to improve the perception of service innovation.
Thirdly, hotel service innovation starts from innovative behavior led by the employees. The most important aspect of successful innovation is providing an environment where the hotel employees can explore innovation that they can use themselves, and to participate in the process of introducing innovation.
Fourthly, investigation of the differences between the groups showed that the response value for self-efficacy and creativity were relatively higher in those who had varied work, longer period of employment and who had higher ranks as the individual factors. This shows that there is a need for experience and learning as the antecedent for innovation.
There is a need to introduce experience development programs that correspond to experienced employees, and to establish trust from a management dimension regarding the security of employment for younger employees with less experience.
Issued Date
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2013. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Kang,Tae Wan
제주대학교 대학원
경영대학원 관광경영학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 1

1. 문제의 제기 1
2. 연구의 목적 3
3. 연구의 방법 및 범위 5

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 6

1. 호텔 직원의 자기효능감 6
1) 자기효능감의 개념과 특성 6
2) 자기효능감의 영향요인 10
3) 호텔 직원의 자기효능감 측정과 분석 12

2. 호텔 직원의 창의성 14
1) 창의성의 개념과 연구관점 14
2) 창의성의 구성요소 및 영향요인 19
3) 호텔 직원의 창의성 측정과 분석 21

3. 호텔 서비스혁신인식 23
1) 혁신의 개념과 분석수준 23
2) 서비스혁신의 개념과 연구관점 26
3) 서비스혁신과 제조업 혁신의 차이 29
4) 호텔 서비스혁신 측정과 분석 33

4. 호텔 직원의 혁신행동 37
1) 혁신행동과 영향요인 37
2) 혁신행동과 창의성 41
3) 호텔 직원의 혁신행동 측정과 분석 42

5. 선행연구의 검토 44
1) 자기효능감, 창의성, 혁신의 관계 44
2) 서비스혁신 인식과 혁신행동 47
3) 혁신행동 연구분석 틀 50

Ⅲ. 연구의 설계 53

1. 연구모형 및 가설설정 53
1) 연구모형 53
2) 연구가설의 설정 54
3) 변수의 조작적 정의 57

2. 연구의 조사설계 60
1) 설문지의 구성과 자료측정 60
2) 자료의 수집 및 분석방법 61

Ⅳ. 분석결과 64

1. 표본의 특성 64
2. 측정변수의 신뢰성 타당성 검증 65
1) 신뢰성 및 타당성 검토 65
2) 확인적 요인분석 68

3. 연구모형 및 가설검증 71
1) 연구모형 및 효과 분석 71
2) 가설검증 72
3) 분석결과의 요약 및 시사점 76

Ⅴ. 결론 87

1. 연구의 요약 및 시사점 87
1) 연구의 요약 87
2) 연구의 시사점 88

2. 연구의 한계 및 제언 91

강태완. (2013). 호텔 직원의 자기효능감, 창의성, 서비스혁신인식, 혁신행동 간의 관계
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Graduate School of Business Administration > Tourism Management
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