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中國語 聲調 變化 例外 現象 硏究

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This paper is about the Chinese tonal change among the three elements in Chinese syllable. Up to the present, the studies on classical phonology books in Chinese Phonology have been done with focus on 'Consonants & Vowels.' In short, The existing researches on classical phonology books, which was the basic to classical poetry and literary works, were mainly addressing consonants & vowels. In contrast, the researches on a classical tone have not been active. However, a tone has a big influence on the sound and meaning, so it's a part of Chinese Phonology that cannot be overlooked. A tone becomes a very important basis of discernment of the sound and meaning; hereupon, this paper made a comparative analysis of the difference and change between 『Guangyun(廣韻)』and modern Chinese sound with focus on『Zhongyuan Yinyun(中原音韻)』.
The direction of the research are as follows.
First, in relation with even tone dividied into yin tone and yang tone(平分陰陽)', the rhythmic dictionary『Guangyun(廣韻)』is divided into four tones including p?ng sh?ng( even tone), sh?ng sh?ng (rising tone), q? sh?ng(disappearing tone), and r? sh?ng('entering tone). In『Zhongyuan Yinyun(中原音韻)』, ping sh?ng(even tone) is divided into 'yin even tone(陰平)' and 'yang even tone(陽平).'
The clear prefix consonants of an even tone changed into yin even tone (y?np?ng) while muddy prefix consonants changed into a yang even tone(yangping)', but the change of the tones doesn't always have something to do with prefix consonants. It's because the prefix consonants are subdivided into 'full clear', second clear', 'second muddy' and 'full muddy'.
Second, as for 'characters with muddy consonant with rising tone changing into departing tone(濁上變去)', the characters with a rising tone in『Guangyun(廣韻)』changed into a departing tone in『Zhongyuan Yinyun(中原音韻)』. However, it's not proper to say that the prefix consonants changed into a departing tone just because there have been lots of phenomena where many muddy consonants changed into clear consonants in the transitional process of prefix consonants from ancient times to modern times.
Third, in relation with 'Entering tone changed into other three tones of『Zhongyuan Yinyun(中原音韻)』, this paper thinks that if the entering tone of『Zhongyuan Yinyun(中原音韻)』disappeared, and changed into other tones, it's necessary to do research on what kind of rule caused such a change and whether the change was made by other elements.
This thesis is going to put its focus on finding out the change of Chinese tones from ancient times to modern and the reason for such a change on the basis of 『Guangyun(廣 韻)』and 『Zhongyuan Yinyun(中原音韻)』,
The research analysis results are suggested as follows:
From ancient times until today, the development and change of tones have a relationship with prefix consonants, which changed from muddy into clear, and the disappearance of entering tone's ending. Chinese syllables are a perfect system which is made up of prefix consonant & vowel and tone. If there happens a change in any part of this system, the other parts will also cause changes. By virtue of such changes, there comes up a change in sound system and accordingly, the internal harmony in the sound system can be created. Hereupon, it is judged that the change of ancient consonants and vowels caused the change from the ancient tones to modern tones.
Discovering and comparing all the characters included in『Zhongyuan Yinyun(中原音韻)』from『Modern Chinese Dictionary(現代漢語大辭典)』, this paper listed more than 80 characters that cause a certain tonal confusion among the monosyllabic characters.
This paper did research mainly on the confusing phenomenon between yin even tone and yang even tone after dividing an even tone into yang and yin, and also between the rising tone and departing tone.
The analysis of clear and muddy prefix consonants showed that the exceptional phenomenon of tonal changes occurred in the order of second muddy prefix consonants(87.5%), full muddy prefix consonants(75%), second clear prefix consonants( 62.5%), and full clear prefix consonants(38.4%).
Full clear prefix consonants(38.4%) was found to be low in occurrence frequency, but they change 等呼 by giving impact on the formation of a broad in the process in which medieval tones of y?ng group and ji?n group in the full clear prefix consonants changed into modern and today's sound. Therefore, it was confirmed that ji?n group accounted for 33.3% of all the characters in full clear prefix consonants which had a tonal change. In addition, y?ng group was founded to account for 73.3%. and in case these two letters are combined, the proportion of the full clear prefix consonants is 73.3%.
The number of exceptional characters in tonal change was found to be a total of 86, among which the number of characters of full clear prefix consonants was 15, accounting for 17.4% of all exception characters while the number of second clear prefix consonants was 16 in total, accounting for 18.6% of all exceptional characters. In addition, the number of second muddy prefix consonants was 26, accounting for 30.2% of all exceptional characters and characters of full muddy prefix consonants 34, accounting for 39.5%.
Through the study as above, it was confirmed that not only the muddy and clear of prefix consonants, but also several elements such as the change of ancient tones and vowels should be considered for more in-depth understanding of tonal change, and at the same time, that tones also rather had a constant influence on the change of prefix consonants and vowels. Accordingly, tones have changed through the interaction between diverse elements such as prefix consonants, vowels, and a broad, etc. in the process of tonal change without regarding only the confusion phenomenon of tones as a special case.
In conclusion, an even tone wasn't perfectly in progress in the process in which it was divided into yin even tone and yang even tone, so there occurred a confusion phenomenon between yin even tone and yang even tone; in addition, the rising tone and departing tone wasn't perfectly in progress even in the process where the rising tone and departing tone changes, either; in addition, there happened the confusion phenomenon between the rising tone and departing tone while the entering tone was found to be in almost perfectly in progress.
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2013. 2
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 중어중문학과
Table Of Contents
제1장 緖論 1
1. 연구 목적 1
2. 연구 방법과 범위 4
제2장 本論 7
1. 廣韻과 中原音韻 음운과 성조 7
2. 聲母, 韻母와 聲調의 상호 관계 . 10
3. 廣韻,中原音韻과 現代中國語 간의 聲調變化. 13
1) 廣韻,中原音韻과 現代中國語의 平聲 대조. 17
가) 次濁全濁聲母의 平聲字가 二聲(陽平)으로 변하지 않은 것. 19
나) 淸聲母의 平聲字가 一聲(陰平)으로 변하지 않은 것 23
2) 廣韻,中原音韻과 現代中國語의 上去聲 대조 26
가) 去聲字가 上聲과 去聲의 불규칙하게 변화한 것. 27
나) 淸次濁聲母의 上聲字가 三聲(上聲)으로 변하지 않은 것. 30
다) 全濁聲母의 上聲字가 四聲(去聲)으로 변하지 않은 것. 32
라) 去聲字가 二聲(陽平)이나 一聲(陰平)으로 불규칙하게 변화한 것. 33
3) 廣韻의 入聲字 탈락현상과 聲調變化에 나타난 混同現象 35
4) 平聲, 上去聲과 入聲의 混同現象에 대한 분석 37
가) 聲母에 의한 분석. 39
나) 聲調에 의한 분석. 40
다) 聲符에 의한 분석. 42
4.廣韻 多音字의 中原音韻과 現代中國語로의 변화 46
1) 常用音이 제시된 音變과 일치되는 것. 47
2) 常用音이 제시된 音變과 일치되지 않는 것 66
가) 常用音을 쉽게 정할 수 있는 것 66
나) 常用音을 쉽게 정할 수 없는 것. 67
제3장 結論. 68
참고서록 71
부록. 78
전휘. (2013). 中國語 聲調 變化 例外 現象 硏究
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