서비스 실패 상황에서 관계품질과 관계혜택이 지각된 배신감, 관계단절 행동에 미치는 영향
- Abstract
- As our society get complex and developed, it becomes more difficult for companies to meet customers' needs and demands than ever before. But in the public service, monopolistic service suppliers, the public enterprises have easily got customers' choice in spite of being lack of customer-oriented marketing concept and low service quality even causing service failures. Almost of ordinary citizens use the public services everyday, therefore, there are likely to be obvious differentiations of customers' expectations between publics and privates.
Service failure which service did not meet customer's expectations and needs can be happened in every time customers and service suppliers meet. In former studies such as Gregorie and Fisher(2008, 2009), a customer having a service failure experiences perceived negative emotion, betrayal and showed retaliatory and vindictive behaviors to the service supplier such as negative words-of-mouth, desire for revenge, desire for avoidance. And many other former studies are taking a major step forward in terms of relationship quality and relationship benefits can make reduce the negative effect of service failure.
However there are few studies of what is specific causes and results of negative emotions and behaviors after service failures. What was worse, there are no studies of public enterprises' service failure management. That's why we need to find what is the specific emotion shortly after service failure and study what this emotion cause, deeply and widely. This study is investigated whether relationship quality and relationship benefits scale by former studies are suitable in the public enterprises' service failure context.
To do this, survey is carried out citizens and visitors in Jeju and Seoul. Total 288 samples are obtained for the empirical research. This study reviews reliability and fitness of research model and verified total 7 hypotheses through SPSS and AMOS program.
Major suggestions and significances of this study are follows.
First, this study's results confirmed the former studies that relationship quality is consist of satisfaction and commitment and relationship benefits are made of social benefits and confidence benefits. So it suggests the public enterprises should develop relationship with customers by providing satisfaction, commitment, confidence and social benefits.
Second, the confidence benefit has an effect of the decrease of level of perceived betrayal. Theses results show the public enterprises need to make customers believe service failure will be immediately fixed and shoot so that customers's betrayal will be decreased,
Third, negative emotion from service failure context, perceived betrayal affected relationship dissolution behaviors such as vindictive complaining, negative words-of-mouth, desire for revenge, desire for avoidance, These results show perceived betrayal is related with customers' negative behaviors and activities.
Therefore this study shows managers of the public enterprises should consider strategies using customer-oriented relationship marketing. for long-terms relationship.
- Author(s)
- 문신희
- Issued Date
- 2013
- Awarded Date
- 2013. 2
- Type
- Dissertation
- http://dcoll.jejunu.ac.kr/jsp/common/DcLoOrgPer.jsp?sItemId=000000006188
- Alternative Author(s)
- Moon,Shin hee
- Affiliation
- 제주대학교 대학원
- Department
- 대학원 경영학과
- Advisor
- 김정희
- Table Of Contents
- I.서 론 1
1.연구 배경 및 목적 1
1)연구 배경 1
2)연구 목적 3
2. 연구 방법 및 논문 구성 5
1)연구 방법 5
2)논문 구성 5
II.이론적 배경 7
1.공기업의 특수성 7
1)공기업의 개념 7
2)공기업의 사업 특성 8
3)공기업의 한계 9
2. 서비스 실패 상황 10
1)서비스 실패의 개념 10
2)서비스 실패의 심각성 13
3.관계품질 14
1)관계품질의 정의 및 기존 연구 14
2)관계품질의 구성 요인 19
4.관계혜택 22
1)관계혜택의 정의 및 기존연구 22
2)관계혜택의 구성 요인 24
5.기업의 통제 가능성 28
1)기업의 통제 가능성의 정의 28
2)기업의 통제 가능성과 소비자 반응 29
6.지각된 배신감 31
1)소비자의 부정적 감정과 지각된 배신감 31
2)지각된 배신감의 정의 32
7. 관계단절 행동 33
1)관계단절 행동의 개념 33
2)관계단절 행동의 유형 35
III.연구 방법 44
1.연구 모형 및 연구 가설 44
1)연구 모형 44
2)연구 가설 45
2.변수의 조작적 정의 및 측정 50
1)관계품질 51
2)관계혜택 52
3)지각된 배신감 53
4)관계단절 행동 54
5)기업의 통제 가능성 56
3.조사의 개요 56
1)자료수집 및 분석 방법 56
2)설문 구성 57
IV.실증 연구 60
1.표본의 특성 60
1)표본의 인구통계학적 특성 60
2)표본의 거래 특성 62
2.분석도구의 신뢰성 및 타당성 분석 63
1)신뢰성 및 탐색적 요인분석 63
2)확인적 요인분석 69
3)상관관계 분석 76
3.가설 검증 77
1)연구 모형의 적합도 분석 77
2)가설 검증 81
3)기업의 통제 가능성에 의한 조절 효과의 분석 86
4)분석 결과의 요약 87
V.결 론 90
1.연구결과의 요약 및 전략적 시사점 90
2. 연구의 한계 및 미래 연구 93
부 록
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 제주대학교
- Citation
- 문신희. (2013). 서비스 실패 상황에서 관계품질과 관계혜택이 지각된 배신감, 관계단절 행동에 미치는 영향
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