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제주도의 수생 및 습지 식물상

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This study reports the distribution of aquatic and wetland plants in various type of wetlands in Jeju Island from May 2010 to September 2012. In addition, it was performed to provide basic data to establish a Regional Red List of aquatic and wetland plants in Jeju Island through the selection of taxa required to preserve by the evaluation of protective value of existing aquatic and wetland plants.
As the result, 53 families, 99 genera, 185 species, 6 varieties, 2 forma and 193 taxa were determined. wetland plants - 23 families, 43 genera, 82 species, 3 varieties, 2 forma and 87 taxa - and Aquatic plants -40 families, 63 genera, 103 species and 3 varieties and 106 taxa - were determined.
45 taxa of floristic special plants - 16 taxa (V degree), 2 taxa (IV degree), 12 taxa (Ⅲ degree), 3 taxa (Ⅱ degree), 12 taxa (Ⅰ degree) - were determined. twelfth taxa of naturalized plants - 9 families, 11 genera, 11 species, 1 varieties, 12 taxa including Paspalum distichum var. indutum Shinners etc - were determined. aquatic plants are divided emergent hydrophytes of 71 taxa, floating-leaved hydrophytes of 10 taxa submerged hydrophytes of 16 taxa, free-floating hydrophytes of 9 taxa according to life type Also it says that there are all thee types of Azolla cristata Kaulf., Spirodela punctata (G. Mey.) C.H. Thomps and Eleocharis x yezoensis H. Hara in Korean unrecorded plants.
This study shows that there are 37 taxa to protect through protection value evaluation of aquatic and wetland plants of 180 taxa researched.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2013. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Kang,Dae Hyun
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 생물학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 1
Ⅱ. 재료 및 방법 3
1. 조사지 개황 3
2. 조사방법 . 3
3. 보호대상 종 평가 5
Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰 10
1. 제주도 습지의 특성 . 10
1) 습지유형 . 10
2) 면적 . 12
3) 해발고도 13
4) 분류군 14
2. 제주도의 습지의 식물상 . 15
1) 전체 식물상 . 15
2) 식물구계학적 특정식물종 . 20
3) 귀화식물 . 22
4) 한국 미기록 식물 . 23
5) 분포가 확인된 수생식물 . 27
3. 제주도의 수생 및 습지식물에 대한 보호가치 평가 . 62
4. 종합 고찰 . 77
Ⅳ. 요약 80
Ⅴ. 참고문헌 . 81
Appendices 88
강대현. (2013). 제주도의 수생 및 습지 식물상
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