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청소년의 식습관과 섭식성향이 비만에 미치는 영향

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The purpose of this study was to determine how eating habit and eating tendency were associated with adolescents' obesity. At first, it was to find how the obesity rate was differentiated according to the general characteristics of the subjects. Secondly, the subjects' eating habit and eating tendency was investigated. In the third, the factors of eating habit and eating tendency influencing the adolescents' obesity were analyzed.
Subjects of this study consisted of 491 adolescents at 4 male and female middle or high schools in Jeju.
A self reported questionnaire was used to assess the general characteristics, eating habit, and eating tendency of the subjects. The questionnaire of the eating habit was composed of 19 items such as regularity of meal, meal time, amount of meal, fattening food and snack intake. To measure the level of eating tendency, Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire(DEBQ) by Van Strien et al. (1986) was used. The DEBQ was adjusted by Kim et al. (1996) and composed of 32 items such as restrained eating, emotional eating and external eating. The degrees of the obesity were calculated based on self-reported heights and weights. And they were classified by the criteria of 'the 2007 children and adolescent physical growth standard' published by the Korean Pediatric Society and the Korean Center for Disease Control & Prevention.
The collected data were analyzed by the descriptive statistics, Chi-square test and Logistic regression with PASW 18.0.
The results are as follows;
1. The prevalence of the obesity rate was 12.4%. The stressful groups or the groups with the obese mother or father showed higher obesity rates than the normal groups.
2. The mean score of regularity in meals was 3.54 (±0.95), mealtime was 3.03 (±1.08), amount of meal was 2.97 (±0.78), fattening food was 2.70 (±0.70), and snack intake was 2.72 (±0.89). In regard to eating tendency, external eating tendency showed the highest score with 3.08 (±0.69), followed by restrained eating tendency 2.62 (±0.85), emotional eating tendency 2.07 (±0.89).
3. In the general characteristics, the obesity was significantly related with the perceived stress level (p=.010) and parent's obesity (p=.007).
4. Adolescents who ate each meal regularly (p=.001) and snack infrequently (p=.019) were 0.44 times less likely to be obese. And adolescents who had ate large amount of meal were 1.68 times more likely to be obese (p=.001). High restrained adolescents were 1.58 times (95% CI 1.16-2.16) more likely to be obese than subjects with lower restraint score (p=.003). For external eating tendency, the result was opposite, as adolescents with higher levels of external eating tendency were 0.48 times (95% CI 0.30-0.77) less likely to be obese compared to less external eaters (p=.003).
It was found that regularity in meals, amount of meal, snack intake, restrained eating tendency and external eating tendency were the most affecting factors on adolescents' obesity. It is important to develop education and intervention programs of eating habit and eating tendency, in order to improve the adolescents' obesity.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2013. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Boo, Yun-Jeong
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 간호학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구의 목적 2
3. 용어의 정의 5
Ⅱ. 연구 방법
1. 연구 설계 6
2. 연구 대상 7
3. 자료수집 방법 7
4. 연구 도구 8
5. 자료 분석 방법 10
6. 연구자의 윤리적 고려 10
Ⅲ. 연구 결과
1. 일반적 특성 12
2. 식습관, 섭식성향, 비만 14
3. 일반적 특성에 따른 식습관 15
4. 일반적 특성에 따른 섭식성향 18
5. 일반적 특성에 따른 비만 21
6. 식습관, 섭식성향의 상관관계 23
7. 식습관, 섭식성향이 비만에 미치는 영향 25
Ⅳ. 논의 27
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언 36
참고문헌 39
부록 1. 연구 참여 동의서 49
부록 2. 설문지 51
Abstract 55
제주대학교 대학원
부윤정. (2013). 청소년의 식습관과 섭식성향이 비만에 미치는 영향
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