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심층생태주의에 대한 비판적 고찰

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The matter of environmental crisis has gradually been getting worse, even the international society has been devising new measures for over 40 years. Since 1972, various protocols and agreements for the environmental crisis have been made because they are constantly being dealt with as an international agenda. However, there are limitations for applying solutions that have been suggested from these protocols and agreements on account of the different positions of each country and difference of each country's level of development. After all, reformed expedients for the environmental crisis are confined to temporary substitutes which cannot solve fundamental problems. Philosophy has worried about this situation to resolve trouble of age, and proposed views of the world which help people to live in that age appropriately. Environmental philosophy also has been instigated from the needs of the generations that are trying to overcome the environmental crisis.
Arne Naess, a philosopher from Norway, could not bear to watch the ecological crisis that the age faced, so he threw himself into ecological movements and erected deep ecology strategies. ?He tried to pull environmental philosophy to metaphysics within the huge subject of Self exploration. He separated from existing superficial solutions for environmental crisis, and tried to apply grok solutions to ecological movements. He advocates that only changing an anthropocentric outlook of the world to eco-centric outlook of the world is the solution for environmental crisis.
According to Arne Naess's deep ecology strategy, Naess recognized existing eco-philosophy was one of turning points in science community, but he criticized that the message from environmental philosophy was distorted and unsuccessful, he then argued the necessity of a broader, long-term, fundamental united environmental movement. Deep ecology prefers mutual related, overall images, and aims biological egalitarianism. Deep ecology pursues the principle of symbiosis and disapproves of any to have an ability of kill or overwhelm other species. Also, deep ecology poses anti-class in order to correspond to ecological egalitarianism and the principle of symbiosis. Deep ecology puts the emphasis on complexity that contributes to factors of interactive make one system, and seek local government and decentralization to consolidate self-fulfillment of organisms in the area of ecological balance. Besides, Naess suggested 8 doctrine principles of behavior which includes the features of deep ecology. These eight formulations are the actual base of deep ecological movement. Though it does not specify how to behave in reality, it suggests the adoption of the point of view of bio-centric, and eco-centric as an outlook of the world. It also suggests?'Ecosophy T'?as a visualized 'diagram of premise-conclusion'. Deep ecology denies the existing outlook of the world in order to resolve facing environmental crisis, and puts a request to the ecological world to view that there are huge connections in one big network. Deep ecology wants to recognize the higher level of 'Self- realization'?and be together with nature as an?'ecological self'.
There are many criticisms to the opinion of the deep ecology. They are related to verbalism, arguments are based on ecology, and human's social relationships. However, I recognize that deep ecology has contributed to settle destruction of environment and ecological crisis which are the result of a selfish, fragmented world view that exists with anthropocentric, anti-ecological thoughts.
This paper is aimed to analyze how world view has affected to human life and recent ecological crisis and the age of philosophy which is the root of the world views. Ecophilosophy is come from living place, and it is the point of view that is proposed to apply to the living place. In that sense, the practical parts are more emphasized.
Through Naess' deep ecology, we were able to extend our cognition from anthropocentric to watch the ecology of whole space. Philosophy as the world view reluctantly has an implication of a practical situation. 'Ecosophy T'?makes us to analyze our life style, and forecast that we could pursue euphoria from self realization through the process of identifying nature. And?'Ecosophy T'?also make us realize that the activity of throwing questions about ecological problem, and human's life problem is the initial point to reach to foundation of these problems as a reasonable human to resolve the problems creatively.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2013. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Hong, Eun Seon
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 철학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
Ⅱ. 심층생태주의의 배경 6
1. 17세기 철학과 기계론적 세계관 6
2. 산업문명과 인간중심적 환경철학 11
3. 탈인간중심적 환경철학 20
3.1 동물해방론 20
3.2 생명외경사상 24
4. 심층생태주의의 태동 29
Ⅲ. 아르네 네스의 심층생태주의 36
1. 심층생태주의의 특징 36
2. 심층생태주의 환경운동 전략 42
2.1 피상생태주의와의 차별화 42
2.2 심층생태주의 행동강령 47
3. 아르네 네스의 문제해결 전략 56
3.1 생명평등과 큰자아 실현 56
3.2 생태지혜 T의 일상화 62
3.3. 게슈탈트와 존재인식 65
Ⅳ. 심층생태주의 비판 69
1. 언어적 표현에 대한 비판 69
2. 자연주의적 입장에 대한 비판 71
3. 반문명적 경향에 대한 비판 74
Ⅴ. 결 론 76
참고문헌 80
Abstract 85
제주대학교 대학원
홍은선. (2013). 심층생태주의에 대한 비판적 고찰
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General Graduate School > Philosophy
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