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풍력발전기 말뚝기초의 층상 암반 해석

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Jeju island has optimum condition for constructing a wind farm. Unlike the mainland, Jeju island has stratified structure distribution between rock layers sediments due to volcanic activation. (jeju island has stratified structure existing sediment layer between rock layer.) In these case, it can be occur engineering problems in whole structures as well as the safety of foundation as the thickness and distribution of sediment under top rock layer can't support sufficiently the structure.
To determine the failure modes(flexural failure, punching shear failure) and the bearing capacity of the pile foundation supported on stratified rock layer, the structural analysis of the stratified rock layer is required. However, Elastic Plate Method(EPM) suggested by ACI committee 436 and Korean Code Requirements for Structural Foundation Design is very complex, and ordinary engineer have many difficulties in using it without any error.
Therefore, in this research, we proposed equivalent effective width(radius), and equations of bending moment and shear force at the critical section to be equal to the analysis results of EPM in order to use Circular Foundation Analysis Method(CFAM) which is much more simple than EPM. In consequence of comparing the analysis results of CFAM with those of EPM and Finite Element Method, proposed equations are very good in their usages and accuracies.
By using these theory we can easily calculate shear force and moment in critical section, and enhance the ease of design. Equations suggested in this study can review failures by moment or shear force in critical section. But, it can't review moment and shear force in whole section. Therefore, additional study is needed to make these equations applicable in whole section.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2013. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Do Han
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 풍력특성화협동과정
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구배경 1
2. 연구목적 2
3. 연구내용 3
Ⅱ. 풍력발전기 기초설계 기준 4
1. 해상풍력발전기 설계기준 4
1) 해상풍력발전기의 설계 과정 4
2) 외부조건과 하중조합 6
(1) 외부조건 6
(2) 하중조합 8
3) 해외 설계기준 10
(1) IEC 61400-3 11
(2) DNV-OS-J101 12
(3) GL Guideline 13
Ⅲ. 층상암반구조의 기초해석 15
1. 이론적 배경 및 내용 15
2. 기초 이론 17
1) 탄성평판기초해석법 17
2) 원형기초해석법 21
Ⅳ. 등가유효폭(반경)을 이용한 기초 해석 23
1. 탄성평판기초해석의 조건 23
1) 탄성평판해석(Hetenyi식)에 의한 결과 24
2) 두께와 지반반력계수에 의한 영향 비교 26
2. 원형기초해석을 위한 등가유효폭(반경) 제안 28
1) 등가유효폭(반경)과 영향변수 28
2) 등가유효폭(반경)의 결정 30
2) 전단력에 대한 검토 34
Ⅴ. 유한요소법(F.E.M.)에 의한 비교 40
1. 유한요소법과 모델링 40
2. 유한요소해석 결과 41
3. 탄성평판기초해석과 유한요소해석 비교 42
Ⅵ. 결론 44
참고문헌 45
감사의 글 46
제주대학교 대학원
김도한. (2013). 풍력발전기 말뚝기초의 층상 암반 해석
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Interdisciplinary Programs > Multidisciplinary Graduate School Program for Wind Energy
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