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LTE 기반의 All-IP 버스정보시스템에 관한 연구

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In this thesis, the bus information system(BIS) is suggested for Jeju-do. This is ALL-IP BIS based on LTE, which is included a information delivery system for passenger, a bus routes guide system, and communication protocol in the system.
The information delivery system for passenger is designed to offer bus courses, video of city news, and informations of weather and disaster in real-time, this system is connected with LTE modem through Wi-Fi. Also, when the communication is disconnected with the bus information center, this devise is able to find its location independently by using GPS, and to indicate the position and to provide information of the next bus stop. Route guide system is installed to the front as well as the back and the side. It has LED display system and to be controlled by the same signal. For this, it is composed to enable information display command by using RS-232C. Also, operation information of bus is managed at the center. The server system in the center is designed for communication network expansion and capacity addition, reflect allowance rate of 50%. Communication between the center and the device on the field is bidirectional in real-time, and automated management system is introduced and designed to enable surveillance and control in real-time. The network between the center and the bus stop information device is duplex, wired and mobile communication method, and the communication method between the center and bus is of LTE. The each devices in vehicle have Wi-Fi module, connect through Wi-Fi. In this system, the public transportation information exchange technology protocol are applied.
The system that it was proposed by this thesis would be able to be used for bus information system in Jeju-do conveniently from now on.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2014. 2
제주대학교 산업대학원
산업대학원 통신공학과
金 興 洙
Table Of Contents
요약 1
Ⅰ. 서론 3
Ⅱ. 버스정보시스템 5
1. 지능형교통체계 5
2. 버스정보시스템 적용 통신기술 8
3. TRS 기반의 제주 버스정보시스템 20
Ⅲ. LTE 기반의 ALL-IP 버스정보시스템 27
1. LTE 기술 27
2. ALL-IP 네트워크 34
3. 제주 버스정보시스템 서비스 발전방향 35
Ⅳ. 제주 버스정보시스템 38
1. 제주 버스정보시스템의 현장 인프라 38
2. LTE 기반의 ALL-IP 시스템 39
3. 시스템 구축에 따른 효과 44
Ⅴ. 결론 45
참고문헌 46
부록 48
제주대학교 산업대학원
현규남. (2014). LTE 기반의 All-IP 버스정보시스템에 관한 연구
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Graduate School of Industry > Telecommunication Engineering
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