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濟州道와 江原道의 落雷特性 및 風力發電機에의 影響 比較

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An investigation on lightning characteristics and damage to wind turbines was performed over Jeju province and Gangwon province. Lightning data from January 2010 to September 2013 was collected from IMPACT ESP and analyzed in detail. The ranges analyzed for the two entire provinces were N33 06 ∼ N33 36 and E126 06 ∼ E127 00 for Jeju and N37 00 ∼ 37 50 and E128 01 ∼ E129 01 for Gangwon, respectively. The characteristics on hourly lightning occurrence, the occurrence by lightning grade, monthly and yearly lightning frequency by polarity and seasonal lightning frequency were analyzed for the entire ranges of Jeju and Gangwon.
In order to obtain lightning distribution throughout the two provinces, lightning maps over two provinces were drawn on the basis of lightning data. Furthermore Hankyung and Sungsan wind farms were selected in Jeju province and Taebaek, Changjuk, Taegisan and Gangwon wind farms were chosen in Gangwon province for characterizing them regarding lightning happened and damages to wind turbines. Lightning rate which means annual flashes per unit kilometer squared was calculated for assessing the six wind farms studied. Also, the damage data to wind turbines was collected on the six wind farms during the study period.
The result shows that lightning frequency varies with years in both provinces. Lightning occurred 63% on Jeju and 52% on Gangwon during night time, respectively. The trend of lightning occurrence by polarity was similar on the two provinces. Lightning frequency of Gangwon was higher than that of Jeju, while the lightning grade on Jeju was higher than that on Gangwon. Lightning frequency of Jeju was higher than that of Gangwon during autumn season, while lightning frequency of Gangwon was higher than that of Jeju during spring season. The two wind maps showed that Jeju had high number of lightning in the eastern region, while Gangwon displayed its high number of lightning in the western region. The lightning rates for the six wind farms were all under 5.0, which means Good according to the commercial S/W, WindPRO. The lightning frequency of two wind farms on Jeju are relatively lower than that of four wind farms on Gangwon so that no damage to wind turbines by lightning was found on Jeju, while some damage to wind turbines by lightning was detected on Gangwon.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2014. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Yang, Dal Seung
제주대학교 산업대학원
산업대학원 풍력공학과
高 炅 男
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론
1. 연구배경 1
2. 연구 동향 3
3. 연구 목적 5
Ⅱ. 낙뢰의 특성 및 연구방법 6
1. 낙뢰의 발생 원리 6
2. 풍력발전기의 낙뢰피해 일반 10
1) 뇌격시 풍력발전기의 피해양상 10
2) 풍력발전기에 서지발생 현상 및 종류 11
3) 외국의 풍력발전기 낙뢰 피해 사례 및 낙뢰방지 대책 비교 12
4) 연구 대상 풍력발전기 제작사별 풍력발전기 낙뢰 방지 대책 비교 17
3. 낙뢰 데이터 수집 및 해석 방법 23
1) 관측 장비 23
2) 분석 S/W 26
4. 연구 대상 지역 및 풍력단지 28
Ⅲ. 제주도와 강원도의 낙뢰 특성 비교 31
1. 제주도와 강원도의 낙뢰 특성
1) 낙뢰 특성 31
2) 낙뢰 지도 48
2. 제주도와 강원도의 풍력단지별 낙뢰율 비교 54
3. 제주도와 강원도의 낙뢰로 인한 풍력발전기 피해 기록 58
Ⅳ. 결론 63
참고문헌 65
제주대학교 산업대학원
양달승. (2014). 濟州道와 江原道의 落雷特性 및 風力發電機에의 影響 比較
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Graduate School of Industry > Wind Energy Engineering
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