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로컬푸드가 농업의 지속가능성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

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The purpose of this paper is to examine effects of local food direct sales on agriculture sustainability, focusing on the change of agricultural activities after the launch of direct sales. The research was conducted from the perspectives of the farmers who supply produce to local food stores.
The findings from literature review, preliminary research and case investigation were used to develop a questionnaire that yields data for analysis. Wanju was selected because it was known as an exemplary leader for having operated successful local food direct sales business.
As a method for situational analysis on the agricultural-activity change, quantitative and correlational analyses have been made. Their results are drawn on the following three different aspects of social, economic and environmental factors.
First, from the social perspective, relationships among farmers, consumers and communities are greater than previously reported. Besides, public opinion
on agriculture has been positively affected.
Second, the farming operation begins to generate profits due to the properly-priced local produce, which is a positive indicator of local economy.
Third, from the environmental perspective, the use of agricultural chemicals has been substantially reduced. More and more farmers are now turning to environmentally- friendly farming.
Fourth, it is shown that all social, economic and environmental factors have been demonstrated to be correlated with one another. Notably, a reduction in chemicals use was made possible by putting local farmers in close contact with their customers.
This study indicates that promotion of local food direct sales can overcome the challenges small-scale family farmers face today. Farmers will be able to secure stable market access and improve their income. By implementing the diversification strategy of producing a wider variety of products in smaller
quantity, they will need fewer chemicals for farming. The shortened distance between producers and customers will make contribution to building a stronger community as well.
It is true that most experts who discuss sustainable development in agriculture tend to pay more attention to economic and environmental factors and less attention to the formation of social trust. However, these research findings hint that close social relationships within a community as well as any offers of support may achieve sustainable agricultural development.
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2014. 2
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 농학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론1
1. 연구 배경과 목적1
2. 연구 방법3
Ⅱ. 로컬푸드 및 지속가능한 농업에 대한 이론적 고찰 4
1. 로컬푸드의 이론적 배경4
1) 로컬푸드의 개념 정의 4
2) 로컬푸드의 특성 6
3) 로컬푸드의 가치 7
4) 로컬푸드를 통한 지속가능한 농업사례7
2. 지속가능한 농업의 이론적 배경 14
1) 지속가능한 농업의 개념 정의14
2) 지속가능한 농업의 특성16
3) 지속가능한 농업의 가치17
4) 지속가능한 농업의 영역별 발전지표 18
3. 로컬푸드와 지속가능한 농업의 연관관계 분석21
1) 로컬푸드의 지속가능한 농업에 관한 선행연구 21
2) 로컬푸드와 지속가능한 농업의 연관관계 분석 및 지표 도출25
Ⅲ. 로컬푸드 생산자 실태조사28
1. 대상지 현황조사 28
1) 조사대상지의 인구 및 농업의 일반현황 28
2) 대상지 로컬푸드 관련 현황 29
3) 대상지 분석32
2. 로컬푸드 생산자 설문조사 34
1) 조사개요34
2) 설문지 구성35
3) 분석방법36
Ⅳ. 로컬푸드가 농업의 지속가능성에 미치는 영향에 관한 분석 37
1. 응답자의 일반적 특성37
2. 사회적 부문의 변화 39
1) 소비자와의 교류 현황 39
2) 생산자와의 교류 현황 41
3) 공동체 교류 현황42
4) 농업에 대한 의식구조 44
3. 경제적 부문의 변화 46
1) 농가수익구조 46
2) 농산물 가격 적정성49
4. 환경적 부문의 변화 51
5. 로컬푸드 지속가능성 영역의 상관관계 분석 56
1) 부문간 상관관계 분석 56
2) 분석결과56
6. 종합 분석60
Ⅴ. 결론 및 시사점 64
1. 연구결과 요약 64
2. 시사점67
참고문헌 69
제주대학교 대학원
배봉영. (2014). 로컬푸드가 농업의 지속가능성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
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General Graduate School > Agricultural Science
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