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식생지수 기법을 이용한 풍력자원지도 작성에 관한 연구

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Recently, many companies in the wind energy industry have been planning
for overseas expansion because of the slump in their own country. To do so,
these companies need to evaluate the feasibility of wind resources and wind
plants. We need baseline data like roughness length data, contour data and
wind data for the wind resource data.
In this study, land cover maps were created by remote sensing technique
with satellite images. Roughness length maps were created using land cover
maps. They are used as basic data to evaluate wind resources with wind
data and elevation data.
First, the Landsat TM images of 30m resolution were used to create land
cover maps. The K-means clustering technique and the NDVI technique were
applied to classify land-cover. The overall accuracy using K-means clustering
technique was 62.31%. The overall accuracy using NDVI technique was
72.44%. When comparing the K-means clustering technique and the NDVI
technique, the overall accuracy was increased about 10%.
Next, wind resource maps was created. Roughness length data, contour
data and the wind data for the wind resource map were required. To do this,
the land cover maps were applied to a majority filter by a leading study for
roughness length data. If the majority filter is used, the analysis gets faster
and an error happens decreases.
Then, the contour data were created by digital maps and wind data from
met-masts and AWSs. By using data calculated this way, the wind resource
map was made. The energy density data from Han-dong and Gu-jwa were
compared based on the wind resource map. As a result, we found that the
NDVI technique was very useful to calculate wind energy density in jeju.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2014. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Byun, Ji Seon
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 풍력특성화협동과정
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구 배경 및 목적 1
2. 연구 자료 및 방법 3
Ⅱ. 토지피복지도 작성 4
1. 원격탐사 4
2. 토지피복지도 작성 4
1) 연구자료 및 영역 4
(1) 연구자료 4
(2) 연구영역 6
2) 무감독 분류 6
(1) Sequential Clustering 기법 7
(2) K-means Clustering 기법 7
(3) ISODATA Clustering 기법 8
(4) 식생지수 기법 9
3) 토지피복지도 11
(1) 토지피복지도의 작성 11
(2) 토지피복지도의 정확도 평가 14
Ⅲ. 풍력자원지도 작성 16
1. 사용 자료 16
1) 지형 고도 자료 16
2) 토지피복지도를 이용한 지면조도 자료 14
3) 바람 자료 20
(1) AWS 20
(2) 풍황계측타워 22
2. 풍력자원지도 24
Ⅳ. 결론 30
참고문헌 32
제주대학교 대학원
변지선. (2014). 식생지수 기법을 이용한 풍력자원지도 작성에 관한 연구
Appears in Collections:
Interdisciplinary Programs > Multidisciplinary Graduate School Program for Wind Energy
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  • 공개 구분공개
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