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독특성 욕구와 추구혜택이 충동구매, 후회, 만족에 미치는 영향

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Chinese consumers show tendency to pursue brands which favor the confidence towards fashion in order to favor the fashion which presents the charm and image of one self. Particularly, young consumers are the essential consumers which have much interest in the fashion consumption in the way of self-expression or as one way of enjoying leisure. However, until now studies taking Chinese consumers as subjects or studies on the relation with the impulsive purchase are limited. Therefore, it is difficult to figure out the reasons of impulsive purchase and the relation with the purchase behaviorfor products with high impulsive purchase tendency like the fashion products. Accordingly, this study figured out the need for uniqueness pursued by the domestic enterprises entering into Chinese market for their leading the Chinese fashion market. It is aimed to promote the understanding of the purchase behavior derived from it and to provide basic data which are helpful for the Korean enterprises that attempt to enter into Chinese fashion market. In order to realize the purpose of this study, through the previous studies on the need for uniqueness of fashion products and benefits sought, impulsive purchase, regrets and satisfaction, theoretical research and empirical analysis for each concept were conducted. For the analysis, with the Chinese tourists visiting Korea as subjects, investigation was conducted in domestic airports and tourist spots. Through empirical analysis, the reliability and validity of each concept were verified and regression analysis was conducted in the hypothesis verification. The results of empirical analysis and strategic implications can be summarized as follows. First of all, the need for uniqueness was drawn into four factors which are the need for creation, the need for free expression, the need for differentiation and the need for universality avoidance. Secondly, benefits sought were drawn into three sub factors which are the pursuit of practicality, the pursuit of personality and the pursuit of dignity.
Thirdly, it is showed that Chinese consumers' need for uniqueness of fashion products had positive influence on the impulsive purchase.
Especially, in the Chinese consumers' need for uniqueness of fashion products, it is showed that the expression of personal image had significant influence on the impulsive purchase and that the person who has high tendency to express personal image would have more impulsive purchase.
Fourthly, it is showed that Chinese consumers' benefits sought of fashion products had positive influence on the impulsive purchase.
Especially, it is showed that the personality pursuit benefit had
positive influence on the impulsive purchase. Namely, it is showed that the person who pursues personality did better impulsive purchase than the person who pursues practicality or easiness.
Fifthly, it is showed that Chinese consumers' need for free
expression and dignity pursuit benefit of fashion products had positive influence on regrets. Accordingly, when Chinese consumers' purchase behavior for fashion products based on the need for free expression and dignity pursuit benefit, the possibilityto regret after purchase would be high and there was possibility to cause negative results like changing brand owing to dissatisfaction. Thus, when the marketing manager of fashion products has to do promotion activities like advertisements and publicity, consumers'need should be induced based on the pursuit of practicality and personal image creation benefit, differentiation benefit and universality avoidance benefit.
Sixthly, it is showed that Chinese consumers' need for personal image creation, the need for universality avoidance, practicality pursuit benefit and personality pursuit benefit of fashion products had positive influence on satisfaction. Therefore, even if Chinese fashion product consumers do impulsive purchase, in order to improve their satisfaction towards purchase behavior continuously, it is necessary to
emphasize the persuasion of the need for uniqueness like the need for personal imagecreation and the need for universality avoidance and the provision of the benefits which respect the practicality and personality.
Seventhly, it is showed that Chinese consumers' impulsive
purchase for fashion products didn't have influence on regrets, while it had positive influence on the satisfaction. Therefore, it is showed that the consumers with the need for personal image creation and the need for universality avoidance had high possibility to continue with satisfaction after impulsive purchase, while the consumers with the
need for free expression had high possibilityto continue with regrets after impulsive purchase. In addition, it can be considered that through the products, the consumerswho pursue practicality and personality had high possibility to continue with satisfaction after impulsive purchase, while the consumers who pursue dignity had high possibilityto continue with regrets after impulsive purchase. Even though they do impulsive purchase for fashion products as the results
showed, it means that the satisfaction increases when the need for uniqueness and benefits which the consumers pursue are clear. Thus, the enterprises which attempt to enter into Chinese fashion market should try to subdivide the market based on consumers' need for uniqueness of fashion products and the benefits sought from the purchase of fashion products.
Eighthly, it is showed that Chinese consumers' emotion of regrets were induced after the impulsive purchase for fashion products had positive influence on satisfaction. Therefore, even though impulsive purchase can be done, in order to improve the satisfaction after purchase, it is necessary to realize that there is no problem in the purchase. In terms of impulsive purchase, there is possibilityto cause negative emotion, so in the consumers' purchase process, it is
necessary to support the purchase decision for the right choice.
Ninthly, according to the characteristics of the respondents, as for the analysis results of differences in the main variables, it is showed that there was significant difference in the pursuit of dignity among the benefits sought by gender. Namely, males had significantly higher pursuit of dignity than the females. In this study, among the characteristics of the considered respondents, it is showed that the age was the unique variable related to impulsive purchase. It is showed that the person with lower age had strong tendency for
impulsive purchase. Even though there was no difference between the twenties and the thirties, there was significant difference among the
twenties, the thirties and the forties. Besides impulsive purchase, it is showed that the variables related to age had significant difference in the need for personal image creation, the pursuit of practicality and personality and the satisfaction. Namely, the lower the age was, the higher the measurement results were. According to the level of education and occupation existence, there was no significant difference in the main variables. The monthly average income showed
significant difference in the need for universality avoidance. Namely, the less the income was, the higher the need for universality avoidance was.
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2014. 2
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제주대학교 대학원
대학원 경영학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구 방법 및 논문의 구성 4
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 5
1. 중국 패션제품 시장 특성 5
1) 중국 패션산업의 전개 5
2) 중국 패션산업의 발전 및 시장변화 6
3) 중국 패션제품 시장의 특성 9
4) 중국 패션제품 소비자의 쇼핑성향 10
2. 독특성 욕구 12
1) 소비자 독특성 욕구의 개념 12
2) 소비자 독특성 욕구의 구성개념 14
3) 패션제품과 소비자 독특성 욕구 15
3. 추구혜택 18
1) 추구혜택의 정의 및 유형 18
2) 패션제품의 추구혜택 21
4. 충동구매 24
1) 충동구매의 개념 및 의사결정모형 24
2) 충동구매의 영향요인 27
3) 충동구매 후 소비자 평가 27
5. 구매 후 행동 29
1) 후회 29
2) 만족 32
Ⅲ. 연구 방법 38
1. 연구모형 및 가설 설정 38
1) 독특성 욕구와 충동구매와의 관계 38
2) 추구혜택과 충동구매와의 관계 39
3) 충동구매와 후회 및 만족과의 관계 40
4) 독특성 욕구와 후회와의 관계 40
5) 독특성 욕구와 만족과의 관계 41
6) 추구혜택과 후회와의 관계 42
7) 추구혜택과 만족과의 관계 43
8) 후회와 만족과의 관계 44
2. 조사 방법 45
1) 변수의 조작적 정의 및 측정 45
2) 조사 설계 50
3) 설문의 구성 51
3. 분석 방법 52
Ⅳ. 실증 연구 53
1. 응답자의 특성 53
2. 측정도구의 타당성 및 신뢰성 54
1) 신뢰도 및 타당성 분석 54
2) 상관관계분석 61
3. 연구가설의 검증 63
1) 독특성 욕구가 충동구매에 미치는 영향 63
2) 추구혜택이 충동구매에 미치는 영향 63
3) 독특성 욕구가 후회 및 만족에 미치는 영향 64
4) 추구혜택이 후회 및 만족에 미치는 영향 65
5) 충동구매가 후회 및 만족에 미치는 영향 66
4. 응답자 특성에 따른 변수의 차이 분석 69
1) 성별에 따른 차이 분석 69
2) 연령에 따른 차이 분석 70
3) 학력에 따른 차이 분석 71
4) 직업유무에 따른 차이 분석 72
5) 소득에 따른 차이 분석 73
Ⅴ. 결론 75
1. 연구결과의 요약 및 시사점 75
2. 연구의 한계점 및 향후 연구과제 78
참고문헌 79
부록 1. 설문지 93
부록 2. 설문지(중국어) 98
제주대학교 대학원
袁麗娜. (2014). 독특성 욕구와 추구혜택이 충동구매, 후회, 만족에 미치는 영향
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