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디즈니 애니메이션 『판타지아』를 응용한 음악스토리텔링 스토리북 개발

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음악은 슬픈 영혼의 보약이다. (Max Wade-Matthews & WendyThompson, p.12.) 로버트 버턴(Robert Burton)이 그의 저서 『우울의 해부』에서 언급한 말로 음악의 정의를 잘 함축하고 있다. 이처럼 음악의 존재의미가 인간 정신에 기여하고 삶을 긍정하는 데 있다면 음악스토리텔링은 음악의 기능을 확산시키는 수단이다.
인간은 저마다 직면하는 삶의 현상에 의문을 품고 그 답을 구하면서 삶의 질을 향상시켜왔다. 오늘날 우리는 음악과 밀접한 환경에서 살면서 음악이 우리 삶과 어떤 관련이 있는지 의문을 갖게 된다. 본 논문에서는 그 답을 음악스토리텔링이라는 수단을 통해 살펴보고 연구의 결과물로 음악스토리텔링 스토리북을 개발함으로써 음악스토리텔링의 긍정적 활용방안을 제시한다. 이 과정에서 우선핵심용어의 개념 정리와 음악스토리텔링의 요소가 되는 이론적 근거 세가지를 짚어본다. 그 중 하나는 음악 자체의 내러티브다. 음악 생성 과정에 담긴 작곡의도로부터 이야기를 찾아내거나 새로운 이야기로 재가공 되어 전달되는 것이다. 다음은 인간의 뇌 현상과 직결된 공감각 현상이다. 음악을 들으면서 일으키는 인체 내의 복합작용 중 하나이며 그로 인해 풍부한 이야기가 만들어진다. 끝으로 음악에 담긴 자연모방 요소이다. 인간의 생명활동에서 발전한 음악은 창작과정에서 환경과 행동양식, 자연현상 등을 모방해왔으며 그 모방내용을 감상자가 각자의 방식으로 다시 복원하여 가치 있는 이야기를 취해 공유하게 된다.
사례 연구로는, 대사가 없다는 점에서 음악스토리텔링 연구에 매우 매력적인 디즈니 애니메이션 의 창작 배경과 역사적 의의를 살피고 그 작품에 실린 8곡의 내러티브를 분석했다.
최종 연구결과물로, 움직이는 그림을 보고 이야기를 만든 스토리북,『올림푸스의 하루』를 개발했다. 이 작업은 어린이용 그림동화로 의 8 개 에피소드 중 베토벤 교향곡 『전원』의 영상으로부터 스토리를 추출하고 음악을 들으면서 추가되는 상상력으로 살을 입힌 개작형식의 이야기책이다. 음악스토리텔링의 한 방법으로 시도한 이 결과물이 사회교육 차원에서 다양한 분야에 응용되길 바란다. 가정이나 공공교육현장에서의 감성교육 교재는 물론 어린이음악교육 교재개발의 모델로, 나아가 오늘날 부상하는 팟케스트에 기반한 클래식 동화방송 등에 실용화될 가능성도 기대한다.
끝으로 음악스토리텔링의 활성화를 통해 음악예술의 저변 확대에 기여하길 바라며 사회적 인식의 변화와 함께 정부, 공공기관, 기업, 학계에서의 구체적 활용방안을 위해 대한 향후 과제를 제안한다.
Robert Burton1)said in his book "Music is a tonic to the saddened soul."(Max Wade-Matthews & Wendy Thompson, p.12.)It connotes the definition of music well. If music is meaningful for affirming the human life and
contributes to human spirit, MUSIC STORYTELLING is"telling""story" with music as its theme or its materials which function to diffuse the music. Human beings have been improving the quality of life through the seeking answers to the question about the facing phenomenon of life or unsolved problem of their environment. Despite we live in an environment surrounding the music very closely, we have rare opportunity to consider which element of music impacts our lives and the music is such a force.
This thesis is aimed to take advantage of the practical use more positively through the development storybook and the study function of music storytelling. Also, it is expected to be a way of boosting up the public interest. On this process, I look into three theoretical aspects of the music
One of them, music itself has a sort of narrative which contains on the process of compose, performance, appreciation and they are also called music storytelling that we discover and improve the story from the music.
Next, music storytelling has relevance to synesthesia connected human brain. It is one of the complex working inside our body during the appreciation the music and it makes rich stories.
Finally, there is a natural mimic elements, so call "harnessed" in the music which has been developed in human life. It has been imitated nature and human act. So music storytelling has function in the process of taking
the value by recovering a sort of story from the music.
For the case study in this thesis, Disney is analyzed its narrative within the historical background and creative music storytelling. In terms of nonspeaking movie, it is really attractive object as a storytelling model. Each step on the researching process is meaningful for the theoretical basis and the value of materials on the developing storybook production as the result of this thesis.
In particular, this study shows the developmental models of a storybook which is created for elementary school children. This is a fairy tale book which is a kind of Retold story through giving the vivid shape from nonspeaking animation. It is embodied by musical imagination based on the narratives inside music itself, synesthesia, and imitation of nature including human act. This storybook titled 『A day of Village Olympus 』contains illustrations which are also from 『Pastoral』 out of .
As the conclusion the result of this thesis, the storybook is expected to contribute to our social education including home education with family, public education field, as the material of music & verbal literature education, especially emotional education for children and the possibility in Pod cast as broadcasting classical music story. This thesis is kind of stimulating people on music storytelling. It aims to be useful and helpful positively to our society with enhancement the effect of music. For the sake of it, I make few suggestions in various areas; Government, public institutions, businesses, as well as future challenges for the change of the social recognition. Music storytelling will provide its good methods.
unsolved problem of their environment. Despite we live in an environment surrounding the music very closely, we have rare opportunity to consider which element of music impacts our lives and the music is such a force.
This thesis is aimed to take advantage of the practical use more positively through the development storybook and the study function of music storytelling. Also, it is expected to be a way of boosting up the public interest. On this process, I look into three theoretical aspects of the music
One of them, music itself has a sort of narrative which contains on the process of compose, performance, appreciation and they are also called music storytelling that we discover and improve the story from the music.
Next, music storytelling has relevance to synesthesia connected human brain. It is one of the complex working inside our body during the appreciation the music and it makes rich stories.
Finally, there is a natural mimic elements, so call "harnessed" in the music which has been developed in human life. It has been imitated nature and human act. So music storytelling has function in the process of taking
the value by recovering a sort of story from the music.
For the case study in this thesis, Disney is analyzed its narrative within the historical background and creative music storytelling. In terms of nonspeaking movie, it is really attractive object as a storytelling model. Each step on the researching process is meaningful for the theoretical basis and the value of materials on the developing storybook production as the result of this thesis.
In particular, this study shows the developmental models of a storybook which is created for elementary school children. This is a fairy tale book which is a kind of Retold story through giving the vivid shape from nonspeaking animation. It is embodied by musical imagination based on the narratives inside music itself, synesthesia, and imitation of nature including human act. This storybook titled 『A day of Village Olympus 』contains illustrations which are also from 『Pastoral』 out of .
As the conclusion the result of this thesis, the storybook is expected to contribute to our social education including home education with family, public education field, as the material of music & verbal literature education, especially emotional education for children and the possibility in Pod cast as broadcasting classical music story. This thesis is kind of stimulating people on music storytelling. It aims to be useful and helpful positively to our society with enhancement the effect of music. For the sake of it, I make few suggestions in various areas; Government, public institutions, businesses, as well as future challenges for the change of the social recognition. Music storytelling will provide its good methods.
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2014. 2
제주대학교 사회교육대학원
사회교육대학원 스토리텔링학과
Table Of Contents
I. 서론 3
1. 연구 배경 및 목적 3
1)연구 배경 3
2)연구 목적 3
2. 연구 방법 및 범위 5
1)연구 방법 5
2)연구 범위와 제한점 5
II. 음악스토리텔링의 개념과 근거 6
1. 스토리텔링의 개념 6
2. 음악스토리텔링의 개념 10
3. 음악스토리텔링의 이론적 근거 12
1)음악의 내러티브13
2)공감각(Synesthesia) 14
3)음악의 자연 모방 18
III. 음악스토리텔링의 사례 분석 20
1. 탄생 배경 20
2. 의 역사적 가치 22
1)세계 최초의 고전음악 애니메이션 22
2)세계 최초의 판타사운드 도입 22
3)독보적인 미키마우징(Mickymousing) 기법 세계 최초 도입 23
4)애니메이션 장르를 예술적 경지로 승화시킨 기념비적 작품 23
5)세계 최초의 초대형 콘서트 영화 23
6)전세계 애니메이터들의 이정표 24
7)전후 세계인들에게 음악치료의 견인차 24
8)음악스토리텔링 대중화의 기폭제 24
3. 의 수록곡 내러티브 분석 25
1)토카타와 푸가(Toccata & Fugue In D Minor) 26
2)호두까기 인형 조곡(The Nutcracker Suite) 27
3)마법사와 제자(The Sorcerer's Apprentice) 29
4)봄의 제전(The Rite Of Spring) 32
5)교향곡 제6번 전원 Op. 68(The Pastoral Symphony) 33
6)시간의 춤(Dance Of The Hours) 36
7)민둥산의 밤(Night On Bald Mountain) 37
8)아베마리아(Ave Maria) 38
4. 의 파생 스토리북 사례 39
IV. 스토리북 개발 44
1. 스토리북 『올림푸스의 하루 제작 노트 44
1)스토리북 개발 개요 44
2)챕터별 이야기 구성 46
3)작품 개요 47
2. 개발 결과물-스토리북 『올림푸스의 하루 49
V. 결론 85
1. 의미 85
2. 과제 87
참고문헌 91
Abstract 94
제주대학교 사회교육대학원
이재향. (2014). 디즈니 애니메이션 『판타지아』를 응용한 음악스토리텔링 스토리북 개발
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Graduate School of Social Education > Storytelling
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