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단면증대 무근 콘크리트 기둥의 성능평가

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Recently, the needs for structural remodeling, which include the change and move of structural elements, have increased in Korea. This induce the increasing axial capacities of vertical elements like column and wall. A method for increasing axial capacity is very limited, and RC jacketing method is used widely in Korea. One of the biggest problems of this kind of elements are cracking of repair material, and repair material debonding from the concrete substrate. There are few researches about mechanisms and characteristics bond between existing concrete and repair materials. This mainly due to the lack of understanding and guide lines of the surface roughness of substrate.
This study quantified the surface roughness of the chipped specimen by using self-made measurement jig for measuring surface profile, and compression test for non-reinforced concrete columns. Experimental values are the ratio of the area between retrofitted column and existing column, and the preparation of surface roughness. The ratios (area of retrofitted column / area of existing column) are 2.25 and 4, and the surfaces are chipped (hand-chipped and electric – hammer - chipped) and non-chipped. The conclusion is as follows.
(1) The analysis of the surface roughness profile through the instrument shows that the Arithmetic mean deviation, maximum height and relative height are almost similar but there exists poor correlation between the profile length and the average mean period of profile roughness.
(2) The comparison of the maximum load shows that the axial performance decreased by 15% maximum compared to the expected maximum load under the RC jacketing method and the maximum strength of chipped specimens increased by about 4% compared to the case non-chipped specimens.
(3) The comparison of the correlation between 5 surface roughness indexes (Arithmetic mean deviation, maximum height, relative height of profile length and mean period of profile roughness) and the maximum strength through the linear trend analysis shows that the profile length and the maximum strength is 0.26, much larger than the other surface roughness index (0.057 - 0.138), meaning that the profile length holds the largest correlation with the roughness ability of the member under the axial load.
(4) The horizontal expansion appeared based on the Poisson ratio by the elastic movement up to 40% of the maximum load. Then, it depended on the internal damage and cracks of the specimen and the distortion rate by the vertical expansion dramatically increased around 80% of the maximum load.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2014. 8
산업대학원 건축공학과
Table Of Contents
제 1 장 연구배경 및 목적 1
1.1 연구의 배경 1
1.2 연구의 내용 5
1.3 연구의 목적 6

제 2 장 기존연구 고찰 7
2.1 표면거칠기 관련 연구 7
2.2 단면증대 부재 관련 연구 11
2.3 기존연구와의 차별성 13
2.4 단면증대 보강사례 14
2.4.1 기둥의 단면증대 보강사례 14
2.4.2 현행 기존단면증대공법의 소요비용 17

제 3 장 콘크리트 표면거칠기의 평가 19
3.1 표면거칠기의 정량화 19
3.1.1 KS기준의 규격 19
3.1.2 정의 및 기호 20
3.1.3 기존연구에서 표면거칠기의 정량화 24
3.1.4 본 연구에 적용한 거칠기 지표 25
3.2 표면거칠기 측정 27
3.2.1 표면거칠기 측정기 제작 27
3.2.2 표면거칠기 측정결과 30

제 4 장 단면증대 무근콘크리트기둥의 성능평가 34
4.1 실험 계획 34
4.1.1 실험 변수 34
4.1.2 실험체 제작 35
4.1.3 배합 설계(재료) 37
4.1.4 계측 계획 38
4.2 원형공시체의 거동분석 39
4.2.1 압축압축하에서 콘크리트의 거동 고찰 39
4.2.2 일축압축하에서 보강된 원형공시체의 기계적 특성 42
4.3 단면증대된 짧은기둥의 거동 특성 45
4.3.1 실험 방법 45
4.3.2 최대하중 분석 46
4.3.3 거칠기에 따른 축성능 분석 49
4.3.4 변형률 분석 53
4.3.5 파괴양상비교 (응력전달과 계면) 55

제 5 장 결론 및 향후과제 57
5.1 요약 및 결론 57
5.2 향후과제 58
참 고 문 헌 59
부 록 61
제주대학교 산업대학원
김윤희. (2014). 단면증대 무근 콘크리트 기둥의 성능평가
Appears in Collections:
Graduate School of Industry > Architectural Engineering
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